Regie: Tatyana Dogileva
Komponist: Vadim Tihonov
Drehbuch: Svetlana Sazonova
Ekaterina Vasileva | Sergej Selin | Dmitrij Haratyan | Vyacheslav Razbegaev | Darya Mihaylova | YUliya Telpuhova
Komponist: Vadim Tihonov
Drehbuch: Svetlana Sazonova
0 out of 5
Format: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram > Melodram
Twenty-year-old Lera has a complicated relationship with her mother, Tatiana. Her father, grandmother and Aunt Olga all love Lera, but they spoil and indulge her. When Lera falls in love with Denis, a man from a poor background, Tatiana cannot accept the fact that her daughter intends to marry him and, in the heat of the moment, confesses to Lera that she was adopted.
Lera is devastated and leaves. However, her mother is forced to accept the marriage when Lera announces that she is pregnant. With motherhood impending, Lera feels a piece of her is missing and, as she embarks on the journey to find her real mother, she realises too late how much this will cost her.
U dwadzatiletnej Lery Meschtscherikowoj sloschnye otnoschenija s materju. Otez, babuschka i tetja Olga ljubjat Leru, no is-sa ich nereschitelnosti i beswolija dewuschke prichoditsja samostojatelno otstaiwat swoj wybor. Tatjana ne moschet smiritsja s tem, tschto dotsch wychodit samusch sa parnja is bednoj semi Denisa i w serdzach rasskasywaet Lere, tschto ona priemnaja dotsch Meschtscherikowych. Lera uchodit schit k Denisu, i postepenno ee schisn nalaschiwaetsja: ona miritsja s otzom, tot ustraiwaet Denisa na rabotu, paren s radostju prinimaet iswestie, tschto u nego skoro budet rebenok, i Tatjane prichoditsja smiritsja s brakom dotscheri. No Leru gloschet mysl, tschto ona dolschna najti swoju rodnuju mat - tolko togda ona smoschet rasobratsja w sebe. Esli by dewuschka snala, tschto sa eto ej pridjotsja otschen dorogo saplatit…
Lera is devastated and leaves. However, her mother is forced to accept the marriage when Lera announces that she is pregnant. With motherhood impending, Lera feels a piece of her is missing and, as she embarks on the journey to find her real mother, she realises too late how much this will cost her.
U dwadzatiletnej Lery Meschtscherikowoj sloschnye otnoschenija s materju. Otez, babuschka i tetja Olga ljubjat Leru, no is-sa ich nereschitelnosti i beswolija dewuschke prichoditsja samostojatelno otstaiwat swoj wybor. Tatjana ne moschet smiritsja s tem, tschto dotsch wychodit samusch sa parnja is bednoj semi Denisa i w serdzach rasskasywaet Lere, tschto ona priemnaja dotsch Meschtscherikowych. Lera uchodit schit k Denisu, i postepenno ee schisn nalaschiwaetsja: ona miritsja s otzom, tot ustraiwaet Denisa na rabotu, paren s radostju prinimaet iswestie, tschto u nego skoro budet rebenok, i Tatjane prichoditsja smiritsja s brakom dotscheri. No Leru gloschet mysl, tschto ona dolschna najti swoju rodnuju mat - tolko togda ona smoschet rasobratsja w sebe. Esli by dewuschka snala, tschto sa eto ej pridjotsja otschen dorogo saplatit…
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143131894 |
204000006838 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2008 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 30 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Russland |