Russian Military Songs (Russkie istoricheskie pesni)
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Format: Audio CD
Genre: Folkmusik > Russische Volksmusik | Nostalgie
Miller Vladimir, bass. Male choir of the "Valaam" Institute for Choral Art. Artistic Director and conductor Igor Ushakov.
1. The Song of the Wise Oleg
2. Long Ago in the Time of Tsar Aleksei
3. We Were Not on Good Terms with Poland in 1831
4. The Nights are Dark and the Clouds are Threatening
5. Soldier's Fate
6. You Can Hear Them Sounding the Alarm
7. Besieged by the Village of Ziryan
8. I Hear the Sound of Fanfares
9. It is Not the Wind Howling in the Wilderness
10. Those are not Ravens Black Ravens
11. White General
12. The Sevastopol Mass Grave
13. Eternal Glory
14. In Memory of the Tsushima Battle
15. 'Hurrah' to the Tsar, Father of Russia
16. We, Children of Our Great Russian
17. Good God, Russia is Languishing Under Oppression, Save It.
18. Sleep, Oh Eagles of Courage
Total time: 74:27
Vladimir Miller, bas. Mujskoi hor Instituta Pevchekoi Kul'tury "Valaam". Direjer i rukovoditel' Igor' Ushakov.
1. Pesn o veschem Olege.
2. Davno pri tsare Aleksii. - Pesnya 12-go Gusarskogo Ahtyrskogo polka.
3. V tridtsat pervom my godu s Polshej byli ne v ladu! - Srazhenie pri selenii Grohov (13 fevralya 1831 g.).
4. Nochi temny, tolko tuchi grozny. - Pod stenami Varshavy (6 - 25 avgusta 1831g.).
5. Sudba soldata. - (A. Evgeniev)
6. Slyshno, byut trevogu. - Pesnya 57-go pehotnogo Modlinskogo polka.
7. Ziryanskoe sidenie (18 noyabrya - 17 dekabrya 1843 g.). - Pesnya Apsheronskogo pehotnogo polka.
8. Slyshu zvuki fanfar. - Pesnya Lejb-gvardii Ulanskogo polka.
9. CHto ne v debri vetr shumit. - "V boj s soyuznitsami Turtsii" (mart 1854 g.).
10. CHto ne vorony cherneyut. - Blokada kreposti Kare v 1855 g.
11. Belyj general. - (S.A. Alyakrinskij)
12. Sevastopolskoe bratskoe kladbishe. - A.A. Fet / K.N.Nikitin
13. Vechnaya slava. - (Al. Dr... / Iv. Labinskij)
14. Pamyati TSusimskogo boya. - (I. Rodionov.)
15. Ura TSaryu - Ottsu Rossii! - Pesnya 9-go Dragunskogo Kazanskogo polka.
16. My - deti Rossii Velikoj! - Pesnya Dobrovolcheskih chastej.
17. O, Bozhe Pravyj, iznyvaet pod gnetom Rus - spasi Eyo! - Pesnya Drozdovskogo polka.
18. Spite, orly boevye. - (K. Olenin / I. Kornilov)
1. The Song of the Wise Oleg
2. Long Ago in the Time of Tsar Aleksei
3. We Were Not on Good Terms with Poland in 1831
4. The Nights are Dark and the Clouds are Threatening
5. Soldier's Fate
6. You Can Hear Them Sounding the Alarm
7. Besieged by the Village of Ziryan
8. I Hear the Sound of Fanfares
9. It is Not the Wind Howling in the Wilderness
10. Those are not Ravens Black Ravens
11. White General
12. The Sevastopol Mass Grave
13. Eternal Glory
14. In Memory of the Tsushima Battle
15. 'Hurrah' to the Tsar, Father of Russia
16. We, Children of Our Great Russian
17. Good God, Russia is Languishing Under Oppression, Save It.
18. Sleep, Oh Eagles of Courage
Total time: 74:27
Vladimir Miller, bas. Mujskoi hor Instituta Pevchekoi Kul'tury "Valaam". Direjer i rukovoditel' Igor' Ushakov.
1. Pesn o veschem Olege.
2. Davno pri tsare Aleksii. - Pesnya 12-go Gusarskogo Ahtyrskogo polka.
3. V tridtsat pervom my godu s Polshej byli ne v ladu! - Srazhenie pri selenii Grohov (13 fevralya 1831 g.).
4. Nochi temny, tolko tuchi grozny. - Pod stenami Varshavy (6 - 25 avgusta 1831g.).
5. Sudba soldata. - (A. Evgeniev)
6. Slyshno, byut trevogu. - Pesnya 57-go pehotnogo Modlinskogo polka.
7. Ziryanskoe sidenie (18 noyabrya - 17 dekabrya 1843 g.). - Pesnya Apsheronskogo pehotnogo polka.
8. Slyshu zvuki fanfar. - Pesnya Lejb-gvardii Ulanskogo polka.
9. CHto ne v debri vetr shumit. - "V boj s soyuznitsami Turtsii" (mart 1854 g.).
10. CHto ne vorony cherneyut. - Blokada kreposti Kare v 1855 g.
11. Belyj general. - (S.A. Alyakrinskij)
12. Sevastopolskoe bratskoe kladbishe. - A.A. Fet / K.N.Nikitin
13. Vechnaya slava. - (Al. Dr... / Iv. Labinskij)
14. Pamyati TSusimskogo boya. - (I. Rodionov.)
15. Ura TSaryu - Ottsu Rossii! - Pesnya 9-go Dragunskogo Kazanskogo polka.
16. My - deti Rossii Velikoj! - Pesnya Dobrovolcheskih chastej.
17. O, Bozhe Pravyj, iznyvaet pod gnetom Rus - spasi Eyo! - Pesnya Drozdovskogo polka.
18. Spite, orly boevye. - (K. Olenin / I. Kornilov)
101000016854 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2005 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Format |
Album, Jewel Case |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
IMLab |