Vassilisa the Beautiful (Fr.: Vassilissa la Belle) (Vasilisa Prekrasnaya) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Leonid Polovinkin
Script: Vladimir Shveycer
There once lived a father who had three sons. His two elder sons, Anton and Agafon, had chosen themselves regular girls for brides, but the youngest one, Ivanushka, brought to his home a frog from the marshes. The father was very much surprised, but didn’t say anything. However, the frog was actually a beautiful girl, Vassilisa, over whom Gorynych the Serpent had cast a spell. Vassilisa refused to marry the monster and he turned her into a frog. But Ivanushka did not renounce his love. He had to overcome many obstacles before he returned to Vassilisa her former appearance and killed the three-headed dragon.
Special Freatures:
• Interview with Kirill Stolyarov
• Video subject «Russian Tales»
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Znamenityy detskiy film Aleksandra Rou, snyatyy po motivam russkoy narodnoy skazki "Tsarevna - lyagushka" .
Bylo u ottsa tri syna. Dvoe starshikh, Anton i Agafon, vybrali sebe obychnykh nevest v zheny, a mladshiy, Ivanushka, prines v dom lyagushku bolotnuyu. Udivilsya otets, no nichego ne skazal. A lyagushka ta byla zakoldovannoy Zmeem Gorynychem prekrasnoy devushkoy Vasilisoy. Otkazalas Vasilisa vyyti zamuzh za chudovishche, i tot obratil ee v lyagushku. No Ivanushka ne otkazalsya ot svoey lyubvi. Mnogo pregrad emu prishlos preodolet, chtoby vernut Vasilise prezhniy oblik i unichtozhit trekhgolovogo Zmeya Gorynycha.
Film "Vasilisa prekrasnaya" stal liderom kinoprokata 1940 goda.
V SSSR film posmotreli 19,2 mln. zriteley!
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s akterom K.Stolyarovym
• Videosyuzhet "K.Stolyarov o svoem ottse"
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka.
Also Known As (AKA):
Die schöne Wassilissa - Austria
Die schöne Wassilissa - Germany
Den smukke Vasilisa - Denmark
Lumottu morsian - Finland
I pentamorfi vasilissa - Greece
Den smukke Vasilisa - Norway
Trollskogen - Sweden
Beautiful Vasilisa - International (English title)
Vasilisa Goant - (Breton title)
Vassilissa la Belle (Vassilissa-la-très-belle) - France
うるわしのワシリーサ - Japan
Nàng Vasilisa xinh đẹp - (Vietnamese title)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777003679 |
204000010917 |
Release Date |
1939 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 12 minutes |
Sound | |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Fairy Tales |
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