Viy or Spirit of Evil (Vij) (RUSCICO)
Director: Konstantin Ershov
Director: Georgiy Kropachev
Composer: Karen Hachaturyan
Writer: Nikolay Gogol
Camera: Pischalnikov Viktor
Camera: Fedor Provorov
Viy is a colossal creation of simple folk’s imagination. The main protagonist of the film, the theology student Khoma Brutus, met him one night under some mysterious circumstances. A young woman died in the village, and poor Khoma was ordered to read the burial service over her. But that woman happened to be a witch. And Viy, the devil’s emissary on earth, was by the side of the deceased… Khoma saw him, accompanied by his retinue of vampires and werewolves, on the third, most horrible, night of his service… All the characters of this mystical story are heroes from the whimsical, twilight world, where dreams are interspersed with everyday life, reality with fantasy. The acclaimed master of fairy-tale films Alexander Ptushko directed this motion picture and staged all the special effects and stunts.
Special freatures:
• The Original Theatrical Trailer
• Episode from the Russian Horror Movie (Satan Exultant – 1917, The Queen of Spades – 1916, The Portrait – 1916)
• A documentary about works of N. Gogol
• Original Trailers from the Collection «Original Story by»
• Filmography
• Photos
• Biographies
Film sozdan po odnoimennoj povesti velikogo russkogo pisatelya Nikolaya Gogolya.
Vij est kolossalnoe sozdanie prostonarodnogo voobrazheniya. Odnazhdy pri tainstvennyh obstoyatelstvah s nim poznakomilsya glavnyj geroj filma seminarist Homa Brut. V sele umerla molodaya pannochka, a otpevat ee, otsluzhit po nej tserkovnuyu sluzhbu vypalo bednomu Home. Pannochka ta byla vedmoj. Vij, namestnik dyavola na zemle, tozhe byl ryadom s pokojnitsej… Ego so svitoj, sostoyaschej iz upyrej i vurdalakov, Homa uvidel v tretyu, samuyu strashnuyu, noch svoej sluzhby… Vse personazhi etoj misticheskoj istorii - geroi polufantasticheskogo, prichudlivogo mira, gde son peresekaetsya s yavyu, a realnoe s vymyshlennym.
Hudozhestvennyj rukovoditel, postanovschik kombinirovannyh s'emok i tryukov - znamenityj kinoskazochnik Aleksandr Ptushko.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Fotografii i filmografii sozdatelej filma
• Fotografii rabochih momentov s'emok filma
• Anonsy novyh filmov na DVD
• Fragmenty iz kinokartin: "PORTRET", "PIKOVAYA DAMA", "SATANA LIKUYUSCHIJ"
• Biograficheskij material o N.V. Gogole
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006311, 4606777000494 |
204000006000 |
Release Date |
1967 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 18 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Original Story by |
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