To The Glory of God. The Konevets Quartet Sings in New Valamo Monastery (Slawa w wyschnich Bogu. Konewez Kwartet poet w Nowo-Walaamskom monastyre)
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Recorded in the Church of the Transfiguration of Christ, New Valamo, with the blessing of Archimandrite Sergei on 21-25th May 2005
1. Bells (Monk Viktor)
2. The Sticheron of the Litiia for the Transfiguration of Christ
3. Our Father / Kedrov
4. The Good Thief / Burmagin
5. Having Fallen Asleep in the Flesh / Znamenny chant, arr. Glazunov
6. Arise O God / Psalm 82, Bulgarian 17th century ancient chant*
7. Hail Mary, Mother of God / Kartalian-Kahetian chant
8. The Angel Cried unto Thee / Valaam monastery chant, arr. Balakirev
9. The Kontakion of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary / Golovanov
10. Bless the Lord, my Soul / Psalm 104, Greek chant, arr. Kedrov
11. It Is Truly Meet / Tsar Feodor
12. Praise the Name of the Lord / Glinski monastery chant
13. The Gates of Repentance / chant of the Lviv monastery
14. Blessed Are Those You Choose / Lvovsky
15. The Kontakion of Saint Nicholas / Golovanov
16. Now the Powers of Heaven / Valaam monastery chant, arr. Dmitriev
17. Glory to God in the Highest / Znamenny chant, arr. Nikolsky
18. We Hymn Thee / Golovanov
19. Holy God / Valaam monastery chant, arr. Dmitriev
20. Let My Prayer Arise / Greek chant, Nilov monastery chant
21. The Good thief / Taneev
22. Praise the Lord from the Heavens / Psalm 148, Cesnokov
23. Magnification of Epiphany / Serbian chant, arr. Ruzanov
24. Lo, Praise the Lord / Ippolitov-Ivanov
25. O my Soul / Egorov
26. Ave Verum / Mozart
27. Valaam, the Wondrous Island / Valaam monastery Hymn
*No 6 decoded by Ekaterina Smirnova