The Girl with the Hat Box (Moskow Laughs and Cries) (Moscow That Weeps and Laughs) (Fr.: La jeune fille au carton à chapeau) (Devushka s korobkoy) (Kino Academia. Vol. 11) (Hyperkino) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
"Its whole atmospere and every detail are imbued with the lightness of breathing, the youthful spontaneity that gives the film, among other things, an additional margin of durability and longevity. The first lyrical comedy with Kiev born Sten whom Goldwyn later brought to Hollywood..."
Mark Kushnirov
Film made in Hyperkino format with interactive academic commentaries.
Hyperkino Commentary by Aleksandr Deriabin.
Disc 1: Hyperkino annotated version (Russian and English)
Disc 2: Subtitled version (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese)
HYPERKINO is a world premiere of the unique innovative method of the annotated and illustrated edition of films on contemporary digital formats. The method was developed by Natascha Drubek-Meyer and Nikolai Izvolov.
Geroinya filma, Natasha, zhivet v Podmoskove, masterit zhenskie shlyapki, i regulyarno otvozit ih v magazin madam Iren. Odnazhdy Natasha znakomitsya s derevenskim parnem Iley, kotoryy priehal v Moskvu uchitsya.
Proniknuvshis sochuvstviem k molodomu cheloveku, ona reshaetsya na hitrost: fiktivno zaregistrirovav brak, propisyvaet Ilyu v komnate, kotoraya prinadlezhit ey tozhe tolko fiktivno. Hozyaykoy vsey kvartiry yavlyaetsya madam Iren.
«Vsya ee atmosfera, kazhdaya ee podrobnost pronizana toy legkostyu dyhaniya, toy yunoy neposredstvennostyu, chto daet kartine, pomimo vsego ostalnogo, dobavochnyy zapas prochnosti, dolgovechnosti.
Ne satira, silnaya svoey sotsialnoy, politicheskoy, obshchestvennoy zlobodnevnostyu.
Ne staraya dobraya «komicheskaya» - kaskad bezotkaznyh tryukov…
Ne prosto komediya nravov – bytovaya…
Pervaya liricheskaya komediya».
Mark Kushnirov
Film v formate "giperkino" (Hyperkino).
Avtor kommentariev: Aleksandr Deryabin.
Disk 1: Hyperkino kommentirovannaya versiya (Russkiy, Angliyskiy)
Disk 2: Versiya filma s subtitrami (Angliyskiy, Frantsuzkiy, Nemetskiy, Ispanskiy, Italyanskiy, Portugalskiy)
HYPERKINO yavlyaetsya mirovoy premeroy unikalnogo innovatsionnogo metoda kommentirovannogo i illyustrirovannogo izdaniya filmov na sovremennyh tsifrovyh nositelyah. Etot metod yavlyaetsya nauchnoy razrabotkoy Natashi Drubek i Nikolaya Izvolova.
Ceriya "Kinoakademiya" vpervye dast vozmozhnost prosmatrivat film, i poluchit podrobnye kommentarii luchshego spetsialista Aleksandra Deryabina, v oblasti istorii i teorii kino. Kommentarii soprovozhdayutsya multimediynymi illyustratsiyami s ispolzovaniem unikalnyh arhivnyh i dokumentalnyh materialov, kotorye pozvolyat zritelyu pogruzitsya v atmosferu sozdaniya filma i epohu, ego porodivshuyu.
Also Known As (AKA):
La jeune fille au carton à chapeau - Canada (French title) / France
A Rapariga da Caixa de Chapéus - Portugal
Dziewczyna z pudelkiem - Poland
La muchacha de la sombrerera - Spain
Moscow That Weeps and Laughs - UK
Moskau wie es weint und lacht - Germany
The Girl with the Hat Box - International (English title)
Tyttö ja hatturasia - Finland
Дівчина з коробкою (Divchyna z korobkoyu) - Ukraine
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777022465 |
204000011572 |
Release Date |
1927 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
1 hour 5 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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