Strange encounter (My stranno wstretilis)
Regie: Sajdo Kurbanov
Drehbuch: Lyudmila Pivovarova
Kamera: Aleksey Naydenov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Valentin Opalev
Yaroslav Boyko | Vadim Aleksandrov | Sergej Yushkevich | Olga Krasko | Valentina Ananina | Tatyana Kuznecova
Drehbuch: Lyudmila Pivovarova
Kamera: Aleksey Naydenov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Valentin Opalev
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram > Melodram
Nadia Reshetova is an attractive 30-year old woman who works for the local council where she is well respected for her honesty and integrity. She has remained single, however, as many men feel threatened by her career, until she meets Viktor. Viktor and Nadia begin an intense courtship and after two weeks, Viktor proposes to her before leaving for a business trip to Moscow.
When he returns, he tells Nadia that a contract he had signed for constructing a new road is now under threat, as the residents of a nearby village are refusing to move. Viktor pressurises Nadia into signing the papers giving the project the go-ahead, however, Nadia, convinced she has made the wrong decision, decides to visit the village behind his back. On her way, she gets lost and, after spending the night in her car, is rescued by one of the villagers, Grigoriy, a 40-year old man who tells her that he cannot afford to move as the crops he grows in his garden feed his entire family. Their conversation is suddenly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Viktor who demands that Nadia resigns from her job and moves to Moscow with him immediately.
Nadia reluctantly agrees, but on the morning of their wedding, Grigoriy appears and tells Nadia that the village is safe as the council have discovered that Viktor’s project was a scam. Appalled, Nadia leaves Viktor at the altar, accepting the honourable Grigoriy’s proposal of marriage instead.
W nebolschom prowinzialnom gorodke schiwet Nadeschda Reschetowa – schenschtschina molodaja, obajatelnaja, da eschtsche i natschalnik uprawlenija stroitelstwom w mestnoj merii. Ee wse ljubjat, a nekotorye ( kak, naprimer, sosed-pjaniza, dasche pobaiwajutsja). No sudbu swoju Nadja poka ne wstretila. Ona schiwet wmeste s ljubimoj babuschkoj i otschen ljubit lowit rybu: kaschdye wychodnye na swoich «Schiguljach» otprawljaetsja s notschewkoj na reku. I wot w odin is takich uik-endow Nadja wstretschaet «prinza na belom kone». Eto - Wiktor, bisnesmen is Moskwy, ljubitel konnoj esdy. Snakomstwo natschalos romantitscheski i prodolschilos, kak w skaske. Wskore i swadbu nasnatschili. Tut wosnikla odna nebolschaja neuwjasotschka. Bisnes Wiktora swjasan so stroitelstwom dorog, i on polutschil podrjad na takoe stroitelstwo w Nadinom gorode. Doroga dolschna prochodit tscheres derewnju Tykowku, a dlja etogo tamoschnich ljudej nuschno wyseljat. I eto dolschna sawisirowat Nadja. Tschtoby sowest byla tschista, otprawljaetsja Nadeschda na swoich «Schiguljach» w Tykowku: na ljudej posmotret da rasusnat wse. Notschju natschalas grosa, maschina sastrjala w grjasi da eschtsche i bensin kontschilsja! Utrom usche uspewschuju prostuditsja Nadju «spasaet» schitel Tykowki Grigorij – mestnyj fermer. Meschdu nimi protjagiwaetsja «nitotschka», no… dewuschka woswraschtschaetsja domoj, a wskore uesschaet w stolizu gotowitsja k swadbe. W Moskwe Nade stanowitsja skutschno, ona ne moschet najti sebe sanjatie. Da i Wiktor kak-to rasom rasterjal swoj romantism. I wot kogda usche swadebnaja prozessija wplotnuju priblisilas k dwerjam SAGSa, otkuda ni wosmis pojawljaetsja Grigorij i uwosit Nadeschdu obratno w prowinziju.
When he returns, he tells Nadia that a contract he had signed for constructing a new road is now under threat, as the residents of a nearby village are refusing to move. Viktor pressurises Nadia into signing the papers giving the project the go-ahead, however, Nadia, convinced she has made the wrong decision, decides to visit the village behind his back. On her way, she gets lost and, after spending the night in her car, is rescued by one of the villagers, Grigoriy, a 40-year old man who tells her that he cannot afford to move as the crops he grows in his garden feed his entire family. Their conversation is suddenly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Viktor who demands that Nadia resigns from her job and moves to Moscow with him immediately.
Nadia reluctantly agrees, but on the morning of their wedding, Grigoriy appears and tells Nadia that the village is safe as the council have discovered that Viktor’s project was a scam. Appalled, Nadia leaves Viktor at the altar, accepting the honourable Grigoriy’s proposal of marriage instead.
W nebolschom prowinzialnom gorodke schiwet Nadeschda Reschetowa – schenschtschina molodaja, obajatelnaja, da eschtsche i natschalnik uprawlenija stroitelstwom w mestnoj merii. Ee wse ljubjat, a nekotorye ( kak, naprimer, sosed-pjaniza, dasche pobaiwajutsja). No sudbu swoju Nadja poka ne wstretila. Ona schiwet wmeste s ljubimoj babuschkoj i otschen ljubit lowit rybu: kaschdye wychodnye na swoich «Schiguljach» otprawljaetsja s notschewkoj na reku. I wot w odin is takich uik-endow Nadja wstretschaet «prinza na belom kone». Eto - Wiktor, bisnesmen is Moskwy, ljubitel konnoj esdy. Snakomstwo natschalos romantitscheski i prodolschilos, kak w skaske. Wskore i swadbu nasnatschili. Tut wosnikla odna nebolschaja neuwjasotschka. Bisnes Wiktora swjasan so stroitelstwom dorog, i on polutschil podrjad na takoe stroitelstwo w Nadinom gorode. Doroga dolschna prochodit tscheres derewnju Tykowku, a dlja etogo tamoschnich ljudej nuschno wyseljat. I eto dolschna sawisirowat Nadja. Tschtoby sowest byla tschista, otprawljaetsja Nadeschda na swoich «Schiguljach» w Tykowku: na ljudej posmotret da rasusnat wse. Notschju natschalas grosa, maschina sastrjala w grjasi da eschtsche i bensin kontschilsja! Utrom usche uspewschuju prostuditsja Nadju «spasaet» schitel Tykowki Grigorij – mestnyj fermer. Meschdu nimi protjagiwaetsja «nitotschka», no… dewuschka woswraschtschaetsja domoj, a wskore uesschaet w stolizu gotowitsja k swadbe. W Moskwe Nade stanowitsja skutschno, ona ne moschet najti sebe sanjatie. Da i Wiktor kak-to rasom rasterjal swoj romantism. I wot kogda usche swadebnaja prozessija wplotnuju priblisilas k dwerjam SAGSa, otkuda ni wosmis pojawljaetsja Grigorij i uwosit Nadeschdu obratno w prowinziju.
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143131740 |
204000007240 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2007 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |