The Winner (Pobeditel)
Regie: Algis Arlauskas
Komponist: Pelageya
Drehbuch: Tatyana Sarana
Kamera: Ilya Melihov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Vitaliy Bordachev
Vladimir Gusev | Marina Shimanskaya | Ekaterina Vulichenko | Aleksandr Robak | Eduard Truhmenev | Yuliya Kuvarzina
Komponist: Pelageya
Drehbuch: Tatyana Sarana
Kamera: Ilya Melihov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Vitaliy Bordachev
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram > Melodram
Rich and successful man seems to have it all. However, recently, cracks have begun to appear in the now less-than-perfect façade and underneath the surface, his life is beginning to crumble. After he discovers that his wife has been having an affair, man returns to his home town where he meets an old school friend.
He may be poor but he is rich in character and spirit, and this man finds himself questioning his own values. He realises that money and power, qualities he held in high esteem for so long, are empty and superficial, however, it is the discovery of his long-lost daughter, now grown-up, that really puts his life into perspective.
Uspeschnyj predprinimatel, sorokaletnij wladelez choldinga, direktor Beta-Banka, Igor Semjonow, poslednie let desjat rabotawschij sagranizej, priletaet w Moskwu. Posle wstretschi s podtschinjonnymi, wmesto togo, tschtoby poechat na saplanirowannuju korporatiwnuju wstretschu, on wdrug prinimaet reschenie otprawitsja na sagorodnuju willu. Tam on sastajot swoju schenu Wiku s ljubownikom. Eto sobytie wybiwaet ego is priwytschnoj kolei. Porutschiw brakoraswodnyj prozess swoemu samestitelju, on napiwaetsja i, sam ne snaja satschem, edet w malenkij podmoskownyj Prigorsk. Kogda-to on wyros sdes, bes otza, w polnejschej nischtschete. On postaralsja sabyt swojo proschloe…. No neoschidanno proischodit rjad wstretsch i sobytij, kotorye polnostju ismenjat ego schisn.
"Sewernyj sfinks" - 2 Serii
He may be poor but he is rich in character and spirit, and this man finds himself questioning his own values. He realises that money and power, qualities he held in high esteem for so long, are empty and superficial, however, it is the discovery of his long-lost daughter, now grown-up, that really puts his life into perspective.
Uspeschnyj predprinimatel, sorokaletnij wladelez choldinga, direktor Beta-Banka, Igor Semjonow, poslednie let desjat rabotawschij sagranizej, priletaet w Moskwu. Posle wstretschi s podtschinjonnymi, wmesto togo, tschtoby poechat na saplanirowannuju korporatiwnuju wstretschu, on wdrug prinimaet reschenie otprawitsja na sagorodnuju willu. Tam on sastajot swoju schenu Wiku s ljubownikom. Eto sobytie wybiwaet ego is priwytschnoj kolei. Porutschiw brakoraswodnyj prozess swoemu samestitelju, on napiwaetsja i, sam ne snaja satschem, edet w malenkij podmoskownyj Prigorsk. Kogda-to on wyros sdes, bes otza, w polnejschej nischtschete. On postaralsja sabyt swojo proschloe…. No neoschidanno proischodit rjad wstretsch i sobytij, kotorye polnostju ismenjat ego schisn.
"Sewernyj sfinks" - 2 Serii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143133218 |
204000017009 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | WideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland - Ukraine |