Attraction (Pritjaschenie) (2009)
Regie: Anton Azarov
Drehbuch: Vadim Vjatkin
Kamera: Mihail Markov
Producer: Viktor Mirskiy
Valentin Gaft | Olga Krasko | Konstantin Vorobev | Ahtem Seytablaev | Sergey Romanyuk | Olesja Zhurakovskaja | Radmila Schegoleva
Drehbuch: Vadim Vjatkin
Kamera: Mihail Markov
Producer: Viktor Mirskiy
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Format: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram > Drama | Mystery
She wasn’t present at her husband’s funeral. The absurd car accident, her business trip, preventing her from seeing Oleg being laid to rest, the unsettling behaviour of his brother and this persistent dream…Masha can’t come to the terms with her loss. Something is not right here… As the ensuing mystery entangles her, Masha can’t get rid of a feeling that things are not what they seem. Her heart tells her different. It is by following her heart that she will discover the truth. As she finds herself at the place she has seen in her dreams, she meets an elderly artist — Gleb Nikolaevich.
What can be common between a young woman, spiralling into a breakdown after her loss, and an old man, recovering after a difficult surgery? Nonetheless, they feel instant attraction and moments after meeting bare their hearts to each other. How can one explain the fact, that the artist has drawn Masha’s portrait before having seen her? What are these recurring calls, which wake Masha in the middle of the night? How is it all connected to her husband’s death? The plot of the picture delicately balances between mystery and reality, providing an emotional look at the intricate ways of human soul.
Na pochoronach muscha Maschi ne bylo. Nelepaja awtokatastrofa, ee komandirowka, ne poswoliwschaja prowodit Olega w poslednij put, strannoe powedenie ego brata i etot nawjastschiwyj son… Mascha otkasywaetsja werit w poterju ljubimogo.
Tschto-to ne tak… Mascha ponimaet, tschto prawdu skrywajut, ona tschuwstwuet eto serdzem, i imenno serdze priwedet ee k istine.
Odnaschdy Mascha popadaet w to samoe mesto, kotoroe prichodit ej wo snach. I imenno tam ona snakomitsja s usche poschilym chudoschnikom - Glebom Nikolaewitschem. Tschto moschet byt obschtschego u molodoj dewuschki, tolko tschto poterjawschej ljubimogo muschtschinu, i starikom, wosstanawliwajuschtschimsja posle sloschnejschej operazii? No ich nepreodolimo tjanet drug k drugu, chotja snakomy oni wsego paru mgnowenij. Tschem objasnit to, tschto w rukach u chudoschnika portret Maschi, chotja oni widjatsja wperwye? Potschemu kotoryj den Maschu budjat telefonnye swonki bes otweta? I kak eto swjasano so smertju ljubimogo muscha?
+ Bonus:
"Monte Kristo" (2 serii)
What can be common between a young woman, spiralling into a breakdown after her loss, and an old man, recovering after a difficult surgery? Nonetheless, they feel instant attraction and moments after meeting bare their hearts to each other. How can one explain the fact, that the artist has drawn Masha’s portrait before having seen her? What are these recurring calls, which wake Masha in the middle of the night? How is it all connected to her husband’s death? The plot of the picture delicately balances between mystery and reality, providing an emotional look at the intricate ways of human soul.
Na pochoronach muscha Maschi ne bylo. Nelepaja awtokatastrofa, ee komandirowka, ne poswoliwschaja prowodit Olega w poslednij put, strannoe powedenie ego brata i etot nawjastschiwyj son… Mascha otkasywaetsja werit w poterju ljubimogo.
Tschto-to ne tak… Mascha ponimaet, tschto prawdu skrywajut, ona tschuwstwuet eto serdzem, i imenno serdze priwedet ee k istine.
Odnaschdy Mascha popadaet w to samoe mesto, kotoroe prichodit ej wo snach. I imenno tam ona snakomitsja s usche poschilym chudoschnikom - Glebom Nikolaewitschem. Tschto moschet byt obschtschego u molodoj dewuschki, tolko tschto poterjawschej ljubimogo muschtschinu, i starikom, wosstanawliwajuschtschimsja posle sloschnejschej operazii? No ich nepreodolimo tjanet drug k drugu, chotja snakomy oni wsego paru mgnowenij. Tschem objasnit to, tschto w rukach u chudoschnika portret Maschi, chotja oni widjatsja wperwye? Potschemu kotoryj den Maschu budjat telefonnye swonki bes otweta? I kak eto swjasano so smertju ljubimogo muscha?
+ Bonus:
"Monte Kristo" (2 serii)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143133058 |
204000016345 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2009 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Ukraine |