
The Best of Armenfilm Studios. Vol. 1 (Luchshie filmy studii Armenfilm. Vypusk 1) (Tsvet granata. Muzhchiny. Soldat i slon. David-Bek. Zvezda nadezhdy) (RUSCICO) (5 DVD)
Director: Sergey Paradzhanov
Director: Amo Bek-Nazarov
Director: Dmitriy Kesayanc
Composer: Edgar Oganesyan
Composer: Ashot Satyan
Composer: Robert Amirhanyan
Composer: Tigran Mansuryan
Script: Aleksandr Chervinskiy
Script: Eduard Akopov
Script: Sayat Nova
Script: Konstantin Isaev
Camera: Mihail Ardabevskiy
Camera: Suren Shahbazyan
Camera: Nikolay Vasilkov
Camera: Levon Atoyanc
Camera: Dmitriy Feldman
Director: Sergey Paradzhanov
1970, Armenia, 69 min., legend
This film consists of several cinematic miniatures depicting the life of eighteen-century Armenian poet Sayat Nova: the story of his love, his relationship with religion, temporal power and the people.
"The Colour of Pomegranates" is a unique cultural phenomenon. Instead of an "absorbing" story line, Paradzhanov offered a series of tableaux vivant masterpieces. The film's unbounded independence and visual splendour elicited admiration. However, in the context of the late-1960s Soviet film production's orientation towards Socialist Realism, the film was perceived as a CHALLENGE and ARTISTIC PROVOCATION.
Special features:
• Levon Grigoryan's film «Memoirs on Sajat-Nova»
• Photo album «Pamyati Sergeya Paradzhanova
• Cinema and collages
• Filmography
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, Armenian; Mono: Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
The Men (Muzhchiny) (Tghamardik)
Director: Edmond Keosayan
1972, USSR - Armenia, 67 min., comedy
Film director Edmond Keosayan had earned renown for his heroic trilogy about "The Elusive Revengers". However, he made many more beautiful films (The Cook, When September Comes, Oriole Is Crying Somewhere). The Men, a truly kind, touching and ironic film, opened a new page in Keosayan's artistic career, revealing an absolutely unexpected side of his talent.
Three friends are trying, by hook or by crook, to bring their luckless buddy together with a girl he fell for.
Special features:
• "The making of..."
• Film "Pantheon of memoirs"
• Photo album "Elusive Keosayan"
• Filmography
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Subtitles: Russian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
The Soldier and the Elephant (Zinvorn u pighe) (Soldat i slon)
Director: Dmitriy Kesayants
1977, Armenia - USSR, 77 min., comedy
In 1942, an elephant was sent from Moscow to Yerevan. Despite the war going on, it had been decided to have a zoo in Armenia's capital. However, the train with the elephant was bombed near Rostov, and for a long time nothing was known about the fate of the animal. He was found only three years later, during the storming of one of the mansions near Berlin. The soldier Armenak, an Armenian, was ordered to deliver the elephant to Yerevan, this time from Germany. Our hero had to lead the elephant around the world for quite a while, before he could carry out his order.
This amazing story with an incredible, as it seems, plot is based on actual events. Frunze Mkrtchyan, a wonderful actor, played one of his best roles in this touching comedy. His character doesn't strike you as an experienced warrior, for whom everything is just a child's play. However, private Armenak is a courageous and sympathetic man, ready to lend a helping hand at any moment. In a word, he is a real man and a good soldier.
• FF in Yerevan - the First prize on section of children's films (actor F.Mkrtchjanu), 1978
Special features:
• Film "Pantheon of memoirs"
• Photo album "Frunze Mkrtchyan"
• Filmography
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
David Bek (Davit Bek) (David-Bek)
Director: Amo Bek-Nazarov
1943, USSR - Armenia, 88 min., historical, drama
In the early 18th century, Armenia was under the yoke of Persians. The divided Armenian principalities could not withstand the force of Aslamaz Kuli Khan, the Shah of Persia's governor-general. Oppressed by the cruel khan, the Armenian people were preparing for a great war of liberation…
Hrachia Nersesyan (Song of the First Love), Yevgeny Samoilov (At Six O'clock in the Evening After the War), Vladimir Yershov (Treasure Island) in a large-scale epic of the classic of Armenian cinema Amo Bek-Nazarov (The Girl of Ararat Valley). Like all of the master's film, the historic drama about the heroic struggle of the Armenian people for national self-determination under the leadership of the outstanding warlord David Bek was a smashing success with audiences.
Special features:
• Film "Pantheon of memoirs"
• Filmography
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Star of Hope (Huso Astgh) (Mkhitar sparapet) (Zvezda nadezhdy)
Director: Edmond Keosayan
1978, USSR - Armenia, 72 + 78 min., historical, drama
This film is dedicated to the brotherly and inviolable friendship of the Armenian and Russian peoples, born in a common struggle for the freedom and independence of Armenia.
Based on Sero Khanzadyan's historic novel "Mkhitar Sparapet".
A large-scale historic-romantic two-film epic by Edmond Keosayan about the leaders of the national liberation struggle of the Armenian people against Turkish invaders – David Bek and Mkhitar Sparapet (18th century).
Special features:
• Filmography
• Photo album "Elusive Keosayan"
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Subtitles: Russian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Tsvet granata (Sayat Nova) (Nran Guyne) (The Color of Pomegranates)
Rezhisser: Sergey Paradzhanov
1970, Armeniya, 69 min., pritcha
Kartina sostoit iz neskolkih kinominiatyur, povestvuyushchih o zhizni srednevekovogo armyanskogo poeta Sayat-Novy: istorii ego lyubvi, otnoshenii k religii, svetskoy vlasti, narodu.
«Tsvet granata» - unikalnyy kulturnyy fenomen. Vmesto «interesnoy istorii» Paradzhanov predlozhil nabor zhivopisnyh shedevrov. Beskonechnaya svoboda, izobrazitelnoe velikolepie kartiny voshishchali. Odnako v kontekste otechestvennoy kinoproduktsii kontsa shestidesyatyh, orientirovannoy na printsip sotsrealizma, film vosprinimalsya kak vyzov i hudozhestvennaya provokatsiya.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Film Levona Grigoryana «Vospominanie o Sayat-Nove»
• Fotoalbom «Pamyati Sergeya Paradzhanova
• Kino i kollazhi
• Filmografii
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkiy, Armyanskiy; Mono: Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Muzhchiny (Tghamardik) (The Men)
Rezhisser: Edmond Keosayan
1972, SSSR - Armeniya, 67 min., komediya
Rezhisser Edmond Keosayan proslavilsya svoey geroicheskoy trilogiey o «Neulovimyh mstitelyah». Vmeste s tem, on snyal eshche nemalo prekrasnyh kartin («Stryapuha», «Kogda nastupaet sentyabr», «Gde-to plachet ivolga»). Neveroyatno dobryy, trogatelnyy i ironichnyy film ”Muzhchiny” otkryl novuyu stranitsu v tvorchestve Keosayana i raskryl ego talant s sovershenno neozhidannoy storony.
Trogatelnaya i ironichnaya komediya Edmonda Keosayana o treh druzyah, pytayushchihsya vsemi pravdami i nepravdami poznakomit svoego nezadachlivogo druga s ponravivsheysya emu devushkoy…
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Film o filme
• Videofilm «Panteon vospominaniy»
• Fotoalbom «Neulovimyy Keosayan»
• Filmografii
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Subtitrovye versii: Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Soldat i slon (Zinvorn u pighe) (The Soldier and the Elephant)
Rezhisser: Dmitriy Kesayants
1977, Armeniya - SSSR, 77 min., komediya
V 1942 godu iz Moskvy v Erevan byl otpravlen slon. Vopreki voyne v stolitse Armenii bylo resheno sozdat zoopark. Odnako pod Rostovom zheleznodorozhnyy sostav razbombili, i dolgoe vremya o sudbe slona nichego ne znali. Ego obnaruzhili lish tri goda spustya, vo vremya shturma odnogo iz osobnyakov pod Berlinom. Soldatu Armenaku, armyaninu po natsionalnosti, byl dan prikaz - dostavit slona v Erevan teper uzhe iz Germanii. Dolgo vodil geroy slona po svetu, prezhde chem vypolnit zadanie.
Eta udivitelnaya istoriya s neveroyatnym na pervyy vzglyad syuzhetom osnovana na podlinnyh sobytiyah. Zamechatelnyy Frunzik Mkrtchyan sygral v etoy dobroy komedii odnu iz svoih luchshih roley. Ego geroy ne proizvodit vpechatleniya byvalogo voyaki, kotoromu vse nipochem. Vmeste s tem ryadovoy Armenak muzhestvennyy i otzyvchivyy chelovek, gotovyy v lyubuyu minutu priyti na pomoshch. Slovom, eto nastoyashchiy chelovek i nastoyashchiy soldat.
• VKF v Erevane - Pervyy priz po razdelu detskih filmov (akteru F. Mkrtchyanu), 1978
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Videofilm «Panteon vospominaniy»
• Fotoalbom «Frunze Mkrtchyan»
• Filmografii
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
David-Bek (Davit Bek) (David Bek)
Rezhisser: Amo Bek-Nazarov
1943, SSSR - Armeniya, 88 min., istoricheskaya drama
V nachale 18 veka Armeniya nahodilas pod igom persov. Razroznennye armyanskie knyazhestva ne mogli protivostoyat sile Aslamaz-Kuli-hana, namestnika persidskogo shaha. Ugnetaemyy zhestokim hanom armyanskiy narod gotovilsya k velikoy osvoboditelnoy voyne!..
Grachiya Nersesyan («Pesnya pervoy lyubvi»), Evgeniy Samoylov ("V shest chasov vechera posle voyny»"), Vladimir Ershov ("Ostrov sokrovishch") v masshtabnoy epopee klassika armyanskogo kino Amo Bek-Nazarova («Devushka Araratskoy doliny»). Kak i vse filmy mastera, istoricheskaya drama o geroicheskoy borbe armyanskogo naroda za natsionalnoe samoopredelenie pod predvoditelstvom vydayushchegosya polkovodtsa David-Beka imela oshelomitelnyy uspeh u zriteley.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Videofilm «Panteon vospominaniy»
• Filmografii
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Zvezda nadezhdy (Huso Astgh) (Mkhitar sparapet) (Star of Hope)
Rezhisser: Edmond Keosayan
1978, Rossiya - Armeniya, 72 + 78 min., istoricheskaya drama
Bratskoy i nerushimoy druzhbe armyanskogo i russkogo narodov, rozhdennoy v sovmestnoy borbe za svobodu i nezavisimost Armenii, posvyashchaetsya!
Po motivam istoricheskogo romana Sero Handzadyana «Mhitar Sparapet».
Masshtabnaya istoriko-romanticheskaya dilogiya Edmonda Keosayana o predvoditelyah natsionalno-osvoboditelnoy borby armyanskogo naroda protiv turetskih zahvatchikov David-Beke i Mhitare Sparapete (XVIII vek).
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom «Neulovimyy Keosayan»
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Subtitrovye versii: Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015115 |
204000016276 |
Release Date |
2008 |
Quantity per set |
5 |
Duration |
7 hours 31 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Keep case + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Format: 5 DVD (Collector's Edition) |
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