Sturm über Asien (Potomok Tschingis-chana) (Kino Academia. Vol. 9) (Hyperkino) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Komponist: Nikolaj Kryukov
Kamera: Anatoliy Golovnya
In 1918 a young and simple Mongol herdsman and trapper is cheated out of a valuable fox fur by a European capitalist fur trader. Ostracized from the trading post, he escapes to the hills after brawling with the trader who cheated him. In 1920 he becomes a Soviet partisan, and helps the partisans fight for the Soviets against the occupying British army. However he is captured by the British when they try to requisition cattle from the herdsmen at the same time as the commandant meets with a reincarnated Grand Lama. After the trapper is shot, the army discovers an amulet that suggests he is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. They find him still alive, so the army restores his health and plans to use him as the head of a puppet regime. The trapper is thus thrust into prominence as he is placed in charge of the puppet government. By the end, however, the "puppet" turns against his masters in an outburst of fury.
Der Film ist in Hyperkino Format mit interaktiven akademischen Kommentaren.
DVD 1: Hyperkino kommentierte Version (Russisch und Englisch)
DVD 2: Untertitel Version (Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch)
HYPERKINO is a world premiere of the unique innovative method of the annotated and illustrated edition of films on contemporary digital formats. The method was developed by Natascha Drubek-Meyer and Nikolai Izvolov.
Sakljutschitelnaja tschast rewoljuzionnoj trilogii Wsewoloda Pudowkina («Mat», «Konez Sankt-Peterburga»).
Po motiwam odnoimennogo romana Iwana Nowokschenowa, dejstwie kotorogo proischodit w 20-ch godach w Mongolii. Molodoj ochotnik Bair, wosstaw protiw schestokosti i altschnosti amerikanzew i anglitschan, chosjajnitschawschich w strane, sumel podnjat na borbu s nimi wes narod. Wo wremja ekspedizii w asiatskie stepi byl obnaruschen zennejschij folklornyj material, poswoliwschij peredat wsju unikalnost schisni i byta, sochraniwschego prisnaki rodowogo stroja. Film imel ogluschitelnyj uspech ne tolko w Sowetskoj Rossii, no i wo wsej Sapadnoj Ewrope.
Film w formate "giperkino" (Hyperkino).
Disk 1: Hyperkino kommentirowannaja wersija (Russkij, Anglijskij)
Disk 2: Wersija filma s subtitrami (Anglijskij, Franzuskij, Nemezkij, Ispanskij, Italjanskij, Portugalskij)
HYPERKINO jawljaetsja mirowoj premeroj unikalnogo innowazionnogo metoda kommentirowannogo i illjustrirowannogo isdanija filmow na sowremennych zifrowych nositeljach. Etot metod jawljaetsja nautschnoj rasrabotkoj Nataschi Drubek i Nikolaja Iswolowa.
Cerija "Kinoakademija" wperwye dast wosmoschnost prosmatriwat film, i polutschit podrobnye kommentarii lutschschego spezialista Sergeja Kapterewa, w oblasti istorii i teorii kino. Kommentarii soprowoschdajutsja multimedijnymi illjustrazijami s ispolsowaniem unikalnych archiwnych i dokumentalnych materialow, kotorye poswoljat sritelju pogrusitsja w atmosferu sosdanija filma i epochu, ego porodiwschuju.
Auch bekannt als (aka):
Storm Over Asia - International (English title) / USA
The Heir to Genghis Khan - International (literal English title)
Boure nad Asií - Czechoslovakia (Czech title)
Burza nad Azja - Poland
Dzsingisz kán amulettje - Hungary
Myrsky yli Aasian - Finland
Storm over Asien - Denmark
Tempête sur l'Asie - France
Tempestad en Asia - Spain
Tempestad sobre Asia - Spain
Tempestade na Ásia - Portugal
Tempeste sull'Asia - Italy
Thyella stin Asia - Greece
Storm over Azië - Netherlands
成吉思汗的后代 - China
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777022571 |
204000001231 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
1928 |
Menge pro Set |
2 |
Dauer |
1 Stunde 36 Minuten |
Tonformat | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep Case) |
Bildformat | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Sprachen | |
Untertitel |
Englisch | Russisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch | Italienisch | Portugiesisch |
Menüsprachen | |
DVD-Regionencode | |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
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