Solaris (Solyaris) (RUSCICO) (PAL) (2 DVD)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Composer: Iogann Bah
Script: Fridrih Gorenshteyn
Camera: Vadim Yusov
• Grand Special Jury Prize “Palme d’Argent” and Ecumenical Jury Prize at the Cannes IFF, 1972;
• FIPRESCI Prize at the Karlovy Vary IFF, 1972;
• Prize for Best Actress (Natalya Bondarchuk) at the Panama IFF, 1973
Special Freatures:
• Pictures and filmographies of the film’s authors;
• Candids from the shooting ground;
• The biographies of A. Tarkovsky and S. Lem;
• An episode from a film, a screen adaptation of S. Lem’s “Inquiry of pilot Pirks”;
• A documentary about D. Banionis “A craftsman from a little town”;
• An interview with the leading actress N. Bondarchuk;
• Reminiscences of A. Tarkovsky’s sister;
• Teasers of the films coming next.
Film snyat po motivam nauchno-fantasticheskogo romana polskogo pisatelya Stanislava Lema.
V osnove etoy kartiny - razmyshleniya o kosmose, Zemle, cheloveke, ego sovesti, zhizni, smerti i otvetstvennosti pered budushchim. Solyaris - eto planeta, kotoraya v sostoyanii sdelat materialnymi vospominaniya zemlyan o dome, kotoryy ostalsya na Zemle, o blizkih, no davno umershih lyudyah. Tayna etoy planety volnuet lyudey uzhe mnogie desyatiletiya. Okean Solyarisa predstavlyaet soboy gigantskiy, zhivoy mozg. Ego tainstvennuyu sushchnost i pytayutsya razgadat geroi filma. No vse popytki ustanovit kontakt s neizvedannoy tsivilizatsiey terpyat krah. A na kosmicheskoy stantsii proishodyat neponyatnye veshchi…
"Solyaris dolzhen byl stat modelyu vstrechi chelovechestva na ego doroge k zvezdam s yavleniem neizvestnym i neponyatnym".
Stanislav Lem.
"Ya hotel dokazat svoey kartinoy, chto problema nravstvennoy stoykosti, nravstvennoy chistoty pronizyvaet vse nashe sushchestvovanie, proyavlyayas dazhe v takih oblastyah, kotorye na pervyy vzglyad ne svyazany s moralyu, naprimer, takih kak proniknovenie v kosmos, izuchenie obektivnogo mira i t.d".
Andrey Tarkovskiy.
• Bolshoy spetsialnyy priz zhyuri "Serebryanaya palmovaya vetv" i premiya ekumenicheskogo zhuri MKF v Kannah, 1972;
• Priz FIPRESSI na MKF v Karlovyh-Varah, 1972;
• Premiya za luchshee ispolnenie zhenskoy roli (aktrisa Natalya Bondarchuk) na MKF v Paname, 1973
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Fotografii i filmografii sozdateley filma.
• Fotografii rabochih momentov semok filma.
• Biografii A. Tarkovskogo i S. Lema.
• Epizod iz filma, snyatogo po povesti S. Lema, "Doznanie pilota Pirksa".
• Dokumentalnyy film ob aktere D.Banionise "Master malenkogo goroda".
• Intervyu s ispolnitelnitsoy glavnoy roli N. Bondarchuk.
• Vospominaniya sestry rezhissera-postanovshchika A. Tarkovskogo.
• Anonsy novyh filmov na DVD.
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777000630, 4606777002269 |
204000011910 |
Release Date |
1972 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
2 hours 49 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Anamorphic WideScreen 16:9 (1.85:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
Kollektsiya: Rezhisser |
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