Skrjabin. Ballady
1 auf Lager
Ballads performed by Kuzma Skryabin set million admirers of cult group thinking and go on searches of deep meanings. Compilated in the album of the same name, this spring they will begin to sound even more sincerely thanks to purity of vinyl's sounding.
"Balady" is a gift for admirers of romanticism from legendary musicians. The best lyrical musical arrangements, the most harmonious and spiritual songs where thanks to simplicity and sincerity there is a true beauty.
Die CD ist in DigiPack verpackt.
1. Schukaw swij dim (version 2004)
2. I love you Barcelona
3. Kwinti
4. Ljudi, jak korabli
5. Mam
6. Miszja schtschasliwich ljudej
7. Pusti mene
8. Radio ljubow
9. Sam sobi Krajina
10. Stari fotografiji
11. Wibatsch
12. Wodawogon
13. Mowtschati
14. Ostannij tanez
15. Padaj
16. Prosto mi
17. Spi sobi sama
18. Schampanski otschi
19. Schtsche odna pisnja pro ljubow
20. Solo