Movies about Animals (Black Mountain. Ricky - Tikki - Tavi. The Path Towards Uninterested Love. Lynx Follows the Path) (RUSCICO) (Filmy o zhivotnyh (Chernaya gora. Rikki-tikki-tavi. Tropoj beskorystnoj lyubvi. Rys vyhodit na tropu)) (4 DVD Box)
Director: Aleksandr Zguridi
Composer: Aleksandr Lokshin
Composer: David Krivickiy
Composer: Merab Parchaladze
Script: Leonid Belokurov
Script: Nana Kldiashvili
Writer: Redyard Kipling
Camera: Anatoliy Kaznin
Camera: Nina Yurushkina
Director: Aleksandr Zguridi
(1970, 88 min.)
After the story of Khwaja Ahmad Abbas.
The tragic history of the elephant family living in jungle of India, cinematized by the leading master of the special style of films about animals Alexander Zguridi («White Fang», «Robust Fellow», «In Depths of the Sea»). In the international award-winning pictures the director tried to state scientific knowledge of animals in the art plot. It is worthy of note that English studio «BBC» bought up the major part of films of this director and stores carefully in the reserve stock.
The scientific consultant of the film was Nikolay Drozdov («In the Animal World», «Last Hero»).
Interactive menu: Russian, English
Language(s): Russian, English
Subtitles: English, Russian
DVD Region: 0
Ricky-Tikki-Tavi (Disc 2)
Director: Aleksandr Zguridi
(1975, 95 min.)
Margarita Terekhova («Three Musketeers»), Alexey Batalov («Three Fat Men») in film of the known director, naturalist and founder of the TV program «In the Animal World» Alexander Zguridi («Black Mountain», «White Fang «) based on the story of Rudyard Kipling the Nobel Prize winner in literature («The Jungle Book»).
Here is the thrilling story of Rikki Tikki Tavi, a fearless young mongoose who finds himself locked in a life-and-death struggle to protect a boy Teddy and his parents from Nag and Nagaina, the two enormous cobras who stalk the gardens outside the familys home in India.
Interactive menu: Russian, English
Language(s): Russian, English
Subtitles: Russian, English
DVD Region: 0
The Path Towards Uninterested Love (Tropoi beskorystnoi lyubvi) (Disc 3)
Director: Agasi Babayan
(1971, 74 min.)
The first part of interesting history about a life of the young lynx Kunak. Other films from the series: “Lynx Follows the Path” (1982), «Lynx Returns» (1986), «Lynx Follows Tracks» (1994).
On one of his trips through the nature reserve, the ranger Michailytsch found a young lynx whose mother was killed by a bear. He takes it with him to his log cabin and calls it Kunak, which means friend. The young lynx gets used to the human environment. He grows up to become a stately lynx. When he attacks a rooster one day, he is sent away. On his wanderings through the Siberian forest, he is caught in a poacher’s trap. Only after a long search does Michailytsch find Kunak and frees him. But the lynx came to the attention of thieves who catch it and sell it to a circus in the city…
Interactive menu: Russian, English
Language(s): Russian, English
Subtitles: Russian, English
DVD Region: 0
Lynx Follows the Path (Rys vykhodit na tropu) (Disc 4)
Director: Agasi Babayan
(1982, 72 min.)
Sequel of the film «The Path Towards Uninterested Love». Other films from the series: «Lynx Returns» (1986), «Lynx Follows Tracks» (1994).
New history about the life and adventures of young lynx Kunak, living in the house of the ranger Michailytsch. Kunak has grown and has decided to go to a forest. It has found the girlfriend. In the struggle for a prey Kunak was wounded by the glutton. Michailytsch has rescueed the pet, and the last helped Michailytsch in struggle against poachers.
Interactive menu: Russian, English
Language(s): Russian, English, French
Subtitles: Russian, English, French
DVD Region: 0
Chernaya gora (Disk 1)
Rezhisser: Aleksandr Zguridi
(1970 g., 88 min.)
Kogda-to, ochen davno, v Indii obitalo ogromnoe stado slonov vo glave s vozhakom Chernaya gora. Posle dlitelnoy zasuhi odin iz slonov vpal v beshenstvo… Pervoy zhertvoy stala devochka… I togda lyudi ustroili ohotu na slonov. Chernaya gora popal v plen. No v skore u nego poyavilsya drug - malchik Manu…
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (Disk 2)
Rezhisser: Aleksandr Zguridi
(1975 g., 95 min.)
Deystvie filma proishodit v dzhunglyah Indii, gde raspolozheno bungalo lesnichego Roberta Lousona. Ego syn Teddi s indeyskim malchikom Dzhonom gulyayut po lesu, plavayut po ozeru na trostnikovoy lodke, sledyat za zhivotnymi, kotoryh tak mnogo v dzhunglyah. Neozhidannaya groza zastavlyaet rebyat spryatatsya u berega, otkuda oni nablyudayut za tem, kak burnoe techenie unosit zhivotnyh, tshchetno soprotivlyayushchihsya potoku. Odnogo iz nih - mangusta - spasaet, kinuvshiysya v vodu, Teddi. Eta pomoshch dorogo oboshlas emu: u malchika otnyalis nogi...
• XII MKF v Yugoslavii "FEST-82" - premiya zhyuri detskih filmov, 1982
Tropoy beskorystnoy lyubvi (Disk 3)
Rezhisser: Agasi Babayan
(1971 g., 74 min.)
Film posvyashchen pamyati izvestnogo pisatelya Vitaliya Bianki.
Lesnik Mihalych nashel v chashche malenkogo rysenka, mat kotorogo zastrelili brakonery. Mihalych vzyal ego k sebe, priyutil i vykormil ego. Chelovek i rys po klichke Kunak stali nastoyashchimi druzyami. Odnazhdy Kunak otplatit dobromu lesniku za svoe spasenie…
• MKF filmov dlya detey v Indii - Glavnyy priz, 1974
Rys vyhodit na tropu (Disk 4)
Rezhisser: Agasi Babayan
(1982 g., 72 min.)
Eto prodolzhenie filma "Tropoy beskorystnoy lyubvi".
Vy snova vstretites s lesnikom Mihalychem i ego drugom, rysyu po klichke Kunak, s militsionerom Fedorom. Pered vami raskroetsya sokrovennaya zhizn lesa, ego mnogochislennyh obitateley. Uznaete o tom, kak Kunak vstretil podrugu i nadolgo ushel ot lesnika, kak v shvatke s rosomahoy on byl ranen i ego vyhodil Mihalych. Uvidite, kak lyudi i rys vedut borbu s zhestokimi brakonerami.
• XVI VKF v Leningrade - Diplom zhyuri za yarkoe raskrytie temy "Chelovek i priroda"
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777011612 |
204000015988 |
Release Date |
1970 |
Quantity per set |
4 |
Duration |
5 hours 29 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
USSR - Indiya |
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