Kazaky. The hills chronicles
mehr als 5 auf Lager
Debjutnyj albom "The Hills Chronicles” prines ukrainskomu bojs-bendu KAZAKY mirowuju slawu. Epataschnyj kwartet ismenil predstawlenie o kasakach, smeniw assoziazii schabli i scharowarow na wysokie kabluki i neprewsojdennye choreografitscheskie postanowki. Ich klipy sobirajut na youtube milliony prosmotrow, potomu tschto KAZAKY odin is tech kollektiwow, kotoryj nuschno ne tolko sluschat, no i objasatelno smotret!
Treklist debjutnogo alboma sostoit is 14 komposizij, w tom tschisle singly "Last Night", "In The Middle" i "Love", stawschie nastojaschtschimi chitami wo wsem mire.
Albom "The Hills Chronicles” - eto katschestwennaja tanzewalnaja pop-musyka mirowogo urownja.
1. Secret Mission
2. Crazy Law
3. Doesn't Matter
4. Touch Me
5. Magic Pie
6. Barcelona (Stage Rockers Remix)
7. In The Middle (Stage Rockers Remix)
8. Crazy Law (DJ V1t & Leo Burn Remix)
9. Crazy Law (DJ V1t & Allen Heinz Remix)
10. Touch Me (DJ Shtopor & DJ V1t Remix)
11. Touch Me (DJ V1t & Allen Heinz Remix)
12. Doesn't Matter (Light)