About Love (Pro Ljubow)
Regie: Aleksey Mamedov
Komponist: Vladimir Kripak
Drehbuch: Olga Shulgina
Kamera: Dmitriy Bazhenov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Yuriy Minzyanov
Igor Sklyar | Semen Strugachev | Andrej Tashkov | Svetlana Malyukova | Stanislav Belyaev | Ela Sanko
Komponist: Vladimir Kripak
Drehbuch: Olga Shulgina
Kamera: Dmitriy Bazhenov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Yuriy Minzyanov
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Liuba's life hits an unlucky streak when she finds herself homeless, unemployed and single all in one day. Fortunately, an eccentric old lady offers her a place to stay until she finds her feet, and sure enough, Liuba is soon offered a job as a reporter for the local newspaper. The new position, however, comes at a price. The editor, Kirill Petrovich, has been helping his old school-friend, Valentin Zender find his long-lost daughter. While doing some lecturing at the university, Kirill meets a young lady with the same unusual surname and, convinced that he has found his friend's missing daughter, he informs Valentin who immediately returns to the city eager to meet with her. By then, however, Kirill has realized that he has made a mistake and, knowing how disappointed Valentin would be, he searches for someone who will pretend to be his friend's estranged daughter. When he meets Liuba, it appears his search is over. Liuba fits the role perfectly, as she is an orphan and strongly resembles Valentin's late wife. Meanwhile, Liuba finds herself in a difficult situation. She has grown very fond of Valentin and enjoys being part of the family she has never had. Through him she has found a new life, has met interesting people and has gained a new found confidence. However, happiness cannot be built on a lie, even if it has come from the best of intentions...
W schisni Ljuby nastupila tschernaja polosa: w odin den ona ostalas bes schilja, bes raboty i bes ljubimogo. No mir ne bes dobrych ljudej - Ljuba nachodit prijut w dome u ekstrawagantnoj, no dobroserdetschnoj schenschtschiny Ady, a wskore i polutschaet wygodnoe predloschenie po rabote. No tschtoby sanjat mesto schurnalista w gorodskoj gasete, Ljuba dolschna pojti na obman. Glawnyj redaktor Kirill Petrowitsch pytalsja pomotsch swoemu lutschschemu drugu Walentinu najti ego dotsch, no potoropilsja s wywodami. U redaktora ne chwatilo muschestwa prisnatsja, tschto on oschibsja. Walentin speschit posnakomitsja s dotscherju, kotoruju nikogda ne widel. Po mneniju Kirilla Petrowitscha, Ljuba idealno moschet sygrat etu rol – ona sirota i otschen pochoscha na bywschuju schenu ego druga. Pomimo swoej woli Ljuba okasywaetsja wtjanuta w awantjuru. Blagodarja Walentinu ona snakomitsja s interesnymi ljudmi, otkrywaet nowye kraski schisni, neoschidannye grani swoego talanta. No radost omratschaet nedobroe predtschuwstwie – nastojaschtschee stschaste nelsja postroit na obmane, pust dasche eto losch wo spasenie...
"Bogataja i ljubimaja" - 2 Serii
W schisni Ljuby nastupila tschernaja polosa: w odin den ona ostalas bes schilja, bes raboty i bes ljubimogo. No mir ne bes dobrych ljudej - Ljuba nachodit prijut w dome u ekstrawagantnoj, no dobroserdetschnoj schenschtschiny Ady, a wskore i polutschaet wygodnoe predloschenie po rabote. No tschtoby sanjat mesto schurnalista w gorodskoj gasete, Ljuba dolschna pojti na obman. Glawnyj redaktor Kirill Petrowitsch pytalsja pomotsch swoemu lutschschemu drugu Walentinu najti ego dotsch, no potoropilsja s wywodami. U redaktora ne chwatilo muschestwa prisnatsja, tschto on oschibsja. Walentin speschit posnakomitsja s dotscherju, kotoruju nikogda ne widel. Po mneniju Kirilla Petrowitscha, Ljuba idealno moschet sygrat etu rol – ona sirota i otschen pochoscha na bywschuju schenu ego druga. Pomimo swoej woli Ljuba okasywaetsja wtjanuta w awantjuru. Blagodarja Walentinu ona snakomitsja s interesnymi ljudmi, otkrywaet nowye kraski schisni, neoschidannye grani swoego talanta. No radost omratschaet nedobroe predtschuwstwie – nastojaschtschee stschaste nelsja postroit na obmane, pust dasche eto losch wo spasenie...
"Bogataja i ljubimaja" - 2 Serii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143133263 |
204000017021 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2009 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 40 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Ukraine |