
On a visit to the fairy tale. Vol. 2 (Maria the Wonderful Weaver. Sitting on the Golden Porch. The Little Mermaid. The Princess and the Pea. Bells of Autumn) (RUSCICO) (5 DVD)
Director: Vladimir Bychkov
Director: Vladimir Gorikker
Director: Boris Rycarev
Composer: Andrey Volkonskiy
Composer: Evgeniy Botyarov
Composer: A Kogan
Composer: Evgeniy Krylatov
Script: Evgeniy Shvarc
Script: Viktor Vitkovich
Script: Aleksandr Volodin
Script: Feliks Mironer
Script: Grigoriy Yagdfeld
Writer: Aleksandr Pushkin
Writer: Gans Andersen
Camera: Dmitriy Surenskiy
Camera: Sergey Zhurbickiy
Camera: Lev Ragozin
Camera: Mihail Goyhberg
Camera: Aleksandr Machilskiy
Camera: Vyacheslav Egorov
Camera: Emil Vagenshteyn
Director: Alexander Rou
1959, 79 min.
The film is based on Russian folk tales.
After serving in the army, a soldier is returning home. In an enchanted forest he meets Ivanushka whose mother, Maria the Wonderful Weaver, has been stolen by the evil, treacherous and elusive Tsar Vodokrut XIII. The brave soldier decides to help Ivanushka. In search of the boy’s mother, he will traverse with him the enchanted forest and will go down to the sea bottom…
Full digital restoration of image and sound.
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
Special features:
• "Fairy-tales of Alexander Rou"
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Language(s): English, Russian, French
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian
Screen format: 4:3
Sitting on the Golden Porch (Na zlatom kryltse sideli...) (Disc 2)
Director: Boris Rycarev
1986, 72 min.
Two kings: Fedot and Amphibrachiy have been adjoining peacefully for many years. But once Amphibrachiy disappeared, and it became difficult for queen to cope with affairs. The state began to fall into decay. Also daughter Alyona absolutely got out of control. So mother decided to marry her. The king Fedot had three sons: Paul-tsarevitch, Peter-tsarevitch and Ivan-tsarevitch, whom everybody considered to be a fool. But he managed to gain Alyona's heart and, having won Kashchei the Immortal, set free the king Amphibrachiy.
Full digital restoration of image and sound.
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
Special features:
• Interview with actors T. Konyuhova and V. Sergachev
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, Mono: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian
Screen format: 4:3
The Little Mermaid (Rusalochka) (Disc 3)
Director: Vladimir Bychkov
1976, 81 min.
The film is dedicated to the memory of the great Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen and is based upon one of his best fairy tales. A little Mermaid fell in love with a Prince whom she once had saved during a storm. For the sake of her love she sacrificed many things: she fearlessly left her home, striking a deal with an evil sorceress. Using all kinds of magical incantations in exchange for the Mermaid's beautiful voice, the witch had replaced the fish tail by human legs, making it possible for the Mermaid to walk and live on earth. The Little Mermaid had gone through all these trials only to be near her beloved. But the Prince, not realizing how lucky he is, loses her forever…
Full digital restoration of image and sound.
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
Special features:
• Pictures and filmographies of the film's authors
• Candids from the shooting ground
• Teasers of the films coming next
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: English, Russian, Spanish, Dolby Digital 2.0: French
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese
Screen format: 4:3
The Princess and the Pea (Printsessa na goroshine) (Disc 4)
Director: Boris Rycarev
1976, 74 min.
In one of the realms, there was time for the prince to get married, but the bride would have to be a real princess. A sign was put up on the gates: "A Princess Wanted". But in response to it there appeared only a small girl, wet to the bones after the rain and bearing no resemblance to nobility. So the prince was obliged to venture off to other lands in search of a suitable match. Henceforth the prince's adventures unfold. In one kingdom, he met a fat king, in another – a hospitable king. He also visited the kingdom of arts. He saw enough princesses, beautiful and clever. And yet, the real princess, the only one he longed for, proved to be the girl who had knocked at their door during a rainstorm…
Full digital restoration of image and sound.
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
• X All-Union Film Festival in Riga - special diplom "Za tvorcheskie usiliya v razvitii zhanra skazki" - Director B. Rytsarev, 1977
Special features:
• Original Theatrical Trailers (1976, 1966)
• A Musical Piece «Spring» from Antonio Vivaldi's Cycle «Seasons»
• Filmographies
• Photos
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: English, Russian, French
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese
Screen format: 16:9
Bells of Autumn (Osennie kolokola) (Disc 5)
Director: Vladimir Gorikker
1978, 63 min.
A musical film based upon A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights".
The tale narrated by Innokenty Smoktunovsky.
Viewers' comments in the Internet:
"This film is a terrific example of how just 3 pages of Pushkin's text can be made into a fascinating 90-minute spectacle. And the music! - One listens to it as to an independent, accomplished work. And, certainly, Smoktunovsky is just superb! Amazingly, even his voiceover makes you appreciate the genius of this Master. Many thanks to the film director!"
"Wonderful film - great actors, excellent cinematography. Perhaps it's the best fairy tale ever made in Soviet cinema."
Full digital restoration of image and sound.
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
• XVII IFF for Young people in Gijon (Spain) - Grand Prix, 1979
• International Competition for the David di Donatello Award (Italy) - Luchino Visconti Prize, 1979
• IFF of Children's and Youth's Films in Salerno (Italy) - Special Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1979
Special features:
• Animated film "Pushkin's Manuscript"
• Textual material about A. S. Pushkin
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: English, Russian, French, Mono: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French
Screen format: 16:9
Marya Iskusnitsa (Disk 1)
Rezhisyor: Aleksandra Rou
1959, 79 min.
Film Aleksandra Rou po motivam russkih narodnyh skazok.
Zakonchilas u soldata sluzhba. Po puti v rodnye mesta vstrechaet on malchika Ivanushku, u kotorogo zloj i kovarnyj tsar Vodokrut XIII pohitil matushku - Maryu Iskusnitsu. Bravyj soldat reshaet pomoch Ivanushke i, chtoby spasti Maryu iz podvodnogo plena, prohodit cherez zakoldovannyj les i spuskaetsya na morskoe dno. I, kak ne staralsya hitryj Vodokrut so svoej pridvornoj nechistyu, no tak i ne smog poborot soldatskuyu smekalku i dobroe serdtse...
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• "Skazki Aleksandra Rou"
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Anglijskij (zakadrovyj perevod), Frantsuzskij (zakadrovyj perevod)
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Nemetskij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Italyanskij
Format izobrazheniya: 4:3
Na zlatom kryltse sideli... (Disk 2)
Rezhisyor: Boris Rytsarev
1986, 72 min.
Ochen veselaya skazka s zanimatelnym syuzhetom i uchastiem prekrasnyh rossijskih akterov, mnogo i uspeshno snimayuschihsya v komediyah i filmah dlya detej!
Dolgie gody mirno sosedstvovali dva korolya: Fedot i Amfibrahij. No odnazhdy Amfibrahiya utaschil na dno podvodnyj tsar, posle chego koroleve stalo trudno upravlyatsya s delami. Gosudarstvo stalo prihodit v upadok. Da i doch Alena sovsem otbilas ot ruk. Togda-to i reshila mat najti printsesse zheniha, chtob byl master na vse ruki. A u korolya Fedota bylo tri syna: Pavel-tsarevich, Petr-tsarevich i Ivan-tsarevich, kotorogo vse schitali durachkom. No on sumel pokorit serdtse Aleny i, odolev Kascheya Bessmertnogo, osvobodil iz plena korolya Amfibrahiya.
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s akterami T. Konyuhovoj i V. Sergachevym
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Mono: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij
Format izobrazheniya: 4:3
Rusalochka (Disk 3)
Rezhisyor: Vladimir Bychkov
1976, 81 min.
Kartina posvyaschena pamyati velikogo datskogo pisatelya Gansa Hristiana Andersena i sozdana po motivam odnoj iz luchshih ego skazok.
Malenkaya Rusalochka polyubila Printsa, odnazhdy spasennogo eyu vo vremya shtorma. Radi etoj lyubvi Rusalochka pozhertvovala mnogim: ona ne poboyalas pokinut svoj dom, vstupila v sdelku s koldunej. Koldunya, ispolzuya razlichnye magicheskie zaklyatiya v obmen na prekrasnyj golosok Rusalochki, sotvorila ej vmesto rybego hvosta chelovecheskie nogi i sdelala tak, chtoby Rusalochka smogla hodit i zhit na zemle. CHerez vse eti ispytaniya proshla malenkaya Rusalochka tolko radi odnogo - byt ryadom s lyubimym. No prints, tak i ne ponyavshij svoego schastya, teryaet ee navsegda…
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Fotografii i filmografii sozdatelej filma
• Fotografii rabochih momentov s'emok filma
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Anglijskij, Russkij, Ispanskij (zakadrovyj perevod), Dolby Digital 2.0: Frantsuzskij (zakadrovyj perevod)
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Nemetskij, Italyanskij, Portugalskij, Gollandskij, SHvedskij, Ivrit, Arabskij, Kitajskij, YAponskij
Format izobrazheniya: 4:3
Printsessa na goroshine (Disk 4)
Rezhisyor: Boris Rytsarev
1976, 74 min.
Po motivam skazok Gansa Hristiana Andersena.
Kogda yunomu printsu prishla pora zhenitsya, na vorotah dvortsa poyavilos ob'yavlenie: "Trebuetsya Printsessa". No v otvet prishla malenkaya devushka-nevelichka. Togda shel prolivnoj dozhd, ona promokla do kostej i vovse ne pohodila na osobu korolevskih krovej. Tak chto printsu prishlos otpravitsya v dalnie strany, chtoby najti sebe podhodyaschuyu paru. Za vremya svoego puteshestviya povidal on vdovol printsess, umnyh da krasivyh. I vse zhe, nastoyaschej printsessoj okazalas imenno ta devushka, chto poyavilas v ego dvortse vo vremya dozhdya...
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka.
• X VKF, Riga - spetsialnyj diplom "Za tvorcheskie usiliya v razvitii zhanra skazki" - rezhisseru B. Rytsarevu, 1977
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• "Muzykalnaya shkatulka": Antonio Vivaldi "Vremena goda", "Vesna"
• RUSCICO predstavlyaet
• Originalnye roliki "Printsessa na goroshine" i "Volshebnaya lampa Aladdina"
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Anonsy novyh filmov na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Nemetskij, Italyanskij, Portugalskij, Gollandskij, YAponskij
Format izobrazheniya: 16:9
Osennie kolokola (Disk 5)
Rezhisyor: Vladimir Gorikker
1978, 63 min.
Muzykalnyj film po skazke A. S. Pushkina «Skazka o mertvoj tsarevne i semi bogatyryah».
Skazku chitaet Innokentij Smoktunovskij.
Etot film – potryasayuschij primer togo, kak mozhno vsego iz 3 stranits pushkinskogo teksta sdelat 1,5 chasa uvlekatelnejshego zrelischa. A kakaya muzyka – slushaetsya kak edinoe samostoyatelnoe proizvedenie. I, konechno, bespodoben Smoktunovskij. Udivitelno, dazhe za kadrom chuvstvuesh genialnost etogo Mastera.
Zamechatelnyj film – velikolepnye aktery, otlichnye s'emki. Vozmozhno, eto luchshaya skazka, kogda-libo sdelannaya v Sovetskom kino.
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka.
• XVII MKF detskih filmov v Hihone (Ispaniya) – Glavnyj priz, 1979
• Mezhdunarodnyj konkurs na soiskanie premii «Davida Donatello» (Italiya) – premiya «Lukino Viskonti», 1979
• MKF detskih i yunosheskih filmov v Salerno (Italiya) – Spetsialnyj priz Ministerstva -vnutrennih del, 1979
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Animatsionnyj film "Rukopisi Pushkina"
• Tekstovyj material ob A. S. Pushkine
• Filmografiya
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij, Mono: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij
Format izobrazheniya: 16:9
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777014323 |
204000017187 |
Release Date |
2008 |
Quantity per set |
5 |
Duration |
6 hours 9 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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