Glory-Glory, Mother Russia! Russische Militärlieder (Slava Matushke-Rossii! Russkie soldatskie pesni)
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Format: Audio CD
Genre: Folkmusik > Russische Volksmusik | Nostalgie
Gesungen vom Männerchor des "Valaam" Instituts für die Kunst des Chorgesangs, präsentieren 23 russische Militärlieder.
The Male Choir of the "Valaam" Institute for Choral Art. Artistic director and conductor Igor Ushakov.
The edition contains a 8-page booklet with additional information In Russian and English languages.
01 The Legend of Prophet Oleg
02 The Battle of Poltava (1709)
03 Thought Moscow is in French hands
04 We glorify the Cossack chieftain Platov the hero
05 The ravaged road
06 Brave Don Cossacks
07 Our regiment was founded in the Days of Paul the First
08 In the Year seventy seven
09 Tell my sweetheart
10 Our black Horses are spoiling for a fight
11 One can hear, they give alarm
12 Death in war we do not fear
13 The whole world knows russian soldiers
14 Hey you, guys, go home
15 Nightingale, nightingale, little bird
16 Our weapons glisten in the sun
17 Returning from Chechnya, not from parades
18 Dragoon's squadron marching
19 Brothers, let's sing about victories
20 Russian "Hurrah"
21 "Hurrah" to the Tsar, Father of Russia
22 Glory-Glory, Mother Russia
23 These Wonderful Songs
Total time 69:01
Arrangements by Igor Ushakov (2-4, 6-14, 16-23) and Konstantin Nikitin (1, 5, 15)
V. Miller (1, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 21);
V. Matyugulin (3, 5);
O. Palkin (4);
P. Migunov (4);
K. Nikitin (6, 8, 16, 22);
A. Gorbatenko (9);
A. Timofeyev (10);
V. Okun (12);
D. Shtoda (13, 22);
S. Fomenko (14, 17, 20, 23);
Y. Lebedev (15);
I. Ushakov (15);
A. Bordak (18)
K dannomu izdaniyu prilagaetsya 8-stranichnyi buklet s informaciei na russkom i angliiskom yazykah.
1. Pesnya o veschem Olege
2. Poltavskii boi (1709 g.)
3. Hot' Moskva v rukah francuzov
4. Slavim Platova - geroya!
5. Razorennaya dorojka
6. Ei, doncy-molodcy!
7. Pri Pavle Pervom byl osnovan
8. V sem'desyat sed'mom godu
9. Ty skaji, moya Marusen'ka
10. Voronye koni rbutsya
11. Slyshno, b'yut trevogu
12. Ne strashna nam smert' v boyah!
13. Russkogo soldata znaet celyi svet!
14. Posle ucheniya
15. Solovei, solovei, ptashechka!
16. Orujiem na solnce sverkaya
17. Vozvraschalsya ne s parada
18. Eskadron dragun idet
19. Spoemte, bratcy, pro pobedy!
20. Russkoe "Ura!"
21. Ura Caryu - Otcu Rossii!
22. Slava Matushke-Rossii!
23. Chto za pesni!
Obschee vremya zvuchaniya 69:01
Obrabotki Igorya Ushakova (2-4, 6-14, 16-23) i Konstantina Nikitina (1, 5, 15)
Vladimir Miller (1, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 21);
Vladimir Matygulin (3, 5);
Oleg Palkin (4);
Petr Migunov (4);
Konstantin Nikitin (6, 8, 16, 22);
Aleksandr Gorbatenko (9);
Anatolii Timofeev (10);
Vil' Okun' (12);
Daniil Shtoda (13, 22);
Sergei Fomenko (14, 17, 20, 23);
Yurii Lebedev (15);
Igor' Ushakov (15);
Aleksandr Bordak (18)
Ispolnitel' Mujskoi Hor Instituta Pevcheskoi Kul'tury "Valaam"
Hudojestvennyi rukovoditel' i dirijer - Zaslujennyi artist Rossiiskoi Federacii Igor' Ushakov
The Male Choir of the "Valaam" Institute for Choral Art. Artistic director and conductor Igor Ushakov.
The edition contains a 8-page booklet with additional information In Russian and English languages.
01 The Legend of Prophet Oleg
02 The Battle of Poltava (1709)
03 Thought Moscow is in French hands
04 We glorify the Cossack chieftain Platov the hero
05 The ravaged road
06 Brave Don Cossacks
07 Our regiment was founded in the Days of Paul the First
08 In the Year seventy seven
09 Tell my sweetheart
10 Our black Horses are spoiling for a fight
11 One can hear, they give alarm
12 Death in war we do not fear
13 The whole world knows russian soldiers
14 Hey you, guys, go home
15 Nightingale, nightingale, little bird
16 Our weapons glisten in the sun
17 Returning from Chechnya, not from parades
18 Dragoon's squadron marching
19 Brothers, let's sing about victories
20 Russian "Hurrah"
21 "Hurrah" to the Tsar, Father of Russia
22 Glory-Glory, Mother Russia
23 These Wonderful Songs
Total time 69:01
Arrangements by Igor Ushakov (2-4, 6-14, 16-23) and Konstantin Nikitin (1, 5, 15)
V. Miller (1, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 21);
V. Matyugulin (3, 5);
O. Palkin (4);
P. Migunov (4);
K. Nikitin (6, 8, 16, 22);
A. Gorbatenko (9);
A. Timofeyev (10);
V. Okun (12);
D. Shtoda (13, 22);
S. Fomenko (14, 17, 20, 23);
Y. Lebedev (15);
I. Ushakov (15);
A. Bordak (18)
K dannomu izdaniyu prilagaetsya 8-stranichnyi buklet s informaciei na russkom i angliiskom yazykah.
1. Pesnya o veschem Olege
2. Poltavskii boi (1709 g.)
3. Hot' Moskva v rukah francuzov
4. Slavim Platova - geroya!
5. Razorennaya dorojka
6. Ei, doncy-molodcy!
7. Pri Pavle Pervom byl osnovan
8. V sem'desyat sed'mom godu
9. Ty skaji, moya Marusen'ka
10. Voronye koni rbutsya
11. Slyshno, b'yut trevogu
12. Ne strashna nam smert' v boyah!
13. Russkogo soldata znaet celyi svet!
14. Posle ucheniya
15. Solovei, solovei, ptashechka!
16. Orujiem na solnce sverkaya
17. Vozvraschalsya ne s parada
18. Eskadron dragun idet
19. Spoemte, bratcy, pro pobedy!
20. Russkoe "Ura!"
21. Ura Caryu - Otcu Rossii!
22. Slava Matushke-Rossii!
23. Chto za pesni!
Obschee vremya zvuchaniya 69:01
Obrabotki Igorya Ushakova (2-4, 6-14, 16-23) i Konstantina Nikitina (1, 5, 15)
Vladimir Miller (1, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 21);
Vladimir Matygulin (3, 5);
Oleg Palkin (4);
Petr Migunov (4);
Konstantin Nikitin (6, 8, 16, 22);
Aleksandr Gorbatenko (9);
Anatolii Timofeev (10);
Vil' Okun' (12);
Daniil Shtoda (13, 22);
Sergei Fomenko (14, 17, 20, 23);
Yurii Lebedev (15);
Igor' Ushakov (15);
Aleksandr Bordak (18)
Ispolnitel' Mujskoi Hor Instituta Pevcheskoi Kul'tury "Valaam"
Hudojestvennyi rukovoditel' i dirijer - Zaslujennyi artist Rossiiskoi Federacii Igor' Ushakov
101000001825 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2003 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Format |
Sampler, Jewel Case |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russkaya Lira |