The Valaam monastery chants (Raspevy Valaamskogo Monastyrya) (2008)
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Format: Audio CD
Genre: Folkmusik > Religiöse Musik
Die Ausgabe enthält ein 12-seitigen Booklet mit Fotografien und zusätzlichen Informationen auf Englisch und Russisch.
1. He Who Illuminated the Whole Universe With His Light
2. Praise the Holy Cloister
3. The City of God
4. It Is Truly Meet
5. At the Moleben Prayer Service to the Most Holy Theotokos
6. The Voice of the Archangel
7. Hail, O Virgin, Birth-Giver of God
8. O, Beautiful Island Valaam!
9. Under Thy Shelter
10. Heirmos of the 5th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Mother of God
11. Heirmos of the 6th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Mother of God
12. Heirmos of the 8th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Mother of God
13. Good Creator, The Source Of Light…
14. Troparion of the Resurrection canon
15. Troparion of the Great Evening
16. Troparion of the Great Evening
17. Old Valaam
18. Our Evening Prayer
19. Open Unto Me… The Gates Of Repentance
20. The Holy community Verse
21. Troparion. Ton 3.
22. The Cloister Chosen by God
23. Heirmos of the 5th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
24. Heirmos of the 9th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
25. Do Take the Body of Christ,…
26. Praise the St. John Chrysostom
27. Sticheron of the Holy Easter service
1. Ije Svetom Svoim…
2. Slav'sya, svetisya, obitel' chestnaya!
3. Dome Efrafov.
4. Dostoino est'.
5. Vse upovanie moe na Tya vozlagayu.
6. Arhangel'skii glas.
7. Bogorodice devo, raduisya…
8. O, divnyi ostrov Valaam!
9. Pod pokrov tvoi, Vladychice…
10. Senno pisannyi mrak gadanii razoriv.
11. Ko Gospodu ot kita Ioana vozopi…
12. V peshi otrochestei…
13. Tvorec blagii, Istochnik sveta…
14. Na kameni mya very utverdiv.
15. Mnogaya mnojestva moih, Bogorodice, pregreshenii…
16. Gospodi, asche ne byhom svyatyya Tvoya…
17. Staryi Valaam.
18. Vechernyaya nasha molitvy…
19. Pokayaniya otverzi mi dveri…
20. Blagoslovlyu Gospoda…
21. Bog Gospod'…
22. Bogoizbrannaya obitel'!
23. Otreblajennoe drevo…
24. Snediyu dreva rodu prebyvshaya smert'.
25. Telo Hristovo priimite.
26. Edin Svyat…
27. Hvala tebe, obitel' slavy!
28. Ust Tvoih…
29. Pasha krasnaya…
1. He Who Illuminated the Whole Universe With His Light
2. Praise the Holy Cloister
3. The City of God
4. It Is Truly Meet
5. At the Moleben Prayer Service to the Most Holy Theotokos
6. The Voice of the Archangel
7. Hail, O Virgin, Birth-Giver of God
8. O, Beautiful Island Valaam!
9. Under Thy Shelter
10. Heirmos of the 5th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Mother of God
11. Heirmos of the 6th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Mother of God
12. Heirmos of the 8th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Mother of God
13. Good Creator, The Source Of Light…
14. Troparion of the Resurrection canon
15. Troparion of the Great Evening
16. Troparion of the Great Evening
17. Old Valaam
18. Our Evening Prayer
19. Open Unto Me… The Gates Of Repentance
20. The Holy community Verse
21. Troparion. Ton 3.
22. The Cloister Chosen by God
23. Heirmos of the 5th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
24. Heirmos of the 9th song of the canon for the Service of the Nativity of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
25. Do Take the Body of Christ,…
26. Praise the St. John Chrysostom
27. Sticheron of the Holy Easter service
1. Ije Svetom Svoim…
2. Slav'sya, svetisya, obitel' chestnaya!
3. Dome Efrafov.
4. Dostoino est'.
5. Vse upovanie moe na Tya vozlagayu.
6. Arhangel'skii glas.
7. Bogorodice devo, raduisya…
8. O, divnyi ostrov Valaam!
9. Pod pokrov tvoi, Vladychice…
10. Senno pisannyi mrak gadanii razoriv.
11. Ko Gospodu ot kita Ioana vozopi…
12. V peshi otrochestei…
13. Tvorec blagii, Istochnik sveta…
14. Na kameni mya very utverdiv.
15. Mnogaya mnojestva moih, Bogorodice, pregreshenii…
16. Gospodi, asche ne byhom svyatyya Tvoya…
17. Staryi Valaam.
18. Vechernyaya nasha molitvy…
19. Pokayaniya otverzi mi dveri…
20. Blagoslovlyu Gospoda…
21. Bog Gospod'…
22. Bogoizbrannaya obitel'!
23. Otreblajennoe drevo…
24. Snediyu dreva rodu prebyvshaya smert'.
25. Telo Hristovo priimite.
26. Edin Svyat…
27. Hvala tebe, obitel' slavy!
28. Ust Tvoih…
29. Pasha krasnaya…
101000016858 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Format |
Album, Jewel Case |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
IMLab |