Mim Bim (Mim Bim, ili tschuschaja schisn)
Regie: Ivan Vojtjuk
Drehbuch: Oleg Prihodko
Kamera: Vitaliy Zaporozhchenko
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Ilya Shakunov | Oleg Maslennikov | Dmitriy Bozin | Vladimir Yamnenko | V Andrienko
Drehbuch: Oleg Prihodko
Kamera: Vitaliy Zaporozhchenko
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Action & Thriller
A young talented actor suffers an unlucky period of his life. First he loses his job in theatre. Then his wife leaves him and takes their 8 years old daughter with her. Bim (that’s how everyone calls him now) tries to earn some money as a street mime – he imitates people going by. When the life seems to lose any sense, a strange man appears in it. He offers Bim a million of dollars to go into figure of a one missing person: he should obtain the same appearance, understand the logic of his actions and thus, find out where he is now. Bim is already close to solution, but at this moment the story turns from the psychological to a criminal one. Bim finds out, that his mysterious benefactor actually is Victor, a person he is searching for, but there’s nothing mysterious in him – a few years ago he together with some company robbed a bank (for 50 million dollars!) and then he betrayed all his accessories. Naturally, Victor is not excused, and he’s been hunted. Victor simulated his own death, he changed his appearance for several times – but it didn’t help him! The hunt continued! Then he decided to expose Bim instead of himself. But he is not successful in it. And furthermore, 50 million dollars appeared at Bim’s hands. So, the unlucky period of his life ended!
W schisni talantliwogo molodogo aktera natschinaetsja polosa newesenij. Snatschala on lischaetsja raboty w teatre. Potom ot nego uchodit schena i sabiraet s soboj 8-letnjuju dotschku. Bim (tak ego nyntsche wse nasywajut) pytaetsja sarabotat deneg w katschestwe ploschtschadnogo mima – kopiruet prochodjaschtschich mimo ljudej. I w tot moment, kogda schisn, kasalos by, utratila wsjakij smysl, w nej pojawljaetsja sagadotschnyj tschelowek i predlagaet Bimu sa million dollarow postepenno wschitsja w obras odnogo propawschego bes westi : t.e., stat pochoschim na nego wneschne, ponjat logiku ego postupkow i, takim obrasom, wyjasnit, gde tot nachoditsja. Bim usche blisok k rasgadke tajny, no w etot moment istorija is psichologitscheskoj prewraschtschaetsja w kriminalnuju. Bim wyjasnjaet, tschto ego tainstwennyj blagodetel i est rasyskiwaemyj im Wiktor, no nitschego osobo tainstwennogo w nem net –neskolko let nasad wmeste s nebolschoj gruppoj ljudej on ograbil bank ( na 50 mln.$!), a satem sdal wsech swoich podelnikow. Estestwenno, emu etogo ne prostili, i na Wiktora natschalas ochota. On inszenirowal swoju smert, neskolko ras menjal wneschnost – ne pomogalo! Ochota prodolschalas! Togda Wiktor reschil podstawit wmesto sebja Bima. Prawda, eto emu ne udalos! Bolee togo, summa w 50 mln. $ okasalas w rukach mima Bima. Tak tschto polosa neudatsch w ego schisni sawerschilas!
W schisni talantliwogo molodogo aktera natschinaetsja polosa newesenij. Snatschala on lischaetsja raboty w teatre. Potom ot nego uchodit schena i sabiraet s soboj 8-letnjuju dotschku. Bim (tak ego nyntsche wse nasywajut) pytaetsja sarabotat deneg w katschestwe ploschtschadnogo mima – kopiruet prochodjaschtschich mimo ljudej. I w tot moment, kogda schisn, kasalos by, utratila wsjakij smysl, w nej pojawljaetsja sagadotschnyj tschelowek i predlagaet Bimu sa million dollarow postepenno wschitsja w obras odnogo propawschego bes westi : t.e., stat pochoschim na nego wneschne, ponjat logiku ego postupkow i, takim obrasom, wyjasnit, gde tot nachoditsja. Bim usche blisok k rasgadke tajny, no w etot moment istorija is psichologitscheskoj prewraschtschaetsja w kriminalnuju. Bim wyjasnjaet, tschto ego tainstwennyj blagodetel i est rasyskiwaemyj im Wiktor, no nitschego osobo tainstwennogo w nem net –neskolko let nasad wmeste s nebolschoj gruppoj ljudej on ograbil bank ( na 50 mln.$!), a satem sdal wsech swoich podelnikow. Estestwenno, emu etogo ne prostili, i na Wiktora natschalas ochota. On inszenirowal swoju smert, neskolko ras menjal wneschnost – ne pomogalo! Ochota prodolschalas! Togda Wiktor reschil podstawit wmesto sebja Bima. Prawda, eto emu ne udalos! Bolee togo, summa w 50 mln. $ okasalas w rukach mima Bima. Tak tschto polosa neudatsch w ego schisni sawerschilas!
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143131856 |
204000004038 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Altersfreigabe | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |