Downsizing the family (Karasi)
Regie: Sergej Krutin
Komponist: Egor Olesow
Kamera: Mihail Markov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Yuriy Minzyanov
Elena Yakovleva | Yurij Stepanov | Svetlana Malyukova | Jaroslav Zhalnin
Komponist: Egor Olesow
Kamera: Mihail Markov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Yuriy Minzyanov
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Komödie | Drama - Melodram > Melodram
Colonel Carp lives with his wife, Larisa, a gynaecologist and their son, Andrey in a large house in the city. Apart from his demanding job in the military, the colonel loves to hunt and fish, which takes him away from home for long periods of time. However, it is his love of other women that is the real cause of his absences and his marital problems. With this example to follow, it is no surprise that the children are also proving unlucky in love. Daughter Veronica has fallen in love with the wrong man while son Andrey is following in his father’s footsteps and gaining a reputation as a ladies’ man.
When the colonel is told by his superiors that his family is to be relocated to a small flat, he decides the easiest solution would be to marry Andrey off. Andrey has no shortage of girlfriends but all of them refuse to marry him. However, there is one exception - Sonja, a plain girl and not Andrey’s usual type, wants to be his wife and, although Andrey is initially horrified by this prospect, his father encourages him to give her a chance. As Andrey and Sonja become better acquainted, he finds himself falling in love with her. It seems the colonel’s plan is finally coming together – until, that is, Larisa suddenly announces that she is leaving him for another man. Maybe the colonel’s new flat will be sufficient after all!
Karasi – eto semja, proschiwajuschtschaja w rossijskom gorode-millionnike. Polkownik Karas – woennyj tschelowek, ego schena Larisa – wratsch-ginekolog, ich dotsch Weronika – aspirantka i nestschastliwaja wljublennaja, a syn Andrej – krasawez i lowelas. Glawnaja kollisija szenarija - neobchodimost srotschnoj schenitby Andreja, inatsche kwartira, kotoruju wot-wot polutschit polkownik dlja syna budet lisch odnokomnatnoj. Andrej pytaetsja wypolnit poschelanie roditelej, no wse ego bywschie podruschki – dlinnonogie i krasiwye - otkasywajutsja wychodit sa nego samusch. Togda on snakomitsja s Sonej – kriwonogoj i nekrasiwoj. Dewuschka bes ogljadki wljubljaetsja w Andreja. I imenno k nej, kak eto ni stranno, w finale szenarija u nego wosniknut neschnye tschuwstwa. Eto – odna is sjuschetnych linij. A est eschtsche ljubow Polkownika k ochote, rybalke i schenschtschinam. Est neudowletworennost Larisy swoej semejnoj schisnju – w resultate ona taki sobiraetsja ujti ot muscha k drugomu muschtschine. I otschn sloschno ponjat, potschemu w etoj, na perwyj wsgljad, dostatotschno blagopolutschnoj seme, buschujut poistine gamletowskie strasti. Wse sawjasywaetsja w tugoj usel, i ne iswestno, rasputaetsja li kogda-nibud etot klubok emozij.
2 serii
When the colonel is told by his superiors that his family is to be relocated to a small flat, he decides the easiest solution would be to marry Andrey off. Andrey has no shortage of girlfriends but all of them refuse to marry him. However, there is one exception - Sonja, a plain girl and not Andrey’s usual type, wants to be his wife and, although Andrey is initially horrified by this prospect, his father encourages him to give her a chance. As Andrey and Sonja become better acquainted, he finds himself falling in love with her. It seems the colonel’s plan is finally coming together – until, that is, Larisa suddenly announces that she is leaving him for another man. Maybe the colonel’s new flat will be sufficient after all!
Karasi – eto semja, proschiwajuschtschaja w rossijskom gorode-millionnike. Polkownik Karas – woennyj tschelowek, ego schena Larisa – wratsch-ginekolog, ich dotsch Weronika – aspirantka i nestschastliwaja wljublennaja, a syn Andrej – krasawez i lowelas. Glawnaja kollisija szenarija - neobchodimost srotschnoj schenitby Andreja, inatsche kwartira, kotoruju wot-wot polutschit polkownik dlja syna budet lisch odnokomnatnoj. Andrej pytaetsja wypolnit poschelanie roditelej, no wse ego bywschie podruschki – dlinnonogie i krasiwye - otkasywajutsja wychodit sa nego samusch. Togda on snakomitsja s Sonej – kriwonogoj i nekrasiwoj. Dewuschka bes ogljadki wljubljaetsja w Andreja. I imenno k nej, kak eto ni stranno, w finale szenarija u nego wosniknut neschnye tschuwstwa. Eto – odna is sjuschetnych linij. A est eschtsche ljubow Polkownika k ochote, rybalke i schenschtschinam. Est neudowletworennost Larisy swoej semejnoj schisnju – w resultate ona taki sobiraetsja ujti ot muscha k drugomu muschtschine. I otschn sloschno ponjat, potschemu w etoj, na perwyj wsgljad, dostatotschno blagopolutschnoj seme, buschujut poistine gamletowskie strasti. Wse sawjasywaetsja w tugoj usel, i ne iswestno, rasputaetsja li kogda-nibud etot klubok emozij.
2 serii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143131924 |
204000007121 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 42 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |