The Best of Armenfilm Studios. Vol. 2 (RUSCICO) (Luchshie filmy studii Armenfilm. Vypusk 2) (Lichno isvesten. Poslednii podvig Kamo. My i nashi gory. Priehali na konkurs povara... Tango nashego detstva) (5 DVD)
Director: Genrih Malyan
Director: Stepan Kevorkov
Director: Grigoriy Melik-Avakyan
Director: Erazm Karamyan
Director: Nerses Oganesyan
Composer: Arno Babadzhanyan
Composer: Edgar Oganesyan
Composer: Tigran Mansuryan
Director: Erazm Karamyan
1958, Armenia, 101 min., revolution, adventure
The first part of the film trilogy about the professional revolutionary Stone Ter-Petrosyan, better known under the Party nickname of Kamo (1882-1922).
"An artist of the Revolution" – that's how the writer Maxim Gorky called Kamo.
He had to his record twenty years of underground work, six arrests, four death sentences... He lived and risked his life "in the name of the world revolution". Legends had been told about the fearless revolutionary's courage and inventiveness; thanks to him the most incredible assignments had been fulfilled...
• All-Union Film Festival in Kiev – Prize, 1959;
• State Prize of the Armenian SSR in the field of cinema – to directors S. Kevorkov, E. Karamyan, cinematographer I. Dildaryan (for the films "Personally Known" and "An Extraordinary Assignment"), 1967
Special features:
• Filmography
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
The Last Deed of Kamo (Kamoyi verjin skhranqe) (Posledniy podvig Kamo)
Director: Stepan Kevorkov
1974, USSR - Armenia, 90 min., revolution, adventure
The last movie of the trilogy about Armenian Bolshevik revolutionery Kamo. He is sent abroad to his last assignment.
Special features:
• Filmography
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
We and Our Mountains (Menq enq, mer sarere) (My i nashi gory)
Director: Genrih Malyan
1969, USSR - Armenia, 90 min., tragicomedies
A comical story about four luckless shepherds living in Armenian highlands. Once they had a feast cutting stray sheep for dinner. The shepherds quickly agree with the sheep's owner on a "ransom". However, their deal is interfered with by a serious young policeman who, in spite of the friends' protestations, registers a case of theft and tries to start an official investigation...
Special features:
• Film "Pantheon of memoirs"
• Photo album "Frunze Mkrtchyan"
• Photo album"Sos Sarkisyan"
• Filmography
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Priehali na konkurs povara...
Director: Nerses Oganesyan
1977, USSR - Armenia, 70 min., comedy
To the Moscow on competition of masters of culinary art there come three remarkable cooks from Yerevan.
Special features:
• Photo album"Armen Dzhigarhanyan"
• Photo album" Evgeniya Simonova"
• Filmography
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
The Tango of Our Childhood (Mer mankutyan tangon) (Tango nashego detstva)
Director: Albert Mkrtchyan
1985, USSR - Armenia, 87 min., melodram
The film is about the hard lot of a woman with an extraordinary character, who tries to raise her children and win back her husband, who left family for another woman, after return from the war.
• All-Union Film Festival - The main award to a film, the main award Best Actress Galya Novents, 1985
Special features:
• "The making of..."
• Film "Pantheon of memoirs"
• Photo album "Frunze Mkrtchyan"
• Filmography
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Lichno izvesten (Andzamb tchanachum em) (Personally Known)
Rezhisser: Erazm Karamyan
1958, Armeniya, 101 min., revolyutsionnyy, priklyucheniya
Pervaya chast istoricheskoy kinotrilogii ("Lichno izvesten", "Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie", "Posledniy podvig Kamo") o professionalnom revolyutsionere Stone Ter-Petrosyane, izvestnom pod partiynym psevdonimom Kamo (1882-1922).
"Hudozhnik revolyutsii" - tak nazyval Kamo pisatel Maksim Gorkiy! Za ego plechami bylo dvadtsat let podpolnoy raboty, shest arestov, chetyre smertnyh prigovora... On zhil i riskoval zhiznyu "vo imya mirovoy revolyutsii". O smelosti i izobretatelnosti besstrashnogo revolyutsionera hodili legendy, blagodarya emu vypolnyalis samye neveroyatnye zadaniya...
• VKF v Kieve - Priz, 1959
• Gosudarstvennaya premiya Armyanskoy SSR v oblasti kinematografii - rezhisseram S. Kevorkovu, E. Karamyan, operatoru I. Dildaryan (za filmy "Lichno izvesten" i "Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie"), 1967
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Posledniy podvig Kamo (Kamoyi verjin skhranqe) (The Last Deed of Kamo)
Rezhisser: Stepan Kevorkov
1974, SSSR - Armeniya, 90 min., revolyutsionnyy, priklyucheniya
Posledniy film kinotrilogii ("Lichno izvesten", "Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie") o legendarnom revolyutsionere rasskazyvaet o tom, kak v 1922 godu Chrezvychaynoy komissiey byl raskryt opasnyy voennyy zagovor protiv molodoy sovetskoy Armenii…
Pod vidom polkovnika tsarskoy armii Zalinyana, ispolzuya svoy ogromnyy opyt konspirativnoy raboty, Kamo pronikaet v tsentr dashnakskogo zagovora, uspeshno perevoploshchaetsya v spodvizhnika belogo generala Slashcheva, izvestnogo svoey zhestokostyu, i predotvrashchaet bolshuyu politicheskuyu provokatsiyu nakanune sozdaniya Soyuza Sovetskih Sotsialisticheskih Respublik.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
My i nashi gory (Menq enq, mer sarere) (We and Our Mountains)
Rezhisser: Genrih Malyan
1969, SSSR - Armeniya, 90 min., tragikomediya
Komichnaya istoriya chetyreh nezadachlivyh pastuhov, zhivushchih vysoko v gorah Armenii. Odnazhdy na uzhin oni vslast popirovali pribludivshimisya k ih stadu ovtsami soseda. S ih byvshim hozyainom pastuhi legko dogovarivayutsya o "vykupe".
Odnako vygodnoy sdelke meshaet sereznyy molodoy militsioner, kotoryy, nevziraya na protesty druzey, zavodit delo o hishchenii ovets i pytaetsya pridat proisshedshemu ofitsialnyy hod...
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Videofilm "Panteon vospominaniy"
• Fotoalbom "Frunze Mkrtchyan"
• Fotoalbom "Sos Sarkisyan"
• Filmografii
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Priehali na konkurs povara...
Rezhisser: Nerses Oganesyan
1977, SSSR - Armeniya, 70 min., komediya
V Moskvu na konkurs masterov kulinarnogo iskusstva priezzhayut tri zamechatelnyh povara iz Erevana. Nesmotrya na vse ih usiliya i masterstvo prizovoe mesto ot armyan uplyvaet. Vinoy tomu - tselyy ryad veselyh i zabavnyh nedorazumeniy...
Solo na royale - kompozitor Arno Babadzhanyan, pesnyu ispolnyaet Iosif Kobzon, avtor teksta pesni - poet Andrey Dementev.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Fotoalbom "Armen Dzhigarhanyan"
• Fotoalbom " Evgeniya Simonova"
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Tango nashego detstva (Mer mankutyan tangon) (The Tango of Our Childhood)
Rezhisser: Albert Mkrtchyan
1985, SSSR - Armeniya, 87 min., melodrama
Vernuvshis s voyny, Ruben ostavlyaet semyu i uhodit k zhenshchine, kotoraya spasla emu zhizn. Ego zhena Siranush ne mozhet smiritsya s etim... Nelepye i bespomoshchnye vyhodki detey i zheny dovodyat Rubeka do takogo sostoyaniya, chto on okonchatelno zaputyvaetsya v svoih chuvstvah, sovershaet neobdumannye postupki i popadaet v tyurmu...
• VKF - Glavnaya premiya filmu, Glavnaya premiya za luchshuyu akterskuyu rabotu, 1985
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Film o filme
• Videofilm "Panteon vospominaniy"
• Fotoalbom "Frunze Mkrtchyan"
• Filmografii
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015757 |
204000017186 |
Release Date |
1958 |
Quantity per set |
5 |
Duration |
7 hours 8 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Keep case + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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