Water Wind. Time swirl (Vodovotot vremen)
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Water Wind. The press-release of the album "Times Whirlpool".
"Times Whirlpool" is the second album of the band "Water Wind". In this album musicians continue own traditions, which have already become the face of the "Water Wind". There is mixture of styles: modern, romantic and folk, many modern and archaic instruments are used in record, two vocals - female and male as well as art songs, creating under the influence of Russian and European national culture.
11 songs have been selected from plenty of musical material for an album, they were arranged much more rigidly, in comparison with the first album, it is respond to musicians' today's mood.
Songs have absolutely different character; there are lyrical, playful, and even patriotic (revealing a new side of group creativity) compositions. And they create the organic entire as well as on the album "Svistoplyaska" (Maelstrom), being an illustration to the phenomenon under the name "Life", where sometimes completely various phenomena adjoin side by side / can be found side by side.
Only two of these songs are known to "Water Wind"'s fans by concerts, the others are absolutely new, earlier not playing anywhere.
Also band's videoclip to song "The Spider" (Pauk) will be presented by multimedia the track at the album.
The edition contains a 20-page booklet with photographs and song lyrics in Russian.
1. Water Wind
2. The Traveller
3. The Spider
4. Kupala
5. The Lullaby
6. Times Whirlpool
7. A Pray to Elbereth
8. The Roadside Dust
9. The Wheel Road
10. The Autumn
11. Oh, Ladu, Ladu
"The Spider" (Pauk) - videoclip
"Water Wind" (Veter vody) - videoclip
Maria - vocals; violin; synthesizer Hammond XB-2; keyboards (programming).
Den Skurida - vocals; recorders (soprano, alto, sopranino), fife, pipes (zhaleyka); electro-acoustic guitar, classical acoustic guitar, electro guitar; ethnic percussion (bodhran, darbukas, bongos, kongos, bass- and alt-toms, tambourines, antique cymbals, shakers and other percussion); bass-guitar, drums, keyboards (programming).
Feodor Vetrov - viola, percussion (toms, darbukas and other percussion).
The invited musicians:
Alexey Obraztsoff - bass-guitar, drums, keyboards (programming); arrangement.
Alexander Turin - bass-guitar (1, 2, 3).
"Vodovorot Vremen" - vtoroi al'bom gruppy "Veter Vody". Pesni o lyubvi, o jizni i smerti, o geroizme i magii, pesni na lyuboi vkus i dlya lyuboi jiznennoi situacii: v "Vodovorote Vremen" daje samyi pridirchivyi slushatel' naidet to, chto emu ponravitsya.
Raznoobrazie nastroenii, muzykal'nyh priemov i tem sochetaetsya s nepovtorimym stilem gruppy, podobnogo kotoromu slushatel' ne uslyshit bol'she nigde.
"Vodovorot Vremen" - yavlenie unikal'noe, v nem, kak ni u kogo ran'she, proyavilos' smeshenie vsego na svete: sovremennogo, romanticheskogo i narodnogo stilei, sovremennyh i arhaichnyh instrumentov, vokalov, jenskogo i mujskogo, a tak je russkoi i evropeiskoi narodnoi kul'tury, kotoraya udivitel'no perepletaetsya i dopolnyaet drug druga v muzyke "Vetra Vody".
Dlya al'boma iz bol'shogo kolichestva muzykal'nogo materiala bylo otobrano 11 pesen, raznyh po harakteru i aranjirovannyh gorazdo bolee energichno, chem na pervom al'bome. Tak je slushatel' obyazatel'no ocenit roskoshnoe oformlenie al'boma i velikolepnyi mnogostranichnyi buklet.
Na al'bome mul'timedia trekom predstavleny klipy gruppy na pesni "Pauk" i "Veter Vody".
Izdanie soderjit 20-stranichnyi buklet s fotografiyami i tekstami pesen na russkom yazyke.
1. Veter Vody
2. Putnik
3. Pauk
4. Kupala
5. Pridorojnaya Pyl'
6. Kolybel'naya
7. Vodovorot vremen
8. Molitva k Elberet
9. Kolesom Doroga
10. Osen'
11. Oi, ladu, ladu
"Pauk" - videoklip
"Veter vody" - videoklip
Uchastniki gruppy:
Mariya Larina - vokal, skripka, sintezator Hammond XB-2, klavishnye
Den Skurida - vokal; duhovye (blok fleity soprano/al't/sopranino, fife, jaleiki); gitary (elektro-akusticheskaya gitara, klassicheskaya akusticheskaya gitara, elektro-gitara); etnicheskaya perkussiya (darbuki, bongi, kongi, bas- i al't-tomy, tamburiny, antichnye tarelochki, sheikery i prochaya shumovaya perkussiya); bas-gitara, udarnye, klavishnye (programmirovanie)
Fedor Vetrov - al't, volynka, perkussiya
Vasilii Dovgan' - bas-gitara, kontrabas, perkussiya
Priglashennye muzykanty:
Aleksei Obrazcov - bas-gitara, udarnye, klavishnye (programmirovanie); golosa trollei (2)
Aleksandr Tyurin - bas-gitara (1, 2, 3)
Ramil' Mulikov - truba (10)
"Times Whirlpool" is the second album of the band "Water Wind". In this album musicians continue own traditions, which have already become the face of the "Water Wind". There is mixture of styles: modern, romantic and folk, many modern and archaic instruments are used in record, two vocals - female and male as well as art songs, creating under the influence of Russian and European national culture.
11 songs have been selected from plenty of musical material for an album, they were arranged much more rigidly, in comparison with the first album, it is respond to musicians' today's mood.
Songs have absolutely different character; there are lyrical, playful, and even patriotic (revealing a new side of group creativity) compositions. And they create the organic entire as well as on the album "Svistoplyaska" (Maelstrom), being an illustration to the phenomenon under the name "Life", where sometimes completely various phenomena adjoin side by side / can be found side by side.
Only two of these songs are known to "Water Wind"'s fans by concerts, the others are absolutely new, earlier not playing anywhere.
Also band's videoclip to song "The Spider" (Pauk) will be presented by multimedia the track at the album.
The edition contains a 20-page booklet with photographs and song lyrics in Russian.
1. Water Wind
2. The Traveller
3. The Spider
4. Kupala
5. The Lullaby
6. Times Whirlpool
7. A Pray to Elbereth
8. The Roadside Dust
9. The Wheel Road
10. The Autumn
11. Oh, Ladu, Ladu
"The Spider" (Pauk) - videoclip
"Water Wind" (Veter vody) - videoclip
Maria - vocals; violin; synthesizer Hammond XB-2; keyboards (programming).
Den Skurida - vocals; recorders (soprano, alto, sopranino), fife, pipes (zhaleyka); electro-acoustic guitar, classical acoustic guitar, electro guitar; ethnic percussion (bodhran, darbukas, bongos, kongos, bass- and alt-toms, tambourines, antique cymbals, shakers and other percussion); bass-guitar, drums, keyboards (programming).
Feodor Vetrov - viola, percussion (toms, darbukas and other percussion).
The invited musicians:
Alexey Obraztsoff - bass-guitar, drums, keyboards (programming); arrangement.
Alexander Turin - bass-guitar (1, 2, 3).
"Vodovorot Vremen" - vtoroi al'bom gruppy "Veter Vody". Pesni o lyubvi, o jizni i smerti, o geroizme i magii, pesni na lyuboi vkus i dlya lyuboi jiznennoi situacii: v "Vodovorote Vremen" daje samyi pridirchivyi slushatel' naidet to, chto emu ponravitsya.
Raznoobrazie nastroenii, muzykal'nyh priemov i tem sochetaetsya s nepovtorimym stilem gruppy, podobnogo kotoromu slushatel' ne uslyshit bol'she nigde.
"Vodovorot Vremen" - yavlenie unikal'noe, v nem, kak ni u kogo ran'she, proyavilos' smeshenie vsego na svete: sovremennogo, romanticheskogo i narodnogo stilei, sovremennyh i arhaichnyh instrumentov, vokalov, jenskogo i mujskogo, a tak je russkoi i evropeiskoi narodnoi kul'tury, kotoraya udivitel'no perepletaetsya i dopolnyaet drug druga v muzyke "Vetra Vody".
Dlya al'boma iz bol'shogo kolichestva muzykal'nogo materiala bylo otobrano 11 pesen, raznyh po harakteru i aranjirovannyh gorazdo bolee energichno, chem na pervom al'bome. Tak je slushatel' obyazatel'no ocenit roskoshnoe oformlenie al'boma i velikolepnyi mnogostranichnyi buklet.
Na al'bome mul'timedia trekom predstavleny klipy gruppy na pesni "Pauk" i "Veter Vody".
Izdanie soderjit 20-stranichnyi buklet s fotografiyami i tekstami pesen na russkom yazyke.
1. Veter Vody
2. Putnik
3. Pauk
4. Kupala
5. Pridorojnaya Pyl'
6. Kolybel'naya
7. Vodovorot vremen
8. Molitva k Elberet
9. Kolesom Doroga
10. Osen'
11. Oi, ladu, ladu
"Pauk" - videoklip
"Veter vody" - videoklip
Uchastniki gruppy:
Mariya Larina - vokal, skripka, sintezator Hammond XB-2, klavishnye
Den Skurida - vokal; duhovye (blok fleity soprano/al't/sopranino, fife, jaleiki); gitary (elektro-akusticheskaya gitara, klassicheskaya akusticheskaya gitara, elektro-gitara); etnicheskaya perkussiya (darbuki, bongi, kongi, bas- i al't-tomy, tamburiny, antichnye tarelochki, sheikery i prochaya shumovaya perkussiya); bas-gitara, udarnye, klavishnye (programmirovanie)
Fedor Vetrov - al't, volynka, perkussiya
Vasilii Dovgan' - bas-gitara, kontrabas, perkussiya
Priglashennye muzykanty:
Aleksei Obrazcov - bas-gitara, udarnye, klavishnye (programmirovanie); golosa trollei (2)
Aleksandr Tyurin - bas-gitara (1, 2, 3)
Ramil' Mulikov - truba (10)
101000016951 |
Release Date |
2009 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Format |
Album, Digipak |
Additional Information |