Siberiade (Sibiriada) (RUSCICO) (3 DVD Box)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Script: Valentin Ezhov
Camera: Levan Paatashvili
A small village of Yelan is hidden in the backwoods of Siberia. From time immemorial there have been living and feuding, two families: the rich Solomins and the poor Ustyuzhanins. In 1917, a revolution takes place in Russia. This event drastically changes the lifestyles of many people. Nor does it pass the villagers of Yelan by. But the well-to-do Solomins would not recognize the new power. And against them, Nikolai Ustyuzhanin is a lone warrior. Many years will have to pass before a new generation of the Solomins and the Ustyuzhanins would put an end to this senseless feuding and build a new life on the rich, fertile land of Siberia.
• Special Jury Prize at the Cannes IFF, 1979
Special features:
• Intervews with the director A. Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, production designer A. Adabashien, script writer V. Ezhov, actor V. Solomin, composer E. Artemiev
• Videosubjects "Making of documentary", "Eternal old man"
• Filmographies
• Photo album
Epohalnoe polotno v chetyreh chastyah.
Daleko v Sibiri spryatalas derevnya Elan. Izdavna zdes zhivut dva semejstva, zhivut i vrazhduyut - bogatye Solminy i bednye Ustyuzhiny. V 1917 godu v Rossii proishodit revolyutsiya. Eto sobytie korennym obrazom menyaet zhiznennyj uklad mnogih v Rossii. Ne ostalis v storone i zhiteli derevni Elan. No zazhitochnye Solominy ne zhelayut priznavat novuyu vlast. V borbe s nimi odinok Nikolaj Ustyuzhanin. Projdet nemalo vremeni, prezhde chem pokolenie detej i vnukov Solominyh i Ustyuzhaninyh prekratit bessmyslennuyu vrazhdu i postroit novuyu zhizn na bogatoj i plodorodnoj sibirskoj zemle.
• Spetsialnyj priz zhyuri na MKF v Kannah, 1979
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s sozdatelyami filma: rezhissyorom A.Mihalkovym-Konchalovskij, hudozhnikom A.Adabashyanom, stsenaristom V.Ezhovym, aktyorom V.Solominym, kompozitorom E.Artemevym
• Videosyuzhety: "Na s'emkah filma", "Vechnyj ded"
• Fotoalbom
• Filmografii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777004218 |
204000010818 |
Release Date |
1978 |
Quantity per set |
3 |
Duration |
4 hours 35 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Director |
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