A Cruel Romance (Zhestokiy romans) (RUSCICO) (PAL)
Composer: Andrej Petrov
Writer: Aleksandr Ostrovskiy
Camera: Vadim Alisov
The beautiful Larissa Ogudalova, daughter of an impoverished, widowed noblewoman, living in a small town on the Volga, is madly in love with Sergei Sergeyevich Paratov. He reciprocates the girl’s feelings as long as it suits his purposes. Paratov keeps secret his engagement to another girl and just passes time with Larissa. At the climactic moment, when the girl is expecting him to explain himself, he leaves town to go inspect his estate. At the same time, Larissa is being proposed to by Karandyshev, whom she despises.
Starring as Paratov is the famous actor and director Nikita Mikhalkov. The film is enriched with a lot of beautiful music, with romances which had been written expressly for this motion picture and became very popular after the release of the film.
* “Golden Peacock” – the Grand Prize at the New Delhi IFF (India),1985
Extra materials:
* Filmographies;
* Ostrovsky
Film snjat po motivam pesy krupnejshego russkogo dramaturga XIX veka Aleksandra Ostrovskogo "Bespridannica".
Dejstvie razvorachivaetsja v provincial'nom gorodke, stojawem na beregu Volgi. Krasavica Larisa Ogudalova, doch' obednevshej vdovy-dvorjanki, bez pamjati vljublena v lowenogo krasavca Sergeja Sergeevicha Paratova. On zhe, raschetlivyj i praktichnyj, otvechaet devushke vzaimnostju - do pory do vremeni. V reshajuwij moment, kogda devushka zhdet ob#jasnenija s ljubimym, on ischezaet iz ee zhizni. A oskorblennoj Larise delaet predlozhenie Karandyshev, kotorogo ona preziraet…
V roli Paratova snjalsja izvestnyj akter i rezhisser Nikita Mihalkov. V fil'me mnogo prekrasnoj muzyki, zvuchat special'no napisannye dlja jetoj kartiny romansy, poluchivshie ogromnuju populjarnost' posle vyhoda lenty v prokat.
* "Zolotoj pavlin" - glavnyj priz MKF v Deli (Indija), 1985
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
* Fotografii rabochih momentov s´jemok filma.
* Fotografii i filmografii sozdatelej filma.
* Ostrovskij
* Kostroma
* Intervju s operatorom filma V. Alisovym i aktrisoj L. Guzeevoj, ispolnitelnicej glavnoj roli.
* Vstuplenie k "Zhestokomu Romansu". Rezhisserskij kommentarij.
* Fragment iz fil'ma “Bespridannica” 1937 goda.
* Romansy
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777023240 |
204000018614 |
Release Date |
1984 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
2 hours 25 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Digipak) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
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