Starye pesni o glawnom. Postskriptum
Natasha Koroleva | Tatyana Bulanova | Lyudmila Gurchenko | Valeriya | Anzhelika Varum | Ivanushki International | Mumi Troll | Wladimir Kusmin | Marina Hlebnikova | Leonid Agutin | Oleg Gazmanov | Igor Nikolaev | Valeriy Meladze | Maksim Leonidov | Waleri Leontjew | Nikolay Noskov | Alla Pugatschowa | Kristina Orbakaite | Laima Vaikule | Filipp Kirkorow | Aleksandr Buynov | Lolita Milyavskaya ("Lolita") | Dmitriy Malikov | Larisa Dolina | Nikolay Fomenko | Aleksandr Cekalo
0 out of 5
W nowogodnjuju notsch w skasotschnom otele sobralis wse swesdy, tschtoby poradowat nas lutschschimi, ljubimymi pesnjami russkoj i sarubeschnoj estrady proschlych let. W filme swutschat pesni:
1. Aleksandr Bujnow -"Let My People Go"
2. Lajma Wajkule - "Ej, morjak" (is k/f "Tschelowek-amfibija")
3. Mumij Troll - "Twist And Shout"
4. Tanja Bulanowa - "Padam Padam"
5. Walerij Meladse - "Swadba"
6. Kristina Orbakajte, Marina Chlebnikowa, Igor Nikolaew, Dmitrij Malikow - "Dancing Queen"
7. Oleg Gasmanow, Lolita - "Felicita"
8. Leonid Agutin - "Schalandy"
9. Walerij Leontew - "Une Vie D`Amour" (is k/f "Tegeran-43")
10. Alla Pugatschewa - "Golubka"
11. Maksim Leonidow -"Blue Suede Shoes"
12. Anschelika Warum - "I Wanna Be Loved By You"
13. Wladimir Kusmin - "Korolewa krasoty"
14. Ljudmila Gurtschenko - "Chotschesch?"
15. Nikolaj Noskow - "Polet na deltaplane"
16. Walerija - "Gorod detstwa"
17. Iwanuschki International - "Poslednjaja elektritschka"
18. Nikolaj Fomenko - "Beleet moj parus" (is k/f "12 stulew")
19. Larisa Dolina - "I Will Always Love You"
20. Natascha Korolewa, Aleksandr Zekalo - "Ti sch mene pidmanula"
21. Filipp Kirkorow - "Livin` La Vida Loca"
22. Elena Lenenbaum-Worobej - "Swesdnyj tschas"
1. Aleksandr Bujnow -"Let My People Go"
2. Lajma Wajkule - "Ej, morjak" (is k/f "Tschelowek-amfibija")
3. Mumij Troll - "Twist And Shout"
4. Tanja Bulanowa - "Padam Padam"
5. Walerij Meladse - "Swadba"
6. Kristina Orbakajte, Marina Chlebnikowa, Igor Nikolaew, Dmitrij Malikow - "Dancing Queen"
7. Oleg Gasmanow, Lolita - "Felicita"
8. Leonid Agutin - "Schalandy"
9. Walerij Leontew - "Une Vie D`Amour" (is k/f "Tegeran-43")
10. Alla Pugatschewa - "Golubka"
11. Maksim Leonidow -"Blue Suede Shoes"
12. Anschelika Warum - "I Wanna Be Loved By You"
13. Wladimir Kusmin - "Korolewa krasoty"
14. Ljudmila Gurtschenko - "Chotschesch?"
15. Nikolaj Noskow - "Polet na deltaplane"
16. Walerija - "Gorod detstwa"
17. Iwanuschki International - "Poslednjaja elektritschka"
18. Nikolaj Fomenko - "Beleet moj parus" (is k/f "12 stulew")
19. Larisa Dolina - "I Will Always Love You"
20. Natascha Korolewa, Aleksandr Zekalo - "Ti sch mene pidmanula"
21. Filipp Kirkorow - "Livin` La Vida Loca"
22. Elena Lenenbaum-Worobej - "Swesdnyj tschas"
204000003703 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2000 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 43 Minuten |
Tonformat |
Dolby Digital 5.1 | Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo | LPCM 2.0 Stereo |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |
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