The thorny path of the fight and torment. Song of the white guard movement and emigration (Ternistyj put borby i muki. Pesni belogo dwischenija i russkogo sarubeschja)
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Format: Audio CD
Genre: Folkmusik > Russische Volksmusik | Nostalgie
1 Let bullets fly, let blood be shed, let deadly shells come crashing - Marsch des Alexeyevsky Regiemnts
2 All around us reign derision, lies, oppression grim, ... - Marsch des Komilovsky Regiments
3 From Roumania advancing, marsched Drozdovsky Regiment -Marsch des Drozdovsky Regiments
4 O, God, Russia languishes under oppression. Save it! - Lied des Drozdovsky Regiments
5 Boldly ahead, for the Motherland Sacred! - Lied des Markovsky Regiments
6 We, children of our Great Russia! - Lieder der Freiwilligeneinheit
7 To do or die we dare for Russia holy! - Lied aus der Zeit des russischen Bürgerkrieges
8 Irresistibly it crested Christian Donland's human tide,.. - Hymne der Donkosakenarmee
9 Let's sing of Don, Kuban and Terek, where our blood for causes true! - Lied des Generals Regiments von General Kaledin
10 Friends, treat vile calumny with scorn,... - Hymne der Donkosaken während des russischen Bürgerkrieges
11 No, not for me flow waters free in brooks and rivers neverending - Lied der sibirischen Kosaken während des russischen Bürgerkrieges
12 The Long Sleep for Eagles of Courage
13 In Church. ("Heart and soul repentant, ardently we're prayerful, we implore our Maker-Lord:…") - P. Tchaikovsky. Op. 39, N° 24
14 On The March. - "See those regiments move!"
15 March of the Russian Liberation Army. - "We advance across wideopen spaces, we are marching in the light of dawn;..."
16 New Generation March. - "We're an austere generation of souls, strangers to roses accustomed to swords."
17 We're the Warriors of the Glorious Russia! - Hymne der russischen Veteranenorganisation
18 Beloved Motherland. - ("Oh, Russia, promised land of ours, we'd gladly die for you!")
1. Pust svischut puli, lyotsya krov! - Marsh Alekseevskogo polka
2. Pust vokrug odno glumlene, kleveta i gnyot! - Marsh Kornilovskogo polka
3. Iz Rumynii pohodom shyol Drozdovskij slavnyj polk. - Marsh Drozdovskogo polka
4. O, Bozhe Pravyj, iznyvaet pod gnyotom Rus - spasi Eyo! - Pesnya Drozdovskogo polka
5. Smelo vperyod, za Otchiznu Svyatuyu! - Pesnya Markovskogo polka
6. My - deti Rossii Velikoj! - Pesnya Dobrovolcheskih chastej
7. My smelo v boj pojdyom! - Pesnya Belogo dvizheniya vremyon Grazhdanskoj Vojny
8. Vskolyhnulsya, vzvolnovalsya pravoslavnyj Tihij Don. - Gimn Vsevelikogo Vojska Donskogo
9. Spoyom pro Don, Kuban i Terek! - Pesnya Svodnogo imeni generala Kaledina polka
10. Druzya, ne bojtes klevety! - Donskoj Gimn vremyon Grazhdanskoj Vojny
11. Ne dlya menya reki tekut. - Dalnevostochnaya
12. Spite, orly boevye. - (K. Olenin / I. Kornilov)
13. V TSerkvi. - (P. CHajkovskij. op. 39, No. 24.) "S serdiem pokayannym, s plamennoj molitvoyu ..."
14. Marshiruyut polki. - (S. Vojno-Panchenko / S. Markov)
15. My idyom shirokimi polyami! - (A. Florov/ M. Davydov) Marsh Rossijskoj Osvoboditelnoj Armii. [1944 g.]
16. My - pokolenie surovyh lyudej! - (P. Zelenskoj) Marsh novogo pokoleniya
17. My - Vityazi slavnoj Rossii! - (N.Fedorov/ P.Voloshin) Gimn Natsionalnoj Organizatsii "Vityazi" (Frantsiya)
18. Rodimyj kraj. - (Neizvestnyj avtor) "O, Rus, rodimyj kraj zavetnyj, umryom my za tebya!"
101000016851 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2004 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Format |
Album, Jewel Case |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
IMLab |