Die amerikanische Tochter (Amerikanskaya doch) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
Komponist: Anatoliy Kroll
Drehbuch: Aleksandr Borodyanskij
Kamera: Vladimir Shevcik
Producer: Boris Giller
* Kinotavr IFF - Special Prize of the President's Council to a Debuting Actress (Allyson Whitbeck), 1995
* Montreal IFF, Canada - Participant of the competition program, 1995
* 2nd IFF in Shanghai, China - Special Prize, 1995
* IFF of Children's Films in Artek - Best Actress Award (Allyson Whitbeck)
Special features:
* Interview with director K. Shakhnazarov;
* Filmographies;
* Photoalbum "Making of K. Shakhazarov's films";
* Coming soon on DVD
Geroy filma - muzykant odnogo iz moskovskih restoranov, - priletaet v San-Frantsisko, chtoby... pohitit svoyu doch. Mariya Shukshina i Vladimir Mashkov igrayut v kartine Karena Shahnazarova byvshih suprugov, kotorye ne mogut podelit edinstvennogo rebenka. Zhena, brosiv muzha, tayno uehala iz Rossii s malenkoy docheryu Aney (Elison Uitbek) v San-Frantsisko i tam dovolno udachno vyshla zamuzh za respektabelnogo amerikantsa. Zhenshchine nadoela neustroennaya zhizn s muzykantom, igrayushchim v moskovskom restorane. Spustya chetyre goda otets priezzhaet v Ameriku s tselyu uvidet lyubimuyu doch. Posle trogatelnoy vstrechi otets i doch reshayut tayno uehat. Nachinaetsya ih uvlekatelnoe puteshestvie avtostopom po vsey Amerike, polnoe komediynyh situatsiy i priklyucheniy…
Posle prosmotra etoy kartiny na Mezhdunarodnom kinofestivale v Monreale v 1995 g. Frensis Ford Koppola priglasil yunuyu amerikanskuyu aktrisu Elison Uitbek na rol v svoem novom filme.
* MKF «Kinotavr» - Spetsialnaya premiya prezidentskogo soveta za debyut (Elison Uitbek), 1995
* MKF v Monreale, Kanada - Uchastnik konkursnoy programmy, 1995
* II MKF v Shanhae, Kitay - Spetsialnyy priz, 1995
* MKF detskogo filma v Arteke - Priz «za luchshuyu zhenskuyu rol» (Elison Uitbek)
Bonus - trek:
* Intervyu s rezhisserom K. Shahnozarovym;
* Intervyu na semkah;
* Filmografii;
* Fotoalbom "Na semkah filmov K.Shahnazarova";
* Skoro na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006984 |
204000014494 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
1995 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 33 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Untertitel |
Englisch | Russisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch | Italienisch |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
5 out of 5
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