The Tale of Time Lost (Story About the Lost Time) (Skazka o poteryannom vremeni) (Krupnyj Plan)
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One day, four sorcerers appeared out of the blue in the streets of a small town. These evil old people had long been dreaming of getting back their former vigor and youth. But to do that, they had to find people who would aimlessly waste their time. And they were very lucky: four schoolchildren had proved ideal guinea pigs for the magicians. The kids and the old people changed their roles for a while. You can’t even imagine what happened! The schoolchildren had to hide for some time in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the town – they just couldn’t appear before their parents as bearded, bent, old persons. Meanwhile, the sorcerers had their fun at school in the guise of their victims. And only on a certain day and at a certain hour, time could be turned back again…
Odnazhdy chetyre zlyh volshebnika reshili vernut sebe molodost. Okazalos, delo eto nehitroe. Dostatochno najti neskolkih yunyh lentyaev i vospolzovatsya bezdarno rastrachennym imi vremenem. A ved tot, kto popustu tratit vremya, sam ne zamechaet, kak stareet ...
1965 MKF filmov dlya detej i yunoshestva v Gotvaldove (Priz rezhisseru - Aleksandr Ptushko)
Odnazhdy chetyre zlyh volshebnika reshili vernut sebe molodost. Okazalos, delo eto nehitroe. Dostatochno najti neskolkih yunyh lentyaev i vospolzovatsya bezdarno rastrachennym imi vremenem. A ved tot, kto popustu tratit vremya, sam ne zamechaet, kak stareet ...
1965 MKF filmov dlya detej i yunoshestva v Gotvaldove (Priz rezhisseru - Aleksandr Ptushko)