Karibasy predstawljajut: Modern Dub Selection
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Na fone sowremennoj pop-musykalnoj kultury KaribAsy - odin is tech nemnogich rossijskich Dub-proektow, gde twortscheskaja sowest sotschetajutsja so stremleniem neprerywno sowerschenstwowat sobstwennoe masterstwo.
1. The Lilly Dub - Dschumbo Lejer
2. Dutchie Pot Dub - Teacha
3. Solstice - Hallucinogen
4. Evel Doers - Gargoyles
5. Gamma Goblins - Hallucinogen
6. David & Goliaph Dub - DJ Alpha, "Omega"
7. Rough Riddims A Go Round - Zion Train
8. Brothers & Sisters - The Butch Cassidy Sound System
9. Step It Up - Den Donowan, Scientis
10. Look A Boom - Dschon Tonks, I Roy , Winston Blissett
11. Thievery Dub - Tribal Drift, DJ Andy B
12. Temper Dub - Menasseh
13. Scilly Automatic - "OTT"