The right to Hope (Prawo na Nadeschdu)
Regie: Tara Tkachenko
Drehbuch: Aleksandr Kachan
Kamera: Bogdan Verzhbickiy
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Aleksei Goncharenko
Aleksandr Porohovschikov | Svetlana Ryabova | Dmitrii Surjikov | Anna Tambova
Drehbuch: Aleksandr Kachan
Kamera: Bogdan Verzhbickiy
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Aleksei Goncharenko
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram > Melodram
18-year old Kristina meets postgraduate student, Ivan, at a friend’s party where after too many drinks, he spends the night at her house. In the morning, Ivan meets Kristina’s mother, Nadezhda to whom he is immediately attracted and, although he takes Kristina out a couple more times, it is clear that Ivan’s feelings lie with her mother, and the attraction is mutual.
Gradually, the relationship between 23-year old Ivan and 40-year old Nadezhda begins to develop. However, it is met with great opposition from Ivan’s mother, who does not approve of the age difference and Kristina, who is extremely hurt. When Ivan announces that he is going to move in with Nadezhda, Kristina gives her mother an ultimatum - she must choose between her daughter and her lover. Reluctantly, Nadezhda ends her relationship with Ivan, however, the decision breaks her heart and sinks her into a deep depression. Seeing her mother suffer makes Kristina feel guilty and, after much soul-searching, she forgives her mother and gives the couple her blessing.
Dostatotschno tonkaja psichologitscheskaja melodrama na otschen aktualnuju nyntsche temu «nerawnych» romanow. 18-letnjaja studentka Kristina na wetscherinke u drusej snakomitsja s aspirantom swoego instituta Iwanom. Pod wlijaniem tanzew i wypitogo wina oni okasywajutsja w odnoj posteli w dome u Kristiny. Utrom Iwan snakomitsja s mamoj Kristiny Nadeschdoj Pawlownoj, i ona poraschaet molodogo tscheloweka do glubiny duschi. On eschtsche paru ras wstretschaetsja s Kristinoj, no stanowitsja jasno, tschto obektom ego wnimanija jawljaetsja imenno mama dewuschki. Postepenno roschdaetsja i raswiwaetsja roman meschdu sorokaletnej schenschtschinoj i dwadzatitrechletnim parnem, tschto wysywaet reskoe neprijatie, kak so storony mamy Iwana, tak i dotscheri Nadeschdy. Kogda sche Iwan reschaet pereechat k ljubimoj schenschtschine, Kristina stawit ultimatum: libo ona, libo Iwan. Nadeschda wygonjaet junoschu, a sama wpadaet w glubokuju depressiju. W kakoj-to moment w Kristine prosypajutsja dobrye tschuwstwa ( do sich por ona wela sebja s mamoj po-nyneschnemu chamski!), i ona smirjaetsja maminoj ljubowju. W konetschnom stschete, wse nedorasumenija rasrescheny, ljubow torschestwuet!
+Bonus "Skaska o stschaste" (2 serii)
Gradually, the relationship between 23-year old Ivan and 40-year old Nadezhda begins to develop. However, it is met with great opposition from Ivan’s mother, who does not approve of the age difference and Kristina, who is extremely hurt. When Ivan announces that he is going to move in with Nadezhda, Kristina gives her mother an ultimatum - she must choose between her daughter and her lover. Reluctantly, Nadezhda ends her relationship with Ivan, however, the decision breaks her heart and sinks her into a deep depression. Seeing her mother suffer makes Kristina feel guilty and, after much soul-searching, she forgives her mother and gives the couple her blessing.
Dostatotschno tonkaja psichologitscheskaja melodrama na otschen aktualnuju nyntsche temu «nerawnych» romanow. 18-letnjaja studentka Kristina na wetscherinke u drusej snakomitsja s aspirantom swoego instituta Iwanom. Pod wlijaniem tanzew i wypitogo wina oni okasywajutsja w odnoj posteli w dome u Kristiny. Utrom Iwan snakomitsja s mamoj Kristiny Nadeschdoj Pawlownoj, i ona poraschaet molodogo tscheloweka do glubiny duschi. On eschtsche paru ras wstretschaetsja s Kristinoj, no stanowitsja jasno, tschto obektom ego wnimanija jawljaetsja imenno mama dewuschki. Postepenno roschdaetsja i raswiwaetsja roman meschdu sorokaletnej schenschtschinoj i dwadzatitrechletnim parnem, tschto wysywaet reskoe neprijatie, kak so storony mamy Iwana, tak i dotscheri Nadeschdy. Kogda sche Iwan reschaet pereechat k ljubimoj schenschtschine, Kristina stawit ultimatum: libo ona, libo Iwan. Nadeschda wygonjaet junoschu, a sama wpadaet w glubokuju depressiju. W kakoj-to moment w Kristine prosypajutsja dobrye tschuwstwa ( do sich por ona wela sebja s mamoj po-nyneschnemu chamski!), i ona smirjaetsja maminoj ljubowju. W konetschnom stschete, wse nedorasumenija rasrescheny, ljubow torschestwuet!
+Bonus "Skaska o stschaste" (2 serii)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143132310 |
204000009092 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Altersfreigabe | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |