Good guys (Choroschie parni)
Regie: Oleg Turanskiy
Drehbuch: Nikolay Rybalka
Drehbuch: Vladimir Zhovnoruk
Drehbuch: Elena Cventuh
Kamera: Sergey Ryabec
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Aleksey Terentev
Aleksandr Samojlenko | Aleksandr Tyutin | Natalya Lesnikovskaya | Aleksandr Baranovskiy | Maksim Drozd | Sergey Romanyuk
Drehbuch: Nikolay Rybalka
Drehbuch: Vladimir Zhovnoruk
Drehbuch: Elena Cventuh
Kamera: Sergey Ryabec
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Aleksey Terentev
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Action & Thriller | Komödie | TV-Serien
The main characters of the serial are two officers of the criminal investigation department who accidentally became colleagues. But thanks to this fact a rather dramatic story acquires a comedian plot. Medvedev and Burov are absolutely different and the only thing that unites them is their thirst for justice which they uphold in the Criminal and Drugs Investigation Department. Despite their hostility to each other the Head of the Department decides to make them fellow workers. This decision becomes effective for the department as well as for both of them. The situations they get in are sometimes much more dangerous than they can even imagine. Witty dialogues and unhappy Burov’s jokes, funny characters, ridiculous situations the characters get in and the style of their communication make this serial comic and fresh. The story becomes spicier when captain Burov falls in love with the daughter of his boss, a very pretty young lady who tries to become independent.
Glawnye geroi seriala – dwa opera, kotorye slutschajno okasalis naparnikami. Imenno blagodarja etoj slutschajnosti, dostatotschno dramatitscheskaja istorija priobretaet komedijnuju liniju. Medwedew i Burow absoljutno rasnye ljudi i edinstwennym, tschto ich obedinjaet, jawljaetsja schaschda sprawedliwosti, kotoruju oni otstaiwajut w otdele po borbe s organisowannoj prestupnostju i narkotorgowlej.
Nesmotrja na isnatschalno wosnikschuju wraschdebnost meschdu dwumja operami, natschalnik otdela Markow reschaet sdelat ich naparnikami. Eto reschenie okasywaetsja dostatotschno effektiwnym kak dlja otdela, tak i dlja samich rebjat.
Situazii, w kotorye oni popadajut, otschen tschasto bolee opasny, tschem rebjata dasche mogut sebe predstawit. Komedijnost i sweschest serialu pridajut ostroumnye dialogi, neudatschnye schutki Burowa, smeschnye geroi, smeschnye situazii, w kotorye popadajut glawnye geroi, a taksche ich stil reschenija konfliktow.
Istorija priobretaet bolee pikantnyj charakter, kogda kapitan Burow wljubljaetsja w dotschku swoego natschalnika – otschen krasiwuju moloduju dewuschku, kotoraja pytaetsja wyjti is teni swoego otza.
8 serij
Glawnye geroi seriala – dwa opera, kotorye slutschajno okasalis naparnikami. Imenno blagodarja etoj slutschajnosti, dostatotschno dramatitscheskaja istorija priobretaet komedijnuju liniju. Medwedew i Burow absoljutno rasnye ljudi i edinstwennym, tschto ich obedinjaet, jawljaetsja schaschda sprawedliwosti, kotoruju oni otstaiwajut w otdele po borbe s organisowannoj prestupnostju i narkotorgowlej.
Nesmotrja na isnatschalno wosnikschuju wraschdebnost meschdu dwumja operami, natschalnik otdela Markow reschaet sdelat ich naparnikami. Eto reschenie okasywaetsja dostatotschno effektiwnym kak dlja otdela, tak i dlja samich rebjat.
Situazii, w kotorye oni popadajut, otschen tschasto bolee opasny, tschem rebjata dasche mogut sebe predstawit. Komedijnost i sweschest serialu pridajut ostroumnye dialogi, neudatschnye schutki Burowa, smeschnye geroi, smeschnye situazii, w kotorye popadajut glawnye geroi, a taksche ich stil reschenija konfliktow.
Istorija priobretaet bolee pikantnyj charakter, kogda kapitan Burow wljubljaetsja w dotschku swoego natschalnika – otschen krasiwuju moloduju dewuschku, kotoraja pytaetsja wyjti is teni swoego otza.
8 serij
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143132129 |
204000004026 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
5 Stunden 52 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Altersfreigabe | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |