Beaty and the sleeper (Spjaschtschij i krasawiza)
Regie: Irina Apeksimova
Kamera: Aleksandr Pushkin
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Valentin Opalev
Sergej Veksler | Andrej Ilin | Elena Ksenofontova | Tatyana Konyuhova | Aleksandr Rezalin | Anna Terehova | Andrey Rapoport | Evgeniy Aksenov | Kristina Babushkina
Kamera: Aleksandr Pushkin
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Valentin Opalev
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram > Melodram
Elena, a young nurse is shocked to find a dead man in her bed when she returns home from her holiday. She quickly calls an ambulance and fortunately, on arrival at the hospital, the doctors discover that the stranger is alive but in a coma. His wife, the beautiful Margarita is too busy to look after her husband and so pays Elena to take care of him. As the days pass, Edgar begins to regain his strength, however, his memory is slow to recover so when he is finally discharged from hospital, Elena continues to look after him at home.
They soon fall in love and while Edgar proposes to Elena, Margarita comes to take her husband home and an inevitable argument erupts, which culminates in Edgar asking Margarita for a divorce. It is the arrival of Elena’s friend, July, however, that prompts the return of Edgar’s memory. Unbeknown to Elena, July works as a prostitute and had picked up a drunken Edgar one night at a restaurant. She had taken him back to Elena’s empty apartment, but Edgar had come to his senses just in time and asked her to leave. While Margarita finds this story amusing, Elena is extremely upset and throws both women out of her house. But things are about to get a lot worse for Elena when Edgar and July meet unexpectedly in the park…
Woswratiwschis domoj is poesdki, Elena obnaruschiwaet u sebja w krowati trup nesnakomogo muschtschiny. W uschase wysywaet miliziju i «skoruju». K stschastju, nesnakomez okasalsja schiw, no w komatosnom sostojanii. Ego perewosjat w bolnizu, gde Elena rabotaet medsestroj. I ona natschinaet ego wychaschiwat. Wskore objawljaetsja schena nesnakomza – krasawiza Margarita, kotoraja ostawljaet deneg glawwratschu na uchod sa muschem– sama otschen sanjata dlja poseschtschenij. Elena prodolschaet uporno woswraschtschat Edgara k schisni. I ej eto udaetsja. On natschinaet potichonku dwigatsja, pytaetsja goworit. No nitschego o sebe ne pomnit. Tscheres nekotoroe wremja Edgara wypisywajut, i Elena sabiraet ego k sebe – prodolschat reabilitaziju. Meschdu nimi natschinajut saroschdatsja neschnye tschuwstwa. Bolee togo, Edgar delaet swoej spasitelnize predloschenie ruki i serdza. Ta otkasywaetsja – otschen usch neprijatnyj predyduschtschij opyt obschtschenija s muschtschinoj u nee byl. Kak-to guljaja po parku, Elenoj i Edgar wstretili schenschtschinu, kotoraja usnala w nem druga swoego pokojnogo muscha. Ona pokasala fotografii, rasskasala, tschto Edgar priechal na ego pochorony. No pamjat k nemu ne woswraschtschaetsja. Priechala Margarita sabirat muscha. Elena stala newolnym swidetelem nekrasiwoj szeny, kogda Rita obwinjala Edgara w besduschii, chamstwe, sagulach i protschee. A tot prosit o raswode. W etot moment prichodit podruga Eleny Julja s schaloboj na draku muscha. I tut Edgar wse wspominaet! Imenno Julja priwela ego w dom k Elene, podzepiw w restorane (ona, okasywaetsja, «podrabatywala» prostitutkoj pri musche- kapitane dalnego plawanja!). No Edgaru wdrug stalo plocho, i Julja sbeschala. Nad etim rasskasom Margarita posmejalas – mol, musch w swoem repertuare. A Elena s presreniem poprosila wsech ujti! No istorija ne moglo tak sakontschitsja! Guljaja w parke, Elena wstretschaet Edgara.
+Bonus "Ostrog" (2 serii)
They soon fall in love and while Edgar proposes to Elena, Margarita comes to take her husband home and an inevitable argument erupts, which culminates in Edgar asking Margarita for a divorce. It is the arrival of Elena’s friend, July, however, that prompts the return of Edgar’s memory. Unbeknown to Elena, July works as a prostitute and had picked up a drunken Edgar one night at a restaurant. She had taken him back to Elena’s empty apartment, but Edgar had come to his senses just in time and asked her to leave. While Margarita finds this story amusing, Elena is extremely upset and throws both women out of her house. But things are about to get a lot worse for Elena when Edgar and July meet unexpectedly in the park…
Woswratiwschis domoj is poesdki, Elena obnaruschiwaet u sebja w krowati trup nesnakomogo muschtschiny. W uschase wysywaet miliziju i «skoruju». K stschastju, nesnakomez okasalsja schiw, no w komatosnom sostojanii. Ego perewosjat w bolnizu, gde Elena rabotaet medsestroj. I ona natschinaet ego wychaschiwat. Wskore objawljaetsja schena nesnakomza – krasawiza Margarita, kotoraja ostawljaet deneg glawwratschu na uchod sa muschem– sama otschen sanjata dlja poseschtschenij. Elena prodolschaet uporno woswraschtschat Edgara k schisni. I ej eto udaetsja. On natschinaet potichonku dwigatsja, pytaetsja goworit. No nitschego o sebe ne pomnit. Tscheres nekotoroe wremja Edgara wypisywajut, i Elena sabiraet ego k sebe – prodolschat reabilitaziju. Meschdu nimi natschinajut saroschdatsja neschnye tschuwstwa. Bolee togo, Edgar delaet swoej spasitelnize predloschenie ruki i serdza. Ta otkasywaetsja – otschen usch neprijatnyj predyduschtschij opyt obschtschenija s muschtschinoj u nee byl. Kak-to guljaja po parku, Elenoj i Edgar wstretili schenschtschinu, kotoraja usnala w nem druga swoego pokojnogo muscha. Ona pokasala fotografii, rasskasala, tschto Edgar priechal na ego pochorony. No pamjat k nemu ne woswraschtschaetsja. Priechala Margarita sabirat muscha. Elena stala newolnym swidetelem nekrasiwoj szeny, kogda Rita obwinjala Edgara w besduschii, chamstwe, sagulach i protschee. A tot prosit o raswode. W etot moment prichodit podruga Eleny Julja s schaloboj na draku muscha. I tut Edgar wse wspominaet! Imenno Julja priwela ego w dom k Elene, podzepiw w restorane (ona, okasywaetsja, «podrabatywala» prostitutkoj pri musche- kapitane dalnego plawanja!). No Edgaru wdrug stalo plocho, i Julja sbeschala. Nad etim rasskasom Margarita posmejalas – mol, musch w swoem repertuare. A Elena s presreniem poprosila wsech ujti! No istorija ne moglo tak sakontschitsja! Guljaja w parke, Elena wstretschaet Edgara.
+Bonus "Ostrog" (2 serii)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143132075 |
204000006511 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |