The Wave runner (Beguschaya po volnam) (RUSCICO)
Komponist: Yan Frenkel
Drehbuch: Aleksandr Galich
Buch: Aleksandr Grin
Kamera: Stoyan Zlychkin
The famous bard Alexander Galich wrote the script to this film –one of the 1960s best motion pictures. The film features his wonderful songs as performed by Galich himself: “A ship was sailing from faraway Australia…”, “Things will straighten out, there’s nothing to worry about…”… In the 21st century, the cinema will be different; perhaps it’s natural. And yet, it’s a pity…
Special features:
• Interview with daughter of Alexander Galich, Alyona Galich
• Feturette “Galich. Selected Works”
• Photo gallery
• Filmographies
Romanticheskaya drama po motivam odnoimennogo romana Aleksandra Grina s uchastiem Margarity Terehovoj («Sobaka na sene»), Rolana Bykova («ZHenitba Balzaminova»), Natali Bogunovoj («Bolshaya peremena») i populyarnogo bolgarskogo aktera Savvy Hashimova.
Pianist Garvej, napravlyayuschijsya na gastroli, shodit s poezda, chtoby kupit sigaret, i uznaet u prodavschitsy, chto vydumannye Grinom goroda suschestvuyut na samom dele. Zabyv o gastrolyah, on otpravlyaetsya v takoj gorod, gde znakomitsya s kapitanom "Beguschej po volnam"…
Stsenarij odnogo iz luchshih filmov 60-h gg. napisan izvestnym bardom Aleksandrom Galichem. V kartine zvuchat zamechatelnye pesni v ego ispolnenii: «SHel korabl iz dalekoj Avstralii…», «Vse naladitsya, obrazuetsya…»… V 21 veke budet drugoe kino, navernoe, eto estestvenno. A vse-taki zhal…
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s docheryu Aleksandra Galicha Alenoj Galich
• Videosyuzhet «A. Galich. Izbrannoe»
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777010011, 4606777010707 |
204000015751 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
1967 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 8 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
Bildformat | WideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1) |
Sprachen | |
Untertitel | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
5 out of 5
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Wie der Fußball nach Georgien kam (Die erste Schwalbe) (Perwaja lastotschka) (RUSCICO)
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Herbstglocken (Von der schönen Zarentochter und den sieben Recken) (Osennije kolokola) (RUSCICO)
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Väterchen Frost - Abenteuer im Zauberwald (Morosko) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
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Das Vermächtnis des Professors Dowell (Saweschtschanie professora Douelja) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
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Collection: Original Story by
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