Tzar the Craftman, the Autocrat of all Russia. (Tsar-Remeslennik - Samoderzhets Vserossijskij)
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Media: Audio CD
Genre: Folk music > Russian Folk Music | Nostalgia
Canticles from the time of Peter the Great. Chants of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The edition contains a 24-page booklet with photographs and additional information In Russian and English languages.
1. We are known to Turks and Swedes
2. We served faithfully to Russian Tsars
3. Rejoice, O Russian Land
4. On the Mother Neva-River
5. Spring is coming
6. In the Kronstadt mountains
7. Storm on the Sea
8. All the world is surprised
9. Praise to Russian regiments
10. Rejoice, the Reigning City
11. Glorification to the Victory at Poltava
12. Today the Russian Eagle
13. The Battle of Poltava
14. Riga offers the peace treaty to Stockholm
15. Solemn Song
16. All the Russia was burst into tears
17. Eternal memory
18. Kontakion to St. Isaac of Dalmatia
19. Glorification to St. Isaac of Dalmatia
20. Troparion to SS Apostles Peter and Paul
21. Kontaktion to SS Apostles Peter and Paul
22. Glorification to SS Apostles Peter and Paul
23. Anthem to a Great City
Total time 54:48
1. Znayut turki nas i shvedy. Marsh Lejb-gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polka
2. My verno sluzhili pri russkih tsaryah. Pesni Lejb-gvardii Semenovskogo polka
3. Radujsya, Rossko zemle. Kant panegiricheskij.
4. Kak na matushke na Neve-reke. Kant opisatelnyj.
5. Vesna katit. (Stihi V. Trediakovskogo) Kant shutochnyj.
6. Na gorah kronshtadtskih. Kant shutochnyj.
7. Burya more razdymaet. Kant opisatelnyj.
8. Svete prostrannyj. Kant panegiricheskij na vzyatie SHlisselburga v 1702 godu.
9. Rossijskim polkam. Stih pobeditelnyj nad Karlusom korolem Svejskim pod Poltavoyu v 1709 godu).
10. Radujsya, grade tsarstvuyuschij! Stih pobeditelnyj nad Karlusom korolem Svejskim pod Poltavoyu v 1709 godu).
11. Velichanie Poltavskomu Torzhestvu, raspev Solovetskogo monastyrya.
12. Dnes, orle rossijskij. Kant viktorialnyj na pobedu pri Poltave,
13. Poltavskij boj. (Stihi I. Molchanova).
14. Riga Stekholmi sovet Predlagaet. Kant panegiricheskij na vzyatie Rigi v 1710 godu.
15. Torzhestvennaya paki. Kant viktorialnaj po sluchayu vzyatiya Derbenta v 1722 godu.
16. V slezah Rossiya vsya pogruzhalas. (Sl. Feofana Prokopovicha) Kant na konchinu Petra I (1725 g.)
17. Vechnaya pamyat (P. CHesnokov)
18. YAko ugodnik bozhij vernyj. Kondak, Glas 8-j svyatomu prepodobnomu Isaakiyu, ispovedniku Dalmatskomu
19. Velichanie svyatomu prepodobnomu Isaakiyu, ispovedniku Dalmatskomu
20. Apostolov pervoprestolnitsy. Tropar, Glas 4-j svyatym pervoverhovnym apostolam Petru i Pavlu.
21. Tverdyya i bogoveshannyya propovedateli. (K. Nikitin) Kondak, Glas 2-j svyatym pervoverhovnym apostolam Petru i Pavlu.
22. Velichanie svyatym pervoverhovnym apostolam Petru i Pavlu (K. Nikitin)
23. Gimn Velikomu gorodu (A.S Pushkin / R.M. Glier) Apofeoz iz baleta "Mednyj vsadnik"
Obschee vremya: 54:48
The edition contains a 24-page booklet with photographs and additional information In Russian and English languages.
1. We are known to Turks and Swedes
2. We served faithfully to Russian Tsars
3. Rejoice, O Russian Land
4. On the Mother Neva-River
5. Spring is coming
6. In the Kronstadt mountains
7. Storm on the Sea
8. All the world is surprised
9. Praise to Russian regiments
10. Rejoice, the Reigning City
11. Glorification to the Victory at Poltava
12. Today the Russian Eagle
13. The Battle of Poltava
14. Riga offers the peace treaty to Stockholm
15. Solemn Song
16. All the Russia was burst into tears
17. Eternal memory
18. Kontakion to St. Isaac of Dalmatia
19. Glorification to St. Isaac of Dalmatia
20. Troparion to SS Apostles Peter and Paul
21. Kontaktion to SS Apostles Peter and Paul
22. Glorification to SS Apostles Peter and Paul
23. Anthem to a Great City
Total time 54:48
1. Znayut turki nas i shvedy. Marsh Lejb-gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polka
2. My verno sluzhili pri russkih tsaryah. Pesni Lejb-gvardii Semenovskogo polka
3. Radujsya, Rossko zemle. Kant panegiricheskij.
4. Kak na matushke na Neve-reke. Kant opisatelnyj.
5. Vesna katit. (Stihi V. Trediakovskogo) Kant shutochnyj.
6. Na gorah kronshtadtskih. Kant shutochnyj.
7. Burya more razdymaet. Kant opisatelnyj.
8. Svete prostrannyj. Kant panegiricheskij na vzyatie SHlisselburga v 1702 godu.
9. Rossijskim polkam. Stih pobeditelnyj nad Karlusom korolem Svejskim pod Poltavoyu v 1709 godu).
10. Radujsya, grade tsarstvuyuschij! Stih pobeditelnyj nad Karlusom korolem Svejskim pod Poltavoyu v 1709 godu).
11. Velichanie Poltavskomu Torzhestvu, raspev Solovetskogo monastyrya.
12. Dnes, orle rossijskij. Kant viktorialnyj na pobedu pri Poltave,
13. Poltavskij boj. (Stihi I. Molchanova).
14. Riga Stekholmi sovet Predlagaet. Kant panegiricheskij na vzyatie Rigi v 1710 godu.
15. Torzhestvennaya paki. Kant viktorialnaj po sluchayu vzyatiya Derbenta v 1722 godu.
16. V slezah Rossiya vsya pogruzhalas. (Sl. Feofana Prokopovicha) Kant na konchinu Petra I (1725 g.)
17. Vechnaya pamyat (P. CHesnokov)
18. YAko ugodnik bozhij vernyj. Kondak, Glas 8-j svyatomu prepodobnomu Isaakiyu, ispovedniku Dalmatskomu
19. Velichanie svyatomu prepodobnomu Isaakiyu, ispovedniku Dalmatskomu
20. Apostolov pervoprestolnitsy. Tropar, Glas 4-j svyatym pervoverhovnym apostolam Petru i Pavlu.
21. Tverdyya i bogoveshannyya propovedateli. (K. Nikitin) Kondak, Glas 2-j svyatym pervoverhovnym apostolam Petru i Pavlu.
22. Velichanie svyatym pervoverhovnym apostolam Petru i Pavlu (K. Nikitin)
23. Gimn Velikomu gorodu (A.S Pushkin / R.M. Glier) Apofeoz iz baleta "Mednyj vsadnik"
Obschee vremya: 54:48
101000016864 |
Release Date |
2003 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Format |
Album, Jewel Case |
Additional Information |
IMLab |