Wjatscheslaw Kobsew. Ukrainian Folk Songs and Russian Romances (Ukrainskie narodnye pesni i russkie romansy)
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Format: Audio CD
Genre: Folkmusik > Russische Volksmusik | Romanzen | Ukrainische Musik
Vyacheslav Kobzev — a soloist of Russian variety (Russia, Moscow), is a prossessor of a baritonal bass, warm, soft, light and at the same time masculine with lightest nuances of vocal techniques and deep human feelings.
Vyacheslav easily sings Russian and foreign vocal works of different genres. Compositions from the singer's programme are full of sincere intonations and irreproachable taste, they radiant power and philosophical potential of this gifted musician of nowadays.
Time connection excites and inspires the singer. He has created musical and literary monumental compositions «Kulikovo Field» and musical frescoes «The Tale of Igor's Prince Campaign».
The artist is popular and recognized by the music lovers. His concerts are usually a great success in Moscow and abroad.
One of Vyacheslav Kobzev's goals is his performing of Russian and Ukrainian romances and folk songs. The «Russian Disc» company has issued many-thousand LPs with this programme.
Vyacheslav Kobzev is a Christian and Russian church music fills his heart. The singer enthusiastically performs sacred compositions, written by Kastalsky, Chesnokov, Liadov, Nikolsky, Titov, Arkhangels-ky, Znamanny chants which he sings with many Russian choirs.
Vyacheslav Kobzev gives his skill, mastership and experience to his pupils. Since 1991 the singer has been teaching in the vocal class at the Gnessin Musical Institute.
For the last three years Kobzev arranges concert programmes at the Moscow Column Hall of the Trade Unions. He actively cooperates with the Yurlov Russian Choir and Alexander Vedernikov, the Bolshoi Theatre soloist.
The singer recorded his CD «Ukrainian folk songs and Russian classical romances» on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Ossipov Russian Folk Orchestra. The best features of the two fraternal peoples are united in the programme.
The melody and words of these songs awake high, lofty feelings, and descend to the hearts of listeners, and awake the memories, and remind us of something which is more important and high than life and death and is stronger than all the troubles.
Let a well of a real art fill our hearts.
«A singer is a divine instrument, and everything occured about, all positive and negative events, dealings and surroundings, where the artist creates, he absorbs as a sponge — the water. The more pure and fertile it is, the lighter and stronger is the singer's voice and, vice versa, the more defile it is — the darker is the palette of the voice sound. All this gives me the right to include the song «Divlyus Ya Na Nebo» twice in the CD programme.
Ukrainskie narodnye pesni
1. Diwljus ja na nebo
2. Wetschir na dwor
3. Wsjaw bi ja banduru
4. Misjaz na nebi
5. Odna gora wisokaja
6. Nitsch taka misjatschna, sorjana, jasnaja
7. Tam, de Jatran kruto wetsja
8. Oj, diwtschino, schumit gaj
9. Oj, pid wischneju
10. Sonze nisenko
11. Oj, ti, diwtschino, s goricha sernja
12. Tschorni browi. kari otschi
13. Diwljus ja na nebo
Russkie Romansy
1. Mitten des gerauschvolliges Ball (Sred schumnogo bala)
2. Oh, kuss mich nicht (O, ne zeluj menja)
3. Erweckt nicht mal meine Errinnerungen (Ne probuschdaj wospominanij)
4. Der Glockchen (Kolokoltschik)
5. Der Zweifel (Somnenie)
6. Das Rendezvous (Swidanie)
Vyacheslav easily sings Russian and foreign vocal works of different genres. Compositions from the singer's programme are full of sincere intonations and irreproachable taste, they radiant power and philosophical potential of this gifted musician of nowadays.
Time connection excites and inspires the singer. He has created musical and literary monumental compositions «Kulikovo Field» and musical frescoes «The Tale of Igor's Prince Campaign».
The artist is popular and recognized by the music lovers. His concerts are usually a great success in Moscow and abroad.
One of Vyacheslav Kobzev's goals is his performing of Russian and Ukrainian romances and folk songs. The «Russian Disc» company has issued many-thousand LPs with this programme.
Vyacheslav Kobzev is a Christian and Russian church music fills his heart. The singer enthusiastically performs sacred compositions, written by Kastalsky, Chesnokov, Liadov, Nikolsky, Titov, Arkhangels-ky, Znamanny chants which he sings with many Russian choirs.
Vyacheslav Kobzev gives his skill, mastership and experience to his pupils. Since 1991 the singer has been teaching in the vocal class at the Gnessin Musical Institute.
For the last three years Kobzev arranges concert programmes at the Moscow Column Hall of the Trade Unions. He actively cooperates with the Yurlov Russian Choir and Alexander Vedernikov, the Bolshoi Theatre soloist.
The singer recorded his CD «Ukrainian folk songs and Russian classical romances» on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Ossipov Russian Folk Orchestra. The best features of the two fraternal peoples are united in the programme.
The melody and words of these songs awake high, lofty feelings, and descend to the hearts of listeners, and awake the memories, and remind us of something which is more important and high than life and death and is stronger than all the troubles.
Let a well of a real art fill our hearts.
«A singer is a divine instrument, and everything occured about, all positive and negative events, dealings and surroundings, where the artist creates, he absorbs as a sponge — the water. The more pure and fertile it is, the lighter and stronger is the singer's voice and, vice versa, the more defile it is — the darker is the palette of the voice sound. All this gives me the right to include the song «Divlyus Ya Na Nebo» twice in the CD programme.
Ukrainskie narodnye pesni
1. Diwljus ja na nebo
2. Wetschir na dwor
3. Wsjaw bi ja banduru
4. Misjaz na nebi
5. Odna gora wisokaja
6. Nitsch taka misjatschna, sorjana, jasnaja
7. Tam, de Jatran kruto wetsja
8. Oj, diwtschino, schumit gaj
9. Oj, pid wischneju
10. Sonze nisenko
11. Oj, ti, diwtschino, s goricha sernja
12. Tschorni browi. kari otschi
13. Diwljus ja na nebo
Russkie Romansy
1. Mitten des gerauschvolliges Ball (Sred schumnogo bala)
2. Oh, kuss mich nicht (O, ne zeluj menja)
3. Erweckt nicht mal meine Errinnerungen (Ne probuschdaj wospominanij)
4. Der Glockchen (Kolokoltschik)
5. Der Zweifel (Somnenie)
6. Das Rendezvous (Swidanie)
101000002364 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
1993 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Format |
Autor Kompilation, Jewel Case |
Zusätzliche Informationen |