Maria The Wonderful Weaver (Fr.: L'Habile Maria) (Marya Iskusnitsa) (RUSCICO)

€12,99 more than 5 in stock
The film is based on Russian folk tales.
After serving in the army, a soldier is returning home. In an enchanted forest he meets Ivanushka whose mother, Maria the Wonderful Weaver, has been stolen by the evil, treacherous and elusive Tsar Vodokrut XIII. The brave soldier decides to help Ivanushka. In search of the boy’s mother, he will traverse with him the enchanted forest and will go down to the sea bottom…

Special features:
* "Fairy-tales of Alexander Rou"
* Filmographies
* Photo album
* Soon on DVD

Fil'm Aleksandra Rou po motivam russkih narodnyh skazok .

Zakonchilas' u soldata slujba, speshit soldat domoi. No po puti v rodnye mesta dovelos' emu sdelat' esche odno dobroe delo: pomoch' mal'chiku Ivanushke vyzvolit' iz plena matushku svoyu – Mar'yu–Iskusnicu. Uj kak ni staralsya moguschestvennyi i hitryi car' Vodokrut sovsei svoei pridvornoi nechist'yu, tak i ne smog poborot' soldatskuyu smekalku i dobroe serdce…

Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
* Fragment dokumentalnogo filma "Skazki Aleksandra Rou"
* Filmografii
* Fotoalbom
* Smotrite na DVD

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