Happiness (Schaste) (Schastye) (Kino Academia Vol. 5) (Hyperkino) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Composer: Alexei Aigui
Camera: Troyanskiy Gleb
Film made in Hyperkino format with interactive academic commentaries.
Disc 1: Hyperkino annotated version (Russian and English)
Disc 2: Subtitled version (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese)
HYPERKINO is a world premiere of the unique innovative method of the annotated and illustrated edition of films on contemporary digital formats. The method was developed by Natascha Drubek-Meyer and Nikolai Izvolov.
Eta filosofskaya skazka, snyataya v estetike russkogo lubka, otnositsya k neizvestnym shedevram kino. Krestyanin-bednyak Hmyr idet iskat po svetu schaste. Ponachalu emu vezet: on nahodit koshel s dengami, pokupaet na eti dengi loshad i osenyu sobiraet bolshoy urozhay. No karikaturnaya troitsa - kulak, pomeshchik i pop - otnimayut u nego vse. Posle chego Hmyr popadaet na voynu. Vernuvshis, on vstupaet v kolhoz, no rabotaet huzhe vseh v kollektive. Odnazhdy on pomozhet ostanovit vorov - rashititeley kolhoznogo imushchestva, posle chego uznaet uvazhenie i pochet kolhoznikov. Stanet li Hmyr takim kak vse? Kartina byla vysoko otsenena Sergeem Eyzenshteynom. V 70-e gody ee pokazyvali po TV v stranah Evropy i SShA.
Film v formate "giperkino" (Hyperkino).
Disk 1: Hyperkino kommentirovannaya versiya (Russkiy, Angliyskiy)
Disk 2: Versiya filma s subtitrami (Angliyskiy, Frantsuzkiy, Nemetskiy, Ispanskiy, Italyanskiy, Portugalskiy)
HYPERKINO yavlyaetsya mirovoy premeroy unikalnogo innovatsionnogo metoda kommentirovannogo i illyustrirovannogo izdaniya filmov na sovremennyh tsifrovyh nositelyah. Etot metod yavlyaetsya nauchnoy razrabotkoy Natashi Drubek i Nikolaya Izvolova.
Ceriya "Kinoakademiya" vpervye dast vozmozhnost prosmatrivat film, i poluchit podrobnye kommentarii luchshego spetsialista Bernarda Ayzenshittsa, v oblasti istorii i teorii kino. Kommentarii soprovozhdayutsya multimediynymi illyustratsiyami s ispolzovaniem unikalnyh arhivnyh i dokumentalnyh materialov, kotorye pozvolyat zritelyu pogruzitsya v atmosferu sozdaniya filma i epohu, ego porodivshuyu.
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777019533, 4606777020874 |
204000017164 |
Release Date |
1934 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
1 hour 6 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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