Stalker (RUSCICO) (2 DVD) (NTSC)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Script: Boris Strugackiy
Script: Arkadiy Strugackiy
Camera: Aleksandr Knyazhinskiy
Producer: Aleksandra Demidova
Stalker is the man who knows a lot about the system of obstacles and traps in the Zone. He knows the way to the coveted room where any wish may come true. To find this room is the goal of Writer and Professor. The writer hopes to find inspiration there, the professor dreams of making a discovery. Led by the Stalker, they finally reach the room… But will they be able to enter it? And what will the path of self-knowledge lead to? The Andrei Tarkovsky film does not offer definitive answers.
Quoted in the film are the verses by poets Fyodor Tyutchev and Arseny Tarkovsky, the director’s father.
• Luchino Visconti Prize for Andrei Tarkovsky at the David Donatello Competition in Italy, 1980
• Special Jury Prize (Interfilm and OSIK) at the Cannes IFF, 1980
• FIPRESCI Prize at the Cannes IFF, 1981
• Special Ecumenical Jury Prize for Off-Competition Films at the Cannes IFF, 1982
Special Freatures:
• Photographs and filmografies of the cast and crew members
• Photo album
• Interview with photography director A. Knyazhinsky
• Interview with production designer R. Safiullin
• Interview with composer E. Artemiev
• Fragment from A. Tarkovskys diploma work, "The Steamroller and the Violin"
• Documentary about A. Tarkovskys house, "Memory"
• Soon on DVD
Film snyat po motivam nauchno-fantasticheskogo romana russkikh pisateley - fantastov bratev Arkadiya i Borisa Strugatskikh "Piknik na obochine".
Stalker - chelovek, obladayushchiy znaniyami o sisteme prepyatstviy i lovushkakh Zony. Emu izvestna doroga do zavetnoy komnaty, gde ispolnyayutsya lyubye zhelaniya. Nayti etu komnatu khotyat Pisatel i Professor. Pisatel dumaet, chto obretet tam vdokhnovenie, professor mechtaet sovershit otkrytie. Oba, vedomye Stalkerom, dostigayut zavetnoy komnaty… No voydut li oni v nee? I chem obernetsya doroga k samopoznaniyu? Film Andreya Tarkovskiy ne daet na eti voprosy odnoznachnykh otvetov.
V filme zvuchat stikhi russkikh poetov Fedora Tyutcheva i Arseniya Tarkovskogo, ottsa rezhissera.
• Premiya "Lukino Viskonti" rezhisseru Andreyu Tarkovskomu v konkurse "David" Donatelo" v Italii, 1980
• Spetsialnaya premiya zhyuri (Interfilm i OSIK) na MKF v Kannakh, 1980
• Priz FIPRESSI na MKF v Kannakh, 1980
• Spetsialnaya premiya ekumenicheskogo zhyuri dlya vnekonkursnogo filma na MKF v Kannakh, 1980
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Fotografii i filmografii sozdateley filma
• Fotoalbom
• Intervyu s operatorom A. Knyazhinskim
• Intervyu s khudozhnikom-dekoratorom R. Safiullinym
• Intervyu s kompozitorom E. Artemevym
• Fragment diplomnoy raboty A. Tarkovskogo "Katok i skripka"
• Dokumentalnyy syuzhet o dome A. Tarkovskogo "Pamyat"
• Anonsy novykh filmov na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777002627 |
204000015254 |
Release Date |
1979 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
2 hours 43 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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