Come and See (Go and Look) (Fr.: Requiem pour un massacre) (Idi i smotri) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Composer: Oleg Yanchenko
Script: Ales Adamovich
Camera: Aleksey Rodionov
The authors describe the place and events which became a symbol of national tragedy. The hero of the film is Flyora, a sixteen-year-old boy that turned to the woods to help the partisans. At the beginning he is just a kid. Then he lives through the horror of the Nazi executions and becomes amazingly grown-up, and even old. The war had distorted the once tender childish facial features - it`s all wrinkles now. The altered face of Flyora is the face of War. The authors were so true-to-life, uncompromising and austere as to portray in the centre of the film not some grown-up man, but an unexperie nced kid with his childhood still here.
• Grand Special Prize at the All-Union FF, 1986
• Prize of the All-Union FF for camera work, 1986
• Prize of the All-Union FF for sound work, 1986
• Prize of the All-Union FF to the composer, 1986
Special freatures:
• Interviews with director Elem Klimov, production designer V. Petrov, actor A. Kravchenko
• Archive materials "Partisans in Belarus", "Nazi’ Brutalities"
• Cast and Crew Filmographies
• Photo Album
• Coming soon on DVD
Avtorami vybrano imenno to mesto i te sobytiya, kotorye stali simvolom narodnoj bedy i stradaniya . Geroj lenty, Flera, - shestnadtsatiletnij malchishka, otpravivshijsya v les na podmogu k partizanam . V nachale filma on sovsem rebenok . V kontse, projdya cherez uzhas karatelnoj aktsii fashistov, stanovitsya vzroslym, pugayusche vzroslym i dazhe - starym . Vojna iskazila kogda-to nezhnye, detskie cherty i prevratila ih v starcheskie morschiny . Izmenivsheesya litso Flery - eto litso Vojny . Surovye v svoej beskompromissnoj trezvosti avtory sdelali geroem filma ne ordenonosnogo partizana, a nesmyshlenogo parenka, esche ne pokinuvshego detstvo.
• Glavnyj Spetsialnyj priz Vsesoyuznogo kinofestivalya za 1986 god
• Premiya Vsesoyuznogo kinofestivalya za operatorskuyu rabotu za 1986 god
• Premiya Vsesoyuznogo kinofestivalya za rabotu zvukooperatora za 1986 god
• Premiya Vsesoyuznogo kinofestivalya za rabotu kompozitora za 1986 god
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Fotografii i filmografii sozdatelej filma
• Intervyu s rezhisserom E. Klimovym
• Intervyu s ispolnitelem roli Flery A. Kravchenko
• Intervyu s hudozhnikom-postanovschikom Viktorom Petrovym
• Dokumentalnye syuzhety: "Zverstva fashistov v Belorussii", "Partizanskoe dvizhenie v Belorussii"
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777013845, 4606777004348, 4606777003068 |
204000003610 |
Release Date |
1985 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
2 hours 25 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
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