Andrey Rublev (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Composer: Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov
Script: Andrey Mihalkov-Konchalovskiy
Camera: Vadim Yusov
The historic background – Russia in the 15th century, the princes’ feuds, the internal strife. Though it in no way overshadows the film’s basic philosophical message.
The perennial question of "artist versus authority", if the loneliness of a genius and his ability to rise above the crowd, the problems of faith and faithlessness are examined through the prism of a life story of the great Russian icon painter Andrei Rublyov. The title part was the first film role for the outstanding Russian actor Anatoly Solonitsyn who was to become a Tarkovsky actor for many years.
• Special Jury Prize FIPRESCI for off-competition films at the Cannes IFF, 1969
• Award of the French critics' prize "Leona Mussinaka" — Best foreign film shown on screens of France, 1969
• «Crystal Star» — Award of the French film academy to actress I. Rausch (Tarkovsky)
• Honorary Diploma of the Belgrade IFF, 1973
• Grand Prize at the Azolo International Festival of Films about Art and Artists, 1973
• According to a survey of film critics in the world in 1978, included in number of hundred best films
Special Freatures:
• Pictures and filmography of the film’s authors
• Candids from the shooting ground
• Interview with A. Tarkovsky’s sister M. Tarkovskaya
• Interview with the actor Y. Nazarov
• Documentaries “Icons”, “Bells”, “Invasion”
• Episodes from " Ivan the Terrible"
• Teasers of the films coming next
Po oprosu chlenov Evropejskoj Akademii kino i televideniya (1995) kartina voshla v desyatku luchshih filmov mirovogo kino (8-e mesto). Originalnoe nazvanie - "Strasti po Andreyu".
Istoricheskij fon - Rossiya 15 veka, knyazheskie raspri, vnutrennyaya mezhdousobitsa. Odnako eto ne zatmevaet glubokij filosofskij podtekst filma. V nem na primere sudby genialnogo russkogo zhivopistsa Andreya Rubleva rassmatrivaetsya izvechnaya problema oppozitsii hudozhnika i vlasti, odinochestvo geniya i ego sposobnost podnyatsya nad tolpoj, problemy very i bezveriya. Andrej Rublev - pervaya rol v kino vydayuschegosya russkogo aktera Anatoliya Solonitsyna, na dolgie gody stavshego akterom Tarkovskogo.
• Priz FIPRESSI MKF v Kanne-69 (film demonstrirovalsya vne konkursa)
• Premiya frantsuzskoj kritiki «Priz Leona Mussinaka» — luchshemu inostrannomu filmu, demonstrirovavshemusya na ekranah Frantsii-69
• «Hrustalnaya zvezda» — premiya Frantsuzskoj kinoakademii aktrise I.Raush (Tarkovskoj)
• Pochetnyj diplom MKF v Belgrade-73
• Bolshaya premiya MKF filmov ob iskusstve i biograficheskih filmov o hudozhnikah v Azolo-73
• Po itogam oprosa kinovedov mira v 1978 godu vklyuchen v chislo sta luchshih filmov
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Vospominaniya sestry A. Tarkovskogo
• Na s'emkah filma
• Intervyu s akterom YU. Nazarovym
• Epizod iz filma "Ivan Groznyj"
• Syuzhety o muzee Andreya Rubleva, Feofane Greke, yazychestve na Rusi, russkoj ikone, nashestvii tataro-mongol, kolokolnyh zvonah
• Fotografii i filmografii sozdatelej filma
• Anonsy novyh filmov na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777002344, 4606777003174, 4606777013821 |
204000003560 |
Release Date |
1966 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
3 hours 5 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | WideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese | Greek |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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