Evenings on a farm near Dikanka (Fr.: Les Veillées dans un hameau près de Dikanka) (A Night Before Christmas) (Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanki) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Filippenko Arkadiy
Writer: Nikolay Gogol
Camera: Dmitriy Surenskiy
The whimsical combination of Christmas phantasmagoria and an eccentric fairy tale makes this film an unforgettable spectacle. The action takes place both in a village of Dikanka in the Ukraine and at the palace of a Russian Empress. Blacksmith Vacula has enraged the devil himself: in a church he painted the devil’s figure in such a way that even the Hell’s inhabitants could not help laughing. Solokha, Vacula’s mother, is known to be a witch, not averse to flying on a besom. Vacula’s sweetheart, Oksana, demands for a Christmas present a pair of tcherevichki (shoes) that the Empress wears. Only then she will agree to marry Vacula. And the devil promises to help the blacksmith get the Empress’s shoes, on condition that Vacula sells him his soul. Meanwhile, Christmas is almost here.
Special Freatures:
• Interview with professor of VGIK’s departement of directing V. Ye. Dikhtyar
• Video subject “Alexander Row's fairy tales”
• Photo album: “The painting art of Ucraine”
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Po motivam povesti russkogo pisatelya Nikolaya Gogolya "Noch pered Rozhdestvom".
Prichudlivoe sochetanie rozhdestvenskoj fantasmagorii i ekstsentricheskoj skazki delaet etot film nezabyvaemym zrelischem. Dejstvie razvorachivaetsya i v Malorossii, i v sele Dikanke, i vo dvortse russkoj imperatritsy. Kuznets Vakula prognevil samogo CHerta: on tak namaleval v tserkvi ego figuru, chto smeyalis dazhe obitateli ada. Mat Vakuly, Soloha, slyvet vedmoj i lyubit poletat na pomele. Lyubimaya devushka Vakuly, Oksana, trebuet sebe v podarok na Rozhdestvo cherevichki (tufelki), kotorye nosit sama imperatritsa. Lish togda ona soglasna vyjti zamuzh za Vakulu. CHert zhe obeschaet pomoch kuznetsu dostat tufelki s nogi imperatritsy, tolko esli tot prodast emu dushu. Vremeni zhe do Rozhdestva ostaetsya sovsem nemnogo.
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s prepodavatelem kafedry rezhissury VGIKa V.E. Dihtyar
• Videosyuzhet "Skazki Aleksandra Rou"
• Fotoalbom "ZHivopisnoe iskusstvo Ukrainy"
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777005239 |
204000005118 |
Release Date |
1961 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 6 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Fairy Tales |
5 out of 5
Pirates of the 20Th century (Piraty XX veka) (RUSCICO)
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Rossiyskie voennye nachala XX veka (RUSCICO)
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The Savage Hunt of King Stach (Fr.: La Chasse sauvage du roi Stakh) (Dikaya ohota korolya Staha) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
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A Dog was walking on the piano (Fr.: Un chien marchait sur le piano) (Shla sobaka po royalyu) (RUSCICO)
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First Swallow (Fr.: Première hirondelle) (Pervaya lastochka) (RUSCICO)
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Bells of Autumn (Osennie kolokola) (RUSCICO)
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Gorky Film Studio -
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Collection: Fairy Tales
Gorky Film Studio
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The Testament of Professor Dowell (Fr.: Le Testament du professeur Dowell) (Zaveshchanie professora Douelya) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
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Collection: Original Story by
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Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair (The Fair Varvara) (Fr.: Barbara la fée aux cheveux de soie) (Varvara-krasa, dlinnaya kosa) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
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Stalker (RUSCICO) (2 DVD) (NTSC)
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The Turn of the Century (Fr.: Fin de siècle) (Konets veka) (2 DVD) (RUSCICO)
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