Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipes (Fire, Water and... Pipes of Glory) (Fr.: Feu, eau et ... tuyaux de cuivre) (Ogon, voda i... mednye truby) (NTSC) (RUSCICO)

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There is a Russian saying: “To go through fire, water and brass pipes”, which means to endure severe trials, to acquire vast life experience, to gain many impressions and steel one’s will. The film’s main hero, Vasya, went one day to the wood to burn coal. And there, in a clearing, he met Alyonushka who was grazing her pet goat. But Kashchei the Immortal’s underlings kidnapped the girl right before Vasya’s eyes.
In search of his beloved, Vasya literally went through fire and water. But the most difficult trial was to withstand the fanfares of brass trumpets, the glaring lights of glory…

Special features:
• Filmographies
• Original theatrical trailers (1968, 1969)
• The making of the Film
• Russian Songs
• Fragments from a documentary about Alexander Row
• Museum RUSCCO

Est takaya pogovorka: "Projti ogon, vodu i mednye truby". Eto oznachaet - projti zhiznennye ispytaniya, nabratsya uma-razuma, povidat v zhizni vsyakoe, zakalit svoyu volyu.

Geroj filma Vasya kak-to otpravilsya v les, chtoby zhech ugol. I tam, na polyanke, emu povstrechalas Alenushka, kotoraya pasla svoego kozlenka. Molodye lyudi vlyubilis drug v druga s pervogo vzglyada. No slugi Kascheya Bessmertnogo pohitili devushku pryamo na glazah u Vasi.

V poiskah vozlyublennoj Vasya v bukvalnom smysle prohodit skvoz ogon i vodu. No trudnee vsego ustoyat pered mednymi trubami, pered sverkayuschim siyaniem slavy…

Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Fotografii i filmografii sozdatelej filma
• Fotografii rabochih momentov s'emok filma
• Anonsy novyh filmov na DVD
• "Muzej RUSCICO"
• Dokumentalnyj film "Mastera skazochnyh chudes"

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