Poor Anastasia (Bednaja Nastja) (3 DVD)
Regie: Petr Shteyn
Albert Filozov | Aleksandr Kalyagin | Igor Dmitriev | Svetlana Toma | Nina Usatova | Olga Ostroumova | Elena Korikova | Daniil Strahov | V Filippenko | Dmitriy Isaev | Pjetr Krasilow
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Format: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram | TV-Serien
The story of "Bednaya Nastya" is set in the XIX century and features a whole tangle of various genres: romance, detective, historical drama and whatnot. The main plot of this soap-opera turns around a young and of course beautiful girl named Anna Platonova - a serf that was brought up by her patron Baron Korf who treated her like his own daughter, much to the seeming displeasure of his son Vladimir. Upon entering the High Society and meeting a noble young man Mikhail Repnin Anna doesn't even guess what kind of ordeals her life is going to go through... Love, hatred, betrayal, murder - it all has something to do with the mysterious Nastya that is being looked for during the whole series. But, as it usually happens, this massive 120-eps soap ends well, with love found, evil punished and justice triumphing.
1839 god. Istorija dwischetsja wpered, a tschelowetscheskie tschuwstwa ne menjajutsja - ljubow i rewnost, blagorodstwo i sawist, tschestnost i predatelstwo wse tak sche prawjat balom. Starik baron Korf wyrastil Annu kak rodnuju dotsch, on metschtaet uwidet ee na szene Imperatorskogo teatra. Swetskij Peterburg widit w Anne nesomnennyj talant, ej protschat bolschoe buduschtschee. No malo kto snaet, tschto ona - krepostnaja. Knjas Michail Repnin wljubilsja w Annu s perwogo wsgljada, no ne podosrewaet o ee proischoschdenii. Sochranit li Repnin swoju ljubow, kogda tajna Anny raskroetsja?
1839 god. Istorija dwischetsja wpered, a tschelowetscheskie tschuwstwa ne menjajutsja - ljubow i rewnost, blagorodstwo i sawist, tschestnost i predatelstwo wse tak sche prawjat balom. Starik baron Korf wyrastil Annu kak rodnuju dotsch, on metschtaet uwidet ee na szene Imperatorskogo teatra. Swetskij Peterburg widit w Anne nesomnennyj talant, ej protschat bolschoe buduschtschee. No malo kto snaet, tschto ona - krepostnaja. Knjas Michail Repnin wljubilsja w Annu s perwogo wsgljada, no ne podosrewaet o ee proischoschdenii. Sochranit li Repnin swoju ljubow, kogda tajna Anny raskroetsja?
204000020227 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2003 |
Menge pro Set |
3 |
Dauer |
48 Stunden |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Rossija |