Druga rika. Moda (Vinyl LP)
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Format: Vinyl (LP)
Genre: Rock | Ukrainische Musik
Admirers of the Ukrainian rockers of "Druga Rika" call an album "Moda" ("Fashion") the favourite one. As result, through all songs of an album there passes a thirst subject to the life, the price of which is already known to participants of "DR".
Valery Harchishin: "Each new word written in time of returning to life, lifted me physically... ". But the album has no utopian tragic note, it penetrated by a kindness and desire to enjoy life. The song after the song, is unexpectedly and contrastly poured from philosophical conclusions "O bud'", "Kinets svitu" in almost comical "Furia" and it is broken off in "Diskomoda's" unexpected rhythm.
The new "Moda" - a clot of life in all its manifestations. "Druga Rika" - grown and laughs at serious things. On a rock and roll background stand monumental "Kosmozoo" and not typical for "DR" ballad "Ya polechu" which sounds in almost bossa nova rhythm, but it is a 100% classic band's "ballad."
Do not miss the opportunity to become the owner of the iconic album on vinyl collector's edition of MOON Records!
Poklonniki ukrainskich rokerow "Druga Rika" nasywajut albom "Moda" odnim is samych ljubimych. Kak resultat, skwos wse pesni alboma prochodit tema schaschdy k schisni, zenu kotoroj usche choroscho posnali utschastniki „DR”.
Walerij Chartschischin: „Kaschdoe nowoe slowo, napisannoe wo wremja woswraschtschenija k schisni, podnimalo menja fisitscheski...”. No albom ne imeet ni odnoj utopitscheski tragitscheskoj noty ili slowa, plita pronisannaja positiwom i schelaniem naslaschdatsja schisnju. Albom, pesnja sa pesnej, neoschidanno i kontrastno pereliwaetsja is filosofskich wywodow "O, bud", "Konza sweta" w potschti komitschnuju "Furiju" i rasrywaetsja w neoschidannom ritme "Diskomody".
Nowaja "Moda" – sgustok schisni wo wsech ee projawlenijach. „Druga Rika” – dorosla i smeetsja nad seresnymi weschtschami. Na rok-n-rolnom fone wydeljajutsja monumentalnaja "Kosmozoo" i ne swojstwennaja "DR" ballada "Ja poletschu", tschto swutschit potschti w ritme bosanowa, no i est 100% klassitscheskim "drugorikowskim" "medljakom".
01. Nomer Odin
02. Kinez Switu
A3. Proponuju Mir
A4. Dotik
A5. Kosmozoo
01. O'bud...
02. Mikrofoni
03. Diskomoda
04. Furija
05. Ne Treba
06. Ja Poletschu...
Valery Harchishin: "Each new word written in time of returning to life, lifted me physically... ". But the album has no utopian tragic note, it penetrated by a kindness and desire to enjoy life. The song after the song, is unexpectedly and contrastly poured from philosophical conclusions "O bud'", "Kinets svitu" in almost comical "Furia" and it is broken off in "Diskomoda's" unexpected rhythm.
The new "Moda" - a clot of life in all its manifestations. "Druga Rika" - grown and laughs at serious things. On a rock and roll background stand monumental "Kosmozoo" and not typical for "DR" ballad "Ya polechu" which sounds in almost bossa nova rhythm, but it is a 100% classic band's "ballad."
Do not miss the opportunity to become the owner of the iconic album on vinyl collector's edition of MOON Records!
Poklonniki ukrainskich rokerow "Druga Rika" nasywajut albom "Moda" odnim is samych ljubimych. Kak resultat, skwos wse pesni alboma prochodit tema schaschdy k schisni, zenu kotoroj usche choroscho posnali utschastniki „DR”.
Walerij Chartschischin: „Kaschdoe nowoe slowo, napisannoe wo wremja woswraschtschenija k schisni, podnimalo menja fisitscheski...”. No albom ne imeet ni odnoj utopitscheski tragitscheskoj noty ili slowa, plita pronisannaja positiwom i schelaniem naslaschdatsja schisnju. Albom, pesnja sa pesnej, neoschidanno i kontrastno pereliwaetsja is filosofskich wywodow "O, bud", "Konza sweta" w potschti komitschnuju "Furiju" i rasrywaetsja w neoschidannom ritme "Diskomody".
Nowaja "Moda" – sgustok schisni wo wsech ee projawlenijach. „Druga Rika” – dorosla i smeetsja nad seresnymi weschtschami. Na rok-n-rolnom fone wydeljajutsja monumentalnaja "Kosmozoo" i ne swojstwennaja "DR" ballada "Ja poletschu", tschto swutschit potschti w ritme bosanowa, no i est 100% klassitscheskim "drugorikowskim" "medljakom".
01. Nomer Odin
02. Kinez Switu
A3. Proponuju Mir
A4. Dotik
A5. Kosmozoo
01. O'bud...
02. Mikrofoni
03. Diskomoda
04. Furija
05. Ne Treba
06. Ja Poletschu...
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4820011000716 |
103000019086 |
Erscheinungsjahr |
2013 |
Menge pro Set |
1 |
Format |
Album, Carton Sleeve |
Zusätzliche Informationen |
Moon Vinyl S.r.o. |