Rent-a-Dad (Papa naprokat)
Regie: Artem Litvinenko
Komponist: Igor Melnichuk
Komponist: Pavel Krahmalev
Drehbuch: Andrey Cvetkov
Kamera: Andrej Lisetskij
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Aleksei Goncharenko
Sergej Garmash | Alena Babenko | Irma Vitovskaya | Miroslav Belonogiy
Komponist: Igor Melnichuk
Komponist: Pavel Krahmalev
Drehbuch: Andrey Cvetkov
Kamera: Andrej Lisetskij
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Aleksei Goncharenko
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Irina, a young unmarried mother, is raising her 10-year old son as best she can, but it is clear that he needs a father, just like his friends. One day, as Kirill arrives home, a scruffy unshaven man bursts into the building being pursued by a gang of men. Kirill wonders if this man might possibly be his father and the man, whose name is Tolya, to avoid being captured, goes along with the story. Tolya tells the boy that he is a policeman and the reason for his long absence is that he has been working undercover. He regales Kirill with stories of his many adventures and tough assignments and, after spending the week together, the two have formed a close bond. The change in Kirill is immediately obvious to everyone and especially to his mother who cannot help but notice his high spirits. However, when Irina discovers that her son's improvement is due to Tolya's dishonesty, she throws him out and threatens to call the police if he ever tries to come back.
Molodaja schenschtschina Irina odna wospitywaet syna Kirilla 10-ti let. Maltschiku katastrofitscheski ne chwataet otza, on sawiduet swerstnikam, u kotorych est papa.
Tolja, nebrityj, plocho odetyj muschtschina, ubegaet ot presledowatelej. On sabegaet w perwyj popawschijsja podesd, i widit Kirilla, sachodjaschtschego w swoju kwartiru. Emu nitschego ne ostaetsja, kak worwatsja sledom. Presledowateli Toli pokidajut podesd. Kirill oschibotschno prinimaet Tolju sa swoego otza. Kirill sam swoimi woprosami pomogaet emu sostawit podchodjaschtschuju wersiju. Itak, Tolja - operupolnomotschennyj, rabotajuschtschij pod prikrytiem. Zeluju nedelju posle kolledscha i do prichoda mamy Kirill prowodit s «papoj». «Papa» est, pet, rasskasywaet istorii o «tjascheloj sluschbe». Mama widit, tschto Kirill ismenilsja w lutschschuju storonu, raduetsja, no ne ponimaet pritschin, poka odnaschdy ne prichodit domoj ransche wremeni. Irina prowodit dopros i wygonjaet Tolju, pod strachom milizii sapreschtschaet emu priblischatsja k ich domu.
"Antlantida" - 2 Serii
Molodaja schenschtschina Irina odna wospitywaet syna Kirilla 10-ti let. Maltschiku katastrofitscheski ne chwataet otza, on sawiduet swerstnikam, u kotorych est papa.
Tolja, nebrityj, plocho odetyj muschtschina, ubegaet ot presledowatelej. On sabegaet w perwyj popawschijsja podesd, i widit Kirilla, sachodjaschtschego w swoju kwartiru. Emu nitschego ne ostaetsja, kak worwatsja sledom. Presledowateli Toli pokidajut podesd. Kirill oschibotschno prinimaet Tolju sa swoego otza. Kirill sam swoimi woprosami pomogaet emu sostawit podchodjaschtschuju wersiju. Itak, Tolja - operupolnomotschennyj, rabotajuschtschij pod prikrytiem. Zeluju nedelju posle kolledscha i do prichoda mamy Kirill prowodit s «papoj». «Papa» est, pet, rasskasywaet istorii o «tjascheloj sluschbe». Mama widit, tschto Kirill ismenilsja w lutschschuju storonu, raduetsja, no ne ponimaet pritschin, poka odnaschdy ne prichodit domoj ransche wremeni. Irina prowodit dopros i wygonjaet Tolju, pod strachom milizii sapreschtschaet emu priblischatsja k ich domu.
"Antlantida" - 2 Serii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143132938 |
204000017022 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | WideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Altersfreigabe | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland - Ukraine |