Russian folk Songs. The "Rozhdestvo" Choir of Solo Singers of St. Petersburg Philharmonia Olga Stupneva
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Die Ausgabe enthält einen Cover mit zusätzlichen Information auf Englisch, Deutsch und Russisch.
Rukowoditel i dirischer – sasluschennaja artistka Rossii Olga Stupnewa – obedinila eti talantliwye indiwidualnosti w tschreswytschajno slaschennyj po swutschaniju ansambl, obladajuschtschij wirtuosnoj wokalnoj technikoj. Ansamblju dostupna takaja sila wyrasitelnosti, tschistota i krasota swutschanija, tschto s perwych swoich wystuplenij oni pokorili sluschatelej lutschschich salow
01. In the dark woods
02. My sweetheart told me
03. Black-browed, black-eyed fellow
04. When I come upon the rapid stream
05. In the forge
06. Why I got to know you, my darling
07. Seven son-in-law
08. A time-tree in the field
09. I set out alone on the road
10. Enough, fellows, enough
11. The mists descended in the fields
12. Shall I go, shall I liave
13. Not the wind bends the branches
14. Over the open fields
15. Down the old mother Volga
16. I do not want to live in sorrow
17. The legend of twelve robbers
18. A birch grew in the fields
19. Evening chimes