Firma gramzapisi "Nikitin" MOON Records
CD Land MOON Records
Central Music OOO "RMG Media"
& Kvadro-Disk
Misteriya Zvuka Sbornik, Jewel Case
Super Music Sbornik, Jewel Case
Classic Company Sbornik, Jewel Case
Central Music Zodiak Rekods Alfa Rekordz Myuzik-treyd
Gala Records , CD LAND Sbornik, plastikovaya korobka
SHanson rekords
OOO "Monolit-Rekords"
& RMG Records
& RMG Records & "Kvadro-disk"
Super Music
& Artur Music
CD Land Videoclips
Super Music , CD Land , Sbornik, Jewel Case
Studiya "Soyuz"
Megalajner Rekordz Sbornik, Jewel Case
CD LAND Sbornik, Jewel Case
Super Music Sborniki, plastikovaya korobka
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