Praise to the Holy Mother of God. Hymns of the Russian Orthodox Church (Pohvala Presvyatoj Bogoroditse. Pesnopeniya Russkoj Pravoslavnoj TSerkvi)
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Format: Audio CD
Genre: Folkmusik > Religiöse Musik
1. The Most Holy Theotokos
2. It is truly meet
3. Queen of the Heavenly Host
4. Pre-eternal counsel
5. Hail, o Virgin, Birth-Giver of God
6. It is truly meet
7. Our Saviour visited us from above
8. Rejoice, Joachim and Ann
9. Zadostoinik, (Hymn to the Theotokos, replaces “It is truly meet…”)
10. The tomb and death
11. Zadostoinik from the Service of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos
12. It is truly meet
13. Under Your mercy we resort, Virgin
14. Now the Russian Land
15. Be ready, the most honest city of Moscow
16. You are the Patroness to everyone, oh the Blessed
17. Magnification to the Konev Ikon of the Mother God
18. Joy of the heavenly hierarchies
19. Oh, marvelous wonder!
20. Today as the most Lighted Sun
21. The house of Ephrathah
22. The Patroness of Christian mankind electing from all kind
23. O, Mother Whom all men sing
24. Mother of God, Thy sweet voice
25. Entrust me not to the help of man
26. Anybody don’t please You, exceedingly Holy Virgin
27. Pre-eternal counsel
28. In thee rejoiceth
29. The Most High than the Heavens
The Male choir of the “Valaam” Institute for Choral Art
Total time 76:57
1. Presvyataya Bogoroditse, spasi nas
2. Dostojno est
3. Vzbrannoj Voevode
4. Sovet prevechnyj
5. Bogoroditse devo, radujsya
6. Dostojno est
7. Svyshe prorotsy Tya predvozvestisha Otrokovitse
8. Radujtesya, Ioakime i Anno
9. Zadostojnik
10. V molitvah neusypayuschuyu Bogoroditsu
11. Zadostojnik Sluzhby Uspeniya Presvyatoj Bogoroditsy
12. Dostojno est
13. Pod Tvoyu milost
14. Nyne strana Rossijskaya
15. Gotovisya, vsechestnyj grade Moskva
16. Vsem predstatelstvueshi, Blagaya
17. Velichanie Konevskoj ikone Bozhiej Materi
18. Nebesnyya sily raduyutsya
19. O, preslavnago chudes
20. Dnes, yako solntse presvetloe
21. Dome Evfrafov
22. Izbrannoe ot vseh rodov Zastupnitse
23. O, vsepetaya Mati
24. O, Sladkago Tvoego glasa
25. Ne vveri mya chelovecheskomu predstatelstvu
26. Kto Tebe ne ublazhit, Presvyataya Devo
27. Sovet prevechnyj
28. O Tebe raduetsya
29. Vyshnuyu Nebes
Muzhskoj Hor Instituta Pevcheskoj Kultury "Valaam". Dirizher - Igor Ushakov.
Obschee vremya 76:57
2. It is truly meet
3. Queen of the Heavenly Host
4. Pre-eternal counsel
5. Hail, o Virgin, Birth-Giver of God
6. It is truly meet
7. Our Saviour visited us from above
8. Rejoice, Joachim and Ann
9. Zadostoinik, (Hymn to the Theotokos, replaces “It is truly meet…”)
10. The tomb and death
11. Zadostoinik from the Service of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos
12. It is truly meet
13. Under Your mercy we resort, Virgin
14. Now the Russian Land
15. Be ready, the most honest city of Moscow
16. You are the Patroness to everyone, oh the Blessed
17. Magnification to the Konev Ikon of the Mother God
18. Joy of the heavenly hierarchies
19. Oh, marvelous wonder!
20. Today as the most Lighted Sun
21. The house of Ephrathah
22. The Patroness of Christian mankind electing from all kind
23. O, Mother Whom all men sing
24. Mother of God, Thy sweet voice
25. Entrust me not to the help of man
26. Anybody don’t please You, exceedingly Holy Virgin
27. Pre-eternal counsel
28. In thee rejoiceth
29. The Most High than the Heavens
The Male choir of the “Valaam” Institute for Choral Art
Total time 76:57
1. Presvyataya Bogoroditse, spasi nas
2. Dostojno est
3. Vzbrannoj Voevode
4. Sovet prevechnyj
5. Bogoroditse devo, radujsya
6. Dostojno est
7. Svyshe prorotsy Tya predvozvestisha Otrokovitse
8. Radujtesya, Ioakime i Anno
9. Zadostojnik
10. V molitvah neusypayuschuyu Bogoroditsu
11. Zadostojnik Sluzhby Uspeniya Presvyatoj Bogoroditsy
12. Dostojno est
13. Pod Tvoyu milost
14. Nyne strana Rossijskaya
15. Gotovisya, vsechestnyj grade Moskva
16. Vsem predstatelstvueshi, Blagaya
17. Velichanie Konevskoj ikone Bozhiej Materi
18. Nebesnyya sily raduyutsya
19. O, preslavnago chudes
20. Dnes, yako solntse presvetloe
21. Dome Evfrafov
22. Izbrannoe ot vseh rodov Zastupnitse
23. O, vsepetaya Mati
24. O, Sladkago Tvoego glasa
25. Ne vveri mya chelovecheskomu predstatelstvu
26. Kto Tebe ne ublazhit, Presvyataya Devo
27. Sovet prevechnyj
28. O Tebe raduetsya
29. Vyshnuyu Nebes
Muzhskoj Hor Instituta Pevcheskoj Kultury "Valaam". Dirizher - Igor Ushakov.
Obschee vremya 76:57
101000001299 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2003 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russian Lyre, |