Life without Auntie (Esli u Was netu teti)
Kamera: Sergey Pavlenko
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Tatyana Kravchenko | Aleksandr Samojlenko | Elena Drobysheva | Andrey Gradov | Pavel Remezov | Anna Kamenkova | Tatyana Lyutaeva | Aleksey Kolcov | Dmitriy Zhulin | Natalya Lesnikovskaya
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
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How it’s good to have an aunt! Especially if she is from province. Especially if you are Moscowite, you are fine and you are fully satisfied with your life. Your aunt will certainly come to visit you, be sure! And everything will go criss-cross from this very moment. She will raid into your space, make her own rules, ruin all your planes and will certainly take care of you- indeed all aunts are so careful. She will do it everyday ( naturally your aunt came for a long time) and will help you, help and help. And your attempts to resist are vain.
Your life will stop being radiant from this very moment. And you will run from your own home headlong toward …your private happiness. Because generally speaking your aunt is an Angel! But you haven’t noticed it at once.
Kak choroscho imet tjotju! Osobenno is prowinzii. Osobenno esli wy moskwitschka i dowolny schisnju. Tjotja objasatelno priedet k wam w gosti, no… s etogo momenta wsjo pojdjot naperekosjak. Ona worwetsja w waschu schisn, nawedjot tam swoi porjadki, naruschit wse waschi plany i budet pomogat wam, pomogat, pomogat. Kak by wy ne soprotiwljalis! I togda wy stremglaw umtschites is sobstwennogo doma nawstretschu… litschnomu stschastju. Poskolku, woobschtsche-to, wascha tjotja – angel. Tolko wy ne srasu eto sametili…
Imenno takaja istorija proisoschla w schenskom zarstwe, gde proschiwali Olga s dotscherju Elkoj i ee sestra Lena s schestiletnim synom Fedorom. Esli w plane karery u baryschen wse skladywalos udatschno - Olga sakantschiwala prestischnye kursy landschaftnogo disajna, Elka –utschilas w teatralnom institute i igrala glawnuju rol w snimajuschtschemsja seriale, Lena wosglawljala iswestnuju fotostudiju, to w litschnoj schisni im wsem katastrofitscheski ne weslo: ot Olgi uschel musch; Lena rodila rebenka woobschtsche bes muscha, a teper prebywala w sostojanii nerwnogo roman s schenatym muschtschinoj; Elku predal ljubimyj paren.
No kogda k nim is prowinzii priechala tetja Ljusja – schenschtschina dobraja i energitschnaja, budte uwereny, wse w schisni etogo semejstwa obrasowalos nailutschschim sposobom. Bolee togo, bes wnimanija Fortuny ne ostalis i sama tetja Ljusja, i podslepowataja sosedka Elisaweta Petrowna, i dasche bywschij musch Olgi. Skaska sostojalas!
8 serij
Your life will stop being radiant from this very moment. And you will run from your own home headlong toward …your private happiness. Because generally speaking your aunt is an Angel! But you haven’t noticed it at once.
Kak choroscho imet tjotju! Osobenno is prowinzii. Osobenno esli wy moskwitschka i dowolny schisnju. Tjotja objasatelno priedet k wam w gosti, no… s etogo momenta wsjo pojdjot naperekosjak. Ona worwetsja w waschu schisn, nawedjot tam swoi porjadki, naruschit wse waschi plany i budet pomogat wam, pomogat, pomogat. Kak by wy ne soprotiwljalis! I togda wy stremglaw umtschites is sobstwennogo doma nawstretschu… litschnomu stschastju. Poskolku, woobschtsche-to, wascha tjotja – angel. Tolko wy ne srasu eto sametili…
Imenno takaja istorija proisoschla w schenskom zarstwe, gde proschiwali Olga s dotscherju Elkoj i ee sestra Lena s schestiletnim synom Fedorom. Esli w plane karery u baryschen wse skladywalos udatschno - Olga sakantschiwala prestischnye kursy landschaftnogo disajna, Elka –utschilas w teatralnom institute i igrala glawnuju rol w snimajuschtschemsja seriale, Lena wosglawljala iswestnuju fotostudiju, to w litschnoj schisni im wsem katastrofitscheski ne weslo: ot Olgi uschel musch; Lena rodila rebenka woobschtsche bes muscha, a teper prebywala w sostojanii nerwnogo roman s schenatym muschtschinoj; Elku predal ljubimyj paren.
No kogda k nim is prowinzii priechala tetja Ljusja – schenschtschina dobraja i energitschnaja, budte uwereny, wse w schisni etogo semejstwa obrasowalos nailutschschim sposobom. Bolee togo, bes wnimanija Fortuny ne ostalis i sama tetja Ljusja, i podslepowataja sosedka Elisaweta Petrowna, i dasche bywschij musch Olgi. Skaska sostojalas!
8 serij
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143131849 |
204000007118 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
6 Stunden 24 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |